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Onaping Falls Mixed Slo Pitch League General Meeting Minutes       

Onaping Falls Legion Branch 503 - upper hall

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 7:00 pm

  1. Sign in / deposits 20 teams registered and paid their $100 deposit for the 2017 ball season.
  2. New executive was introduced ... we will post an updated executive contact list.
    • Tracy Peura - President
    • Norman Todd Spicer - Vice president
    • Cindy Hykin - Treasurer
    • Tina Pitre - Secretary
    • Members: Joanne Martel, Jenny Collins, Sylvie Yarkie, Cadence Pangowish, Aaron Oxley
  3. Budget review The budget from the previous year was printed in error but the correct one will be posted (posted on FB page on 2/4/17). Starting balance for 2017 is $10,393.22.
  4. Motion was brought forward to have umpires during regular season play. Most were in favor ... this brought the team team registration fee from $900 to $1300 per team. Motion was brought forward and voted in favor to have league pay 50% ... it was agreed that the league will contribute $2000 towards umpires. League fees to be determined.       As of 30/3/17:  There may not be enough umpires available to cover regular season play so we will update everyone when we know what is happening.
  5. If fees remain the same as last year:  Teams paid their $100 deposits, therefore balance of $800 is due on or before May 19th. Balance of Fees goes up to $900 if paid on or before June 9th. Balance of Fees goes up to $1100 if paid on or before June 23rd. After that time, unpaid teams will be removed from the schedule. *** These numbers will increase if we do have umpires as mentioned above.
  6. Review of rules and regulations: No one brought any questions forth, except 1 in private afterwards. It is encouraged for EVERY player to read and review the rules and regulations before the season starts. A motion was brought forward that the pitching mound should have an 8 ft radius 15" down from the pitcher plate. Motion was passed so pitchers will need to stay within these parameters.
  7. Season information:
    • Season begins Tuesday, May 23rd, after the long weekend.
    • Game results to be texted to Tina Pitre 705-207-9400 after each game from both captains.
    • We are looking into a new scorekeeping method / app that would allow captains to go and input scores without a 3rd party and will provide an update as soon as we can.
    • SPN package and balls will be at first game field to be collected from team captains.
    • Captains ... remember to add, remove and update rosters as needed and have waivers done by all players no later than June 23rd!
    • Home team to use a new ball every game.
    • Jeff Dane will have the light key for the Levack field so be sure to arrange with him any late games where you need the lights turned on. Special note : Please send a reminder to executive if power outages are experienced in Levack as it affects the timer for the lights and the City will need to be contacted to reset.
    • Aaron Oxley will be preparing the schedule. Games will be scheduled Monday through Thursday evenings at 6:30, with some 8:00 games in Levack. Motions were brought forward regarding no special accommodations being made, all teams to play on all fields as equally as possible. Both motions were voted in favor so schedule will be made with no special accommodations and with teams playing as equally as possible on all 3 fields.
    • Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations: Any players, spouses or dependent adult children of XStrata, please submit employee numbers to the executive as soon as possible as we are given money for them.
    • Reminder of no alcohol / no smoking and anti bullying rules and regulations that are in place on the playing fields.
  8. Tournament information
    • Tournament is from Thursday September 7th to Sunday, September 10th.
    • Entertainment from Andrea on Friday night, Bouncy castles, face painting and cotton candy on Sunday.
    • Motion to have a 6PM start time during tourney due to lack of sunlight, passed! Therefore, there will be a 6PM start time for tournament games on Thursday and Friday evening.
    • Motion to remove consolation game on Sunday, struck down ... consolation games remain.
    • Motion for beverages of choice from Molson to Labatt's as there are more perks etc. ... motion was passed so the change will be made.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm


              Onaping Falls Mixed Slo Pitch League General Meeting Minutes       

Onaping Falls Legion Branch 503

Monday, April 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm


1.      Eighteen teams provided a$100 deposit.

2.      Executive intoduced: Tracy Peura (President), Cindy Hykin, Tracy Miller, Jenn Boissionneault

3.      Budget from 2015 season was provided. Only 1 question: Why do we pay so much for lights since they were donated? Answer – city fee for use of lights is the same at all fields, regardless of how they were obtained.

4.      Team Fees: If paid on or before May 20th, total entry fee is $900. If paid between May 21st and June 10th, total entry fee is $1000. If paid between June 11th and June 24th, total entry fee is $1200. If total fees are not paid by June 24th, team will be removed from  the schedule. Any games played against the disqualified team will not count towards the win/loss record.

5.      Payment methods: cheque or cash only. Cheques to be made payable to the Onaping Falls Mixed Slo Pitch League (OFMSPL) The full remaining balance can be paid to any of the executive or at the Caisse Populaire.

6.      Ball will start the week of May 24th, pending weather.

7.      There may be some 8:00 games on the schedule this year. Three teams volunteered to play the late games: Clinic, DILLIGAF and Untouchables.

8.      Tournament weekend: September 8 – 11, 2016.

9.      The league facebook page has been changed from public to private. Send a message to one of the executive if you would like to be added.

10.  The league website is the same: This will have the rules, minutes, schedule, etc

11.  Insurance through SPN once again. Tracy Peura will send out an explanation of what and how to get your team registered. Team as listed, will be used as your roster.

