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Expectations of Parents and Wrestlers

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Expectations of Parents/ Families


         Foster enthusiasm in the sport of wrestling especially when a wrestler is struggling.

          Parents must be prompt when picking up their children at the end of practices.

          Parents are encouraged to limit participation in wrestling and other extracurricular activities when academic and/or discipline issues would merit high priority. 

          Parents should honestly convey the reasons for absences ahead of time if at all possible to allow coaches to plan practices, matches and meets.

          Make sure that the coordinator is aware of the attendance or absence of your wrestler(s) well in advance (minimum 72 hours notice if at all possible) so all involved can have the best bout experiences.  

        Parents must be supportive of the coaches and their decisions. Parents should talk to the coach in private regarding issues concerning a child, but not during events and when emotions dictate – after a cooling off period. 

          Family members should control their emotions during and after matches. Outburst or tirades by parents will not be tolerated and will be cause for expulsion.

          Parents must show proper respect to wrestlers, visiting teams, their coaches, their fans, our coaches and referees. 

          Parents and family members must be respectful of officials and their calls.

          Parents are encouraged to use a child’s involvement in wrestling as an opportunity to learn and develop in dealing with injustices, missed calls, hurt feelings, finding balance in life and other facets of wrestling.

          Being disrespectful or physical in any way to wrestlers, coaches or referees at an event is cause for dismissal.

          Parents are expected to volunteer their time at our tournaments and matches.  The strength of NATJW A requires this.  We are an all-volunteer organization striving to make great experiences for wrestlers and their families.  In order to do this each and every one of us must not only pay our fees but contribute our time some way.  There are a variety of opportunities to assist.  If there are certain things you prefer to do – volunteer early and you should get your favorite task.

          Teach your child that this sport is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Every child’s learning curve is different, so be patient.  With determination and hard work success will come.

          Realize that this sport gives values beyond wrestling and it will prepare your child for the sport of life.


Expectations of Wrestlers


·         Being part of a team is a commitment to others.  Wrestlers are expected to attend all practices and dual matches. 

·         A wrestler who is absent from school cannot attend a practice or a match that same day. 

·         Wrestlers participating in practices or matches must not be sick.  Wrestling rooms are ideal breeding grounds for germs and sick wrestlers jeopardize the health of their teammates.  For this reason illness should be stated only when accurate. 

·         Wrestlers must control their emotions during and after matches. Temper tantrums or emotional outbursts by wrestlers will not be tolerated and may be cause for expulsion from the team. 

·         Wrestlers should be prompt for all practices and scheduled matches,  

·         Wrestlers must be respectful of officials and their calls. 

·         Wrestlers must show proper respect to the visiting teams, their coaches, their fans, our coaches and referees. 

·         Wrestlers must use proper hygiene after practice by showering with anti-bacterial soap and practicing good hand-washing after every event. 

NATJWA and member families are parents and volunteers.  There are no employees.  Together, if each of us makes a good faith effort to excel in these areas, incredible things will happen.  We are a community pulling for each other.