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Parents of North

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Updated News, Dates and Other Important Information:
Always Located on the “NEBR HOME” tab.

Documents & Information:
Please click on the “Handouts” tab for the below documents.
Player & Parent Agreement (Please read, sign and turn in.)
Player Registration (This will take to you WVBR website)
Local Rules
Bat Rules
Transfer Policy

 What Makes A Nightmare Sports Parent -- And What Makes A Great One, by Steve Henson


Questions & Answers

          *Batting Helmet

* Babe Ruth and NE do not provide batting helmets or bats.
Bringing your own batting helmet and bat will allow your player to participate in practice without delay waiting for a helmet or bat to become available. Some players share those items but they are all owned by one player or another.

 A player’s age is determined by the age of the player on May 1st of current year.
          8 year old player turns 9 on May 2 of current year = Player is considered an 8 year old.
          8 year old player turns 9 on April 29 of current year = Player is considered a 9 year old.

Age Chart breakout is located at the bottom of this page.

          Two Step Process:
               1. Register at the Willamette Valley Babe Ruth (WVBR) website. (
All players from around the Willamette Valley register the same place.)
               2. Player Fees are due to North Eugene (NE) Babe Ruth.
Click on the “Registration & Fees” tab located under "PAGES" menu for more information and links.
Other forms and information located on the "Handouts" page located under "FORMS" menu.

 NE PARENT MEETING (Before Player Evaluations)
A parent meeting will be held during a weekday evening prior to player evaluations each season.

          When? Date and Time will be announced each season on our NEBR Home page.
          Where? Meeting will be held at North Eugene High School. Room location will be posted on our NEBR Home page.
          What to expect? Meet your NEBR Board Members | Receive information regarding Evaluations | What to expect playing for NE | Ask questions & much more!

          Where are NE evaluations held? At Swede Johnson Stadium.
               This is the NE High School Varsity baseball facility.
          What time does evaluations start? Please arrive 15 minutes early so your ball player has time to gear up and ready to start evaluations at the scheduled time. (Help your player learn this is a "Team" sport and his/her team is counting on them to be on time and ready to play ball.)
Times will be announced on our NEBR Home Page each new season.
          What to bring: Baseball glove, bat, batting helmet, cleats, baseball hat, tennis shoes, sweatshirt, and water.
          What to expect at try outs: Evaluations are run by North Eugene Highlander Coaches and current NE Players.
               Players are evaluated by NE Highlander Coaches and NE Babe Ruth Coaches in the areas of:
                         Infield, outfield, hitting, speed, attitude, effort, and potential.
               Try outs are open to parents, but no interaction is allowed while players are being evaluated. 
               Parents are not allowed on any part of the baseball fields at any time.
          How are teams formed?
               After the second day of evaluations, the NE Babe Ruth board and coaches meet to form teams.
               Scores and comments are tallied and sorted.
               Teams are formed according to the WVBR guidelines.
               Coaches will call each player to inform player of placement when teams are finalized.
          We have a Conflict with Evaluation Dates or Times, what can we do?
                NEBR Coaches would like all ball players to participate both days of evaluations but we also know that current sports may conflict with evaluations. We request that you participate in at least one day of evaluations and also complete your commitment to your current team. Please communicate with NEBR Coaches if you will miss one day. Communication is key to a good team.

          Hat - fitted
          Jersey - last name printed on the back

          Belt (T-Ball will not have a belt)

Fees also cover the cost of field maintenance, umpires and other equipment needed for practice and games.

      When: Your head coach will announce NE fitting date. (weekday, evening)
      Hours: Each Team will be given a time slot for fittings.
          We encourage your player to be fitted at your team’s assigned time to make this night run smoothly. However if you are unable to make your team’s assigned time, please have your player come any time during the fitting hours.
      We missed fitting night, how can my player get fitted for a NE uniform?
          You will need to make arrangements to go to Eugene Silkscreen and be fitted for your uniform.
      When are fees due? Fees are due on fitting night by cash, check or credit card.
          Pay on-line early - look for the link on the "Home" page after teams have been formed.

          Players will be in full uniform before their first game. 
(errors do happen but expect by first game)
          Uniforms will be withheld until player fee is paid in full.         

          Maxwell Fields: T-Ball through Major’s.
               Practice and some Games are played at Maxwell Fields.
               (Click on “Directions” tab located under "SCHEDULES" menu to view an overhead shot of our NE Babe Ruth facilities.)
          Babe Ruth Complex: T-Ball through Major’s.
               Most games (home & away) are played at this outstanding facility!
          Swede Johnson Stadium: Prep American & Prep National.
               This is the NE High School Varsity Facility.
               All practice and home games are played here. Best Varsity Field in Lane County!

