Pendel Bylaws





















1.1               The Pendel League will hold one meeting (as needed) in the Fall and will resume meetings starting in January.

1.2       The League Secretary’s responsibilities in the offseason include prospecting for new teams, marketing the Pendel League  to collegiate and high school programs, and also administrative responsibilities (creating schedule, obtaining insurance and any other league matters not falling under the Commissioners responsibilities).

1.3        The Commissioner’s responsibilities in the offseason include but are not limited to:  scheduling league meetings, prospecting for new teams, and marketing the Pendel League to collegiate and high school programs.

 1.4       When implementing a new rule or change, the Pendel managers (or appointed team representative) must approve the rule/change with a majority vote

 1.5          All Pendel managers will be responsible for attending offseason meetings. Managers who fail to attend or fail to send a representative will be assessed a fine handed down from the commissioner

 1.6        Budget for the 2024 season will be covered by a $600 team fee














Section 2.                                Gameplay Rules

2.1       The Pendel League uses the Major League Rulebook in all instances unless there are exceptions explicitly covered in these by-laws.

2.1       a) Pendel games are 7 innings long and start at 6:15 PM during the week and no later than 7:30 PM during the week unless approved by the commissioner. Games during the weekend can start no earlier than 11:00 AM and no later than 2:00 PM unless game 2 of a double header starts after 2:00 PM.

a)  An official game is 4 innings due to weather and 5 innings for 10 run mercy rule.

b)  Extra innings are played until one team wins the game. This is unless play is halted by the home plate umpire for darkness, weather or if a field curfew time is reached.  If play is halted prior to the end of any inning, the score will revert to the last full inning played. Stats for the incomplete inning will not be counted. A runner does not start on 2nd base in the extra innings.

2.2       If a regular season game is halted due to weather or darkness prior to the game becoming official, the game will be rescheduled and start from the beginning. (Note: The rule is different for the playoffs, see Sec 8.1)

2.2       In agreement with 2022 offseason meetings. Pendel will play Monday through Friday with exceptions being granted by the commissioner, agreement by the teams, or out of necessity to complete the league schedule.

2.3       If needed, make up games will be allowed to be played on the weekends with agreement between both managers. If one of the manager’s does not agree to a weekend make-up game, the commissioner can rule that a weekend game be played if he determines it is necessary. This decision will be based on the circumstances and the information available. ( i.e. available dates for the make-up game, common off days, field availability, each team’s remaining schedule, the number of days left in the regular season, etc.).

2.4       The Pendel League uses wood bats and wood composite bats.

2.5       Approved baseballs for league play

            1)Wilson A1010HS1/Wilson A1010PRO

2)Diamond D-1 (pro)

3) MLB baseballs

Home team will be responsible for providing the game balls. When new balls are entering the game, they must be delivered to the home plate umpire for inspection. If an unapproved ball enters the game, it is to be removed immediately. Games cannot be appealed or protested due to an unapproved game ball entering the game. If there are no approved game balls available, the game will be played and the home team will be fined an amount to be determined by the commissioner.

2.6       All players and coaches must be in full uniform. Pendel will allow a one-week grace period in the start of the season for jerseys. Windbreaker jackets are allowed for coaches. If a player/coach must enter the game due to an injury, an exception will be made if necessary and must be brought to the attention of the opposing manager and home plate umpire.

2.7       Teams must have a first base coach and a third base coach at all times while on offense. Players can be used as coaches.  Coaches must be in uniform or appropriate team gear.

2.8       Starting pitchers will have the ability to DH for themselves and remain in the game as the DH once they are removed as a pitcher. This designation must be noted on the exchanged line up cards as 1/DH.  If a subsequent pitcher hits in the DH spot (replacing the previous 1/ DH), he also becomes the 1/ DH and can continue to hit after being removed as the pitcher. All other DH substitutions rules will follow the MLB League Rules.

