Student - Parent Information

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I understand that representing South Brunswick High School in athletics is a privilege that carries certain responsibilities. I understand that being part of the athletic program requires the following rules set forth by the coach, the athletic department and the school Principal

I agree to:
• Conduct myself in a manner that reflects good sportsmanship at all times.
• Refrain from hazing, taunting, or physical confrontations with opponents and teammates.
• Attend all practices and games as scheduled by the coaching staff and Athletic Director.
• Practice hard and work to the best of my abilities at all times.
• Refrain from drug, alcohol, and tobacco use.
• Treat my coaches, teammates and opponents with respect.
• Follow all team rules and regulations.
• Refrain from actions which would bring discredit to myself, my team, my family, and my school.
• Maintain regular and consistent attendance and abide by all requirements of the school attendance policy.
• Maintain my academic eligibility.
• Any form of visible demonstrations must be approved in advance by the Athletic Director and/or Principal.
• I understand that failure to uphold this contract may result in failure of your varsity letter status or team status.

I agree to:
• I shall show respect and positive support for coaches and officials, prior, during, and after the game.
• I will demonstrate respect and support for all players prior, during, and after the game.
• I will be mindful of my role at all times, provide support, not openly instruct during the game or openly interpret the rules.
• I will participate in cheers that support, encourage, and uplift the teams involved.
• I understand that athletics is an extension of the classroom, offering learning experiences for the student-athlete.
• I understand the spirit of fair play and the good sportsmanship expected by our school, our conference, and the NJSIAA.

Parents are responsible for all of the information presented at the seasonal parent/student meeting regardless of attendance.
• I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice or other high school sports events.
• I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of a personal desire to win.
• I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.
• I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
• I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and will refrain for their use at all high school events.
• I will remember that the game is for the student-athlete, not for adults.
• I will do my very best to make the high school athletic experience a positive one.
• I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
Player's name PRINTED_____________________________________________________________________________________
Parent's name PRINTED_____________________________________________________________________________________
Player's signature__________________________________________________________DATE____________________________
Parent's signature__________________________________________________________DATE___________________________