          Your head coach will inform you when schedules have been posted.
          Or you can always keep an eye on WVBR schedule page.

        Where does the raffle ticket money go?
            Money offsets the yearly cost of field maintenance, facilities, umpires and more.
        When does my player pick up raffle tickets to sell?
            Your player will receive tickets to sell during Fitting and Registration Night.
        Can my player sell more than the the original tickets given?
            Yes, your player can sell more tickets.
            Ask your Team Parent for more tickets or contact NE Fundraising Coordinator or Treasurer to pick up more tickets.
        When are raffle tickets due?
            Give all your sold and unsold Raffle tickets to your Team Parent.
            Due: each seasons due date will vary and be announced on the home page of NE website.
        What do I do with UNSOLD tickets?
            Turn in all unsold tickets to your Team Parent as all tickets have been assigned to your player and need to be accounted for with the WVBR.
            Tickets are considered money so if you were given 25 tickets either 25 tickets need to be returned or $50 is due.
        Can my player still play if he/she didn’t sell tickets? Yes
            However we encouraged that all players sell their assigned tickets.
            This is a great way to teach your player the team commitment and responsibility of playing for WVBR and NE Baseball.
            Again, this raffle helps keep our costs down. 

All Coaches are volunteers and we are always looking for good coaches to lead our young players in the knowledge of baseball. Fundamental, keeping the game fun, fair play, team work, sportsmanship and hard work.

Coaches can be a:
          Family Friend
          Baseball Player who loves the game and wants to give back

If you are interested in coaching, please contact North Eugene’s Coach Coordinator.

          Be a Team Parent! (see “TEAM PARENT" questions and answers below)
          Maxwell Fields:
               Mowing Fields
Prepping Maxwell fields for games
               Edging around benches, bleachers and fences
Dugout maintenance
               Garbage clean up
          Working Concession at Swede - See "Home Plate Grill" below. (Prep American & Prep National teams only)

Special Skill? If you have a skill that can help NE Babe Ruth Baseball Players please let us know. We are always open for your help in creating a fun learning environment and great NE fields. (Plumber, Electrician, Construction, Grounds, Painter, Photographer or ??)

Reach out to your coach for what they might need or contact our “Field Maintenance” parent to ask how you can help. The more we help each other the stronger we are as a team and We Are North!

       Who can be a Team Parent? Any parent or guardian who wants to help out your team.
          1) First contact for parents on your team that need information or have questions.
          2) Fundraising organizing for your team:
                 Collecting WVBR Raffle Tickets and delivering to NE Treasurer.
                 Other fundraising: handing out forms, collecting forms and money from your players and delivering to NE Treasure.
          3) Coach’s help: your coach may ask for other help in organizing parents or team activities.
          4) Scheduling Shifts for Home Plate Grill: NE Prep Teams (see “Home Plate Grill” Q&A)

 HOME PLATE GRILL concessions at Swede? (home games only)
          Who Works? Prep American & Prep National PARENTS
               Two parents for each home game will be required to work the front window at the Home Plat Grill concession stand.
               They need to be 18 or older.
          Who creates the work shifts? The Team Parent for each Prep Team will schedule a two person shift for each home game and send out the schedules to all parents.
          Can I ask for a certain game or date to work? Yes, but you need to contact the Team Parent as soon as possible to request that date. However, no date can be guaranteed. 
          What if I can’t work the shift that was given to me? You will need to find a replacement to work for you. Trade with another parent or find another family member to cover your shift.
          Will I have to cook? No, Ray does all the cooking. You will be running the cash register, taking and filling orders.
          Where does the money go? All the profits go straight back to the NE Baseball program.
               Ray and Art volunteer running the concessions for all North Eugene Home games. They do not get paid for their work. (shopping, opening, closing, cleaning, cooking and more) What a wonderful Gift that Ray and Art give to North Eugene Baseball!
          Who works during NE JV and Varsity Games? All NE PARENTS of Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior players. Senior player’s families do not work concessions but are supported by the younger classmen families by allowing those families to enjoy their Senior's final season as a North Eugene Baseball Player.

          Subscribe through this website to receive the latest information from NEBR.
          We won’t fill your inbox with spam, just NEBR Baseball information to keep you in the Game.