2.9       a) A 2 out runner for the CATCHER must be used. The only player that is eligible to run for the catcher is the last batted out. This rule is also in effect for playoff games.  You can use a pinch runner in place of the catcher or the 2 out runner. This will remove either the catcher from the game or the player who is serving as the 2 out runner.  The manager must specify which player is being removed for the pinch runner.  

2.7       If a player is ejected, he will receive a $25 fine and a 1 game suspension. The player cannot return after his suspension unless his fine has been paid. Each suspension will be reviewed by the commissioner and he can determine if the ejected player deserves a harsher punishment then the $25/1 game suspension. 

2.8       Entering stats on the Pendel League website is the home team’s responsibility unless exceptions are made between each manager. If the home team has not entered their stats in 48 hours after the completion of the game, the visiting team has the right to enter the stats on their own. If the visiting team enters the stats within the 48 hour time period, the home team reserves the right to change the stats to correspond with their scorebook.

2.9       Umpires will be paid $85 per game between Monday and Saturday. Sunday DH’s will be $180. Single games on Sunday single cost will be $90. Each team is responsible for paying ONE of the two umpires each game

2.10     Exchanging lineup cards should be done before the game during ground rules. If a lineup card is written up incorrectly, the umpire must be informed and the situation should be rectified prior to the first pitch.



Section 3                                 Rosters

3.1       The Pendel League will allow 40 roster spots per team. Managers can freely remove and add players throughout the season until they make an appearance in a game. Once a player plays 1 defensive out, pitches to one batter, pinch runs or has 1 plate appearance he cannot be removed from the roster.

3.2       Rosters will freeze July 16th at 11:59 PM. Players cannot be added or removed after that time. 

3.4       Trading of players within Pendel is allowed. However, the League Secretary and Commissioner must be made aware of the trade before a player can transfer teams. If there is a trade where only players are exchanged, each manager has the authority to request equipment and unpaid team fees to be returned. If the return of equipment/fee’s is needed, a player cannot participate in a game unless all debts are squared away and approved by the Commissioner.

3.5       If a player is traded from a team, the player’s statistics, games played and/or pitching appearances with his previous team will be carried over to his new team.


Section 4                     Rescheduling/Postponement of Games/Forfeits

4.1       If a game needs to be postponed due to weather, the home team is responsible for calling the umpire assignor. If the home team cannot, the visiting team is responsible. Postponement of games must be done no later than 5:00PM day of the game. If the game is not postponed by 5:00PM umpires will be paid a half fee for the game. Same rule will apply for Sunday. Sunday games must be postponed at least an hour and a half before the game starts.

4.2       If the game must be postponed and both umpires have arrived at the field, the each  team Is required to pay each umpire half of the game fee.

4.3       Rescheduling of a game must be completed within 5 business days. The home team is responsible for scheduling the game during the available 5 business day window. If a game is not rescheduled within 5 business days, the Commissioner must be alerted of the situation, and he will intervene. Failure to alert the Commissioner of the reschedule issue will result in the Commissioner making a ruling on how he sees fit. Teams should save all communication with the other manager (emails, screenshots, texts) to prove their cause and bring to the commissioner or president.

4.4       If a team forfeits a game, they will be given a 7-0 defeat. The opposing team will be credited with a 7-0 victory.  All players on the winning team will be credited with a game played. All pitchers who already have a been credited with pitching appearance in a game prior to the forfeited game will be also credited with a pitching appearance in addition to a game played.  If the umpires show up to the field and a game is forfeited, the forfeiting team is responsible for paying both umpires a full game fee  

4.5       In the event that a team withdraws from the league during the season, all remaining games with the removed team with be recorded as 7-0 Forfeit wins. Players will be credited with games played and pitching appearances as outlined in sec 4.4.  




Section 5                     Playoff Eligibility

5.1       Pitcher eligibility will be 3 appearances as a pitcher and 9 Innings pitched. A pitcher must finish one complete AB to be credited with an appearance. If a pitcher enters the game during an AB, he must complete the AB to be credited with an appearance.