12.  Each team will receive a package that will include scoresheets, rules, balls, etc. This package will be available at the location of your first scheduled game, in the box. They will be placed there on May 23 in the evening and available for pickup anytime after that.

·         The home team is responsible to use their scoresheet. 1 scoresheet per game, 1 team on each side of sheet. Both team captains to sign the sheet at the end of the game.

13.  Both teams to text the game result to Tracy Peura so she can post on website.

14.  Keys for the boxes will be provided to the new teams, as well as to those that have lost keys. Tracy Peura will ask the City for keys to the lights in Levack for late games.

15.  Rescheduling games: Cindy Hykin is the game rescheduler for rained out games. These should be the only games that were cancelled. If games are cancelled due to lack of players, team that cancelled will be charged $60 to cover the cost of the unused field, unless they give at least 1 week notice. Some concerns were brought up about this. League can’t afford to pay for the use of fields that are not in use.

16.  Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations (INO), a Glencore company has an athletic association that donates to the league. Please provide names of players affiliated with Glencore (employee, spouse or dependent of employee) Badge number of Glencore employee is also required. Message Tracy Peura by the end of May.

17.  Discussed the infield fly rule, tagging a runner going to first, and NOT tagging a runner at home.

18.  No alcohol at the fields – this has been followed very well the last couple of years. Keep it up!

19.  No smoking policy in Sudbury parks, monitored by the Sudbury & District Health Unit.

20.  Tournament Entertainment Schedule:

·         Live Music Friday night in Dowling bar area

·         Bouncy castles, face painting, cotton candy on Sunday afternoon

21.  Request for tournament dance– denied by executive due to fights and liquor license issues in the past. The Clinic team may run a dance Saturday night on their own. League will not assist in this.

22.  Tournament schedule – tell executive 3 weeks in advance if there is a day your team cannot play. There will be no changes made once the schedule is made.

23.  Concerns : Kids in beer tent – parent upset about someone swearing. Kids are allowed, hopefully 1 time issue. Things are usually good.

·         Bases – tired of digging in the sand to find holes. Solution : home team can opt to bring their own bases and use old style, or use the bases in the box

·         Scoresheets are turned in before playing each team once, some teams were played twice. Unfortunately, that’s how the schedule falls – have to make tourney schedule in advance, can’t wait until last minute.

24.  Suggestion – beginning of season tournament. League will not run this, 1 tournament is enough to run. If someone choses to run a tournament on their own, that is ok. 

April 9, 2013 - Minutes from General Meeting

  1. Fourteen teams provided $100 deposit.
  2. Budget from the 2012 season was provided and reviewed.
  3. Ball starts the week of May 21, 2013
  4. Team Fees:  If paid on or before May 17, 2013, total entry fee is $900.  After May 17 but before June 14, total entry fee is $1000, after June 14 and before June 28, 2013, total entry fee is $1200.  If total fees are not paid by June 28, 2013, the team will be removed from the schedule.  Any games already played against the disqualified team will not count towards the win/loss record.
  5. Cheques to be made payable to Onaping Falls Mixed Slo Pitch League.
  6. Payment can be made to any Executive member or the Caisse Populaire Dowling.
  7. The league has a facebook page.  If you are not currently a member, please ask to be invited.
  8. The league has a website:
  9. League will register with SPN.  Each team member will be required to register with the website and will need an email address to be included.  It is required for insurance purposes.  Be sure to include anyone that you may call to be a spare.
  10. Once your team is registered with SPN, you will receive a package.  Included in the package are scoresheets.  The home team will be responsible to use their scoresheet.  Please use one scoresheet per game - one team on each side.
  11. Rules:  Each team will receive a rule book with their SPN package.  They will also receive a copy of the League rules and they will be posted on the website.  The League rules are exceptions to the SPN rules.  A few of the rules were clarified:  Infield fly rule, tagging runners going to first base or home plate, NO open inning during regular season play, $20 charge for a missed meeting.
  12. Rene and Derek will be making a Pitcher's fence to be located six feet in front of the pitching mound.  If the ball hits the fence when coming off the bat, the batter is out.  If the pitcher hits the fence during a pitch, it is a ball.  If the ball hits the fence at anyother time, the ball is still in play.  This will be a test until June 28, 2013 and then one member from each team is requested to provide feedback via Facebook.  A decision will then be made if to continue to use the fence or remove it for the balance of the season.
  13. City suspension policy for alcohol at the fields was discussed.  There is a zero tolerance policy.  If a person(s) is found to have alcohol at the field, the TEAM will be suspended from the league for two weeks.  A meeting will be required with Leisure staff prior to reinstatement.  The Police will be provded with a copy of the schedule.  The Police and / or City staff will be monitoring the fields at random times.
  14. Rescheduler:  Cindy Hykin has volunteered to assume the responsibilities of the rescheduler.
  15. After each game, both teams are to text, email or call, Tracy Peura with the results of their game.
  16. Keys will be provided to the new teams.  If a key needs to be replaced, there is a $5.00 fee.
  17. Xstrata Athletic Association:  Please provide the names and badge numbers of all Xstrata players, spouses, or dependent children playing in the League.
  18. Tournament weekend:  September 5  to 8, 2013.
  19. Discussed a memorial of some sort for Lee Ann Hyatt ie. banner on the beer gardens