          Only 2 Steps
          STEP 1: Create an account.
               Select the "LOGIN" button located top right on this website.
               Select: Create a New Account
               Fill out form and click on Create Account

          STEP 2: Set up your Communications.
               Select “Communications” section from your Home tab.
               Email Lists: check mark “North Eugene Babe Ruth”.
               Save Changes.

          Welcome to YOUR NEBR FAMILY!

          If you have questions, concerns, a complaint or a grievance, please follow this “chain of command”:
               1. Speak to YOUR Team Parent
               2. Or YOUR Head Coach
               3. Team Parent or Head Coach will discuss matters with Area Representative. (North Eugene (NE) Representative)
               4. NE Representative will discuss matters with NE President to try and reach resolution.
               5. If no resolution to the matter can be determined by the NE Directors, then a NE Representative can take the subject to WVBR Board for discussion and resolution.

      Please contact your Team Parent first with your question.
      Followed by your Team's Head Coach.
      Still need help? Reach out to our NE Board by contacting our Communications: Player/Parent Coordinator.
      Board Contact information located on the "Contact Info" tab.

 Do you have other questions?
          Please send us an email.
          If you are wondering, others are too.

Spirit Gear?
 When does the Spirit Gear order need to be turned in?
          Full Orders and Full Payments each season will be announce on your NEBR HOME page.
 Where to I submit my order?
          Announcement will be on your NE Home Page each season.
          If you are unsure, please contact Your Team Parent.
 How do I pay for my Spirit Gear order?
          Check, Cash, Credit Card or PayPal.
          How to pay is listed below here under "How can I pay for Spirit Gear".
 When is Payment Due?
          Full payment is due before your order is considered fully processed. 
          The easiest way is to pay when you submit your order form.
 Will there be more than one chance during the season to order Spirit Gear?
          Usually just one order for Spirit Gear per season, but please keep your eyes open on your NE Home Page for additional information each season.
 When can I expect my order to arrive?
          Announcement will be made on your NEBR HOME page.
          Our goal is within the first games of the regular season.
          Your Team Parent will pick up your team Spirit Gear orders and will deliver them to you.

 When do I turn in my Spirit Gear order?
          All announcements will be posted each season on our NEBR HOME page.
 Will I have more than one chance to order Spirit Gear during each season?
          NEBR typically has ONE ORDER PER SEASON, but announcements will always be posted on your NEBR HOME page.
 When can I expect my order to arrive?
           Arrival and Announced on your NEBR HOME page.

 How can I pay for Spirit Gear?
     PayPal for Payment!
          Go to and follow the instructions below.
      I have a PayPal Account:
          1. Log into your PayPal account at
          2. Select “Send & Request” at the top of the website.
          3. Select “Pay for goods or services”
          4. Enter email address and click “Next”
          5. Enter your TOTAL Spirit Gear amount.
          6. +Special instructions to seller:
                    a. Your Full Name
                    b. Your Players Team (Rookie Major, AA, Majors, Prep American, etc.)
          7. Select Continue.
          8. Confirm your amount.
          9. Click “Send Money Now”
          Your All Done!

      I don’t have a PayPal Account:
          It’s no cost to you to sign up for a PayPal account.
          Click on and click “Sign Up” and follow the instructions to create your account.
          Then follow the instructions above to pay for your Spirit Gear.

      I don’t want a PayPal Account:
          That’s OK. Please use one of the other options listed here to pay for your Spirit Gear.

     Check or Cash:
          1. Mail Check to NE Treasurer: Please contact your NE Treasurer for mailing address here. (contact through your NE Website under "Contact Info")
          2. Other options for dropping off Checks or Cash will be announced each season on your NE Home Page.
          3. Ask Your Team Parent for other options as well.

      Credit Card and not using PayPal:
          4. Please contact our NE Treasurer and they will be able to process your credit card payment over the phone. 
(contact through your NE Website under "Contact Info")


Age Chart:
Baseball age is determined by the age of the player on May 1 of current year.

Team Age Max Players of Age Group
  T-Ball   5-6   
  Rookie Minor   7-8    Max of four 8 year-olds
  Rookie Major   8-9    Max of four 9 year-olds
  AA   9-10    Max of four 10 year-olds
  AAA   10-11    Max of four 11 year-olds
  Major Minor   11-12    Max of six 12 year-olds
  Majors   11-12    Max of eight 12 year-olds
  Prep American   13-15    Max of four 14 year-olds
  Prep National   13-15    Max of five 15 year-olds

Click Here for Babe Ruth Age Chart On Line