5.2       Player eligibility is 30% of games played and 10 plate appearances. 

5.3       An appearance as a pitcher is also is considered a game played. All pitchers should also be entered in the offensive box score on the website in order to be credited with the game played.

5.3       If a pitcher obtains playoff eligibility only by meeting the pitching requirements, he can only pitch in the playoffs. However, if a position player obtains playoff eligibility, he will be eligible to pitch in the playoffs.

5.4       a) Playoff eligible pitchers who are not eligible as position players can only hit for themselves if they are the active pitcher in the game.  Once removed from the game, the pitcher replacing him will assume his spot in the order.

b) In the event of a double switch, the manager can choose which new player assumes the pitcher’s spot in the order. If the new pitcher is only pitcher eligible, the same rule applies; he is only able to hit while he is the active pitcher in the game regardless of which spot in the order he assumes during the double switch.

5.5       If a team is accused of using a player who has not met playoff eligibility requirements, the remainder of game will played under protest.  If the commissioner finds an illegal player was used and the offending team wins the game, the result will then become a 7-0 loss for the offending team. 





Section 6.             End of the Season

6.1       The end of the season is Sunday July 28th. All games not completed by Sunday July 28st will result in a LOSS for both teams.  Rained out games originally scheduled for the last week of the regular season (7/22-7/25), should be rescheduled in the following order: 7/26, 7/27, 7/28.  If the game(s) were attempted to be played on all three of the dates mentioned above and were again rained out on each successive day, the commissioner can override the double loss rule.  This can occur if the commissioner deems all options were exhausted, and the teams will not be assessed a loss. Games originally scheduled prior to 7/22 are not eligible for double loss forgiveness.



Section 7.        Playoffs/ Standings /Tie Breakers

7.1       The standings will be determined by the following order: Winning % (tie is equal to ½ win), Head to Head, Runs Allowed, Coin Flip




Section 8.                    Playoffs

8.1       All playoff games must be completed to a full 7 innings. If a game has started and must be stopped at any point due to weather or darkness, the game will be suspended and will resume at the point in the game where play was halted.  The umpires will be paid another full fee on the date of the resumed game.  The team trailing in the game at the time play is suspended has the option to forfeit the remainder of the game.

8.2       If a player is ejected from a playoff game, he is only required to sit the remainder of the game in which he was ejected. If he is ejected after the game is completed, he must sit the next playoff game.

            a)  However, if the commissioner decides the player’s behavior is excessively aggressive (i.e. prolonged argument, excessive foul language, physical altercation) the commissioner can increase the suspension to one or more games


8.3       Playoff Protest: If a protest occurs during a playoff game over a rule interpretation, the commissioner (or an appointed rules interpreter) will be contacted at the time of the protest for an immediate ruling. The ruling will be final.

8.4       If a protest is due to an illegal player or a playoff ineligible player, the game will be completed under the guidelines of section 3.2. 




Section 9.         Protests (Regular Season)

9.1       If a manager chooses to protest a game, he must report to the home plate umpire the reason for the protest. This must be done at the time of the umpire’s ruling in question. The umpire will declare the game is being played under protest. At the time of the protest the umpire will note the protest and provide his signature in the home team’s scorebook. Only rules interpretations can be protested. Judgement calls are not eligible for protest. 

9.2       The manager protesting the game must contact the commissioner via phone call within 24 hours to alert him of the protest and explain the reason for the protest. The manager must follow up with an email to the commissioner with a written explanation of the reason for the protest. If the commissioner finds the protest is legitimate, the commissioner must then confer with the home plate umpire to review the information provided by the manager. After the commissioner completes his inquiries, he will issue a ruling within 24 hours. The commissioner’s ruling is final.

9.3       If the team protesting the game lost the game in question, the game will be replayed starting at the point where the protest was filed. The umpires will be paid a full fee for the completion of the game. 






Section 10.                  Commissioner Rulings

10.1     If a situation arises that is not covered by the MLB rulebook or the league bylaws, the commissioner has the authority to make a ruling using his best judgement.  The commissioner’s ruling will be final.