Meeting Mins Diamond

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Mins Feb 26 2019 Diamonds

2019-02-26  Team Rep Meeting
Feb 26, 2019  6PM  Neighbourhood Social
      Team  $200.00  
Present: Sign In  Sign In Deposit Cash E-Trasfer Cheque  
Bombers Kim  Sarah      200.00    2- Mar    
Chatham Cross Fit Shannon/Jolene Gloria      200.00   1-Mar    
Chatham Pro Shop Lil         200.00 26-Feb      
Lady Storm Crystal Laurissa      200.00 26-Feb      
Tornadoes Katie        200.00   1-Mar    
Twisted Nook Carrie        200.00 26-Feb      
Division Name               
Agreed to Keep the name "Diamond Division            
Rules - Add /Delete - Revise            
2018 Rules and Regulations were handed out to review and update          
Group discussed changes added/deleted and reworded various rules- see new 2019 Rules and Regulations    
Ladies Web Page - Annie Laprise             
Schedules, newspaper reports, pictures, stats, Incident reports, Umpires complaint forms, Team rosters    
Facebook page - Katie Moore            
League will communicate through facebook.            
Will be open for all members of the Diamond Division           
Rainouts re-schedule games  maybe posted but not limited to Facebook.          
News Paper Reports  - (copies handed out)            
Agreed to revamp this report            
Discussion to delete voting portion re-MVP, MSP, and Pitcher of the game.            
Agreed to vote for the awards at the end of the season.   Will need to revisit this closer to the end of the season.  
Season: Each Team plays each other 3 times   15 games    
Playoffs All games best of (3) three            
  1 and 2 will get a buy into the Semi   6 games      
  1st round   3vs6     4vs5            
  Semi Finals  1 vs  ___     21 games  in total       
  Semi Finals  2 vs  ___            
  Finals  Top two teams            
 Balls 1 doz $69.66  City Maintenance .  $42.33 Umpires $30.00 per game        
SPO Fees  $116.65 15 Season Games Umpire Assing Fees  $4.00        
$10.00 per player 6 Playoff Games            
Actual 2019 Fee schedule (see bottom tab)            
SPN  fees approx $73.45 (unless teams have a credit of $25.00 from 2018 - contact Ann 2018)      
Plus normal expenses - Umpires and Umpires Assigning Fee ect.           
Teams intersted in affliating with SPN ($73.45) should get in touch with Ann          
Teams that affliated with SPN 2018  may have a credit of $25.00 .  Contact Ann for more information    
May 25-26th Lady Storm            
June 15th  (Day before Fathers Day)            
1 day Charity Tournament - Charity of RMC             
$300 per team - Guarenteed 3 games.            
Minor Baseball Team will be asked to do the BBQ            
Diamond Division coluld have a 50/50 draw for division funds          
July 20-21st - Elish Masters             
Treasuer Report  from the Ladies Division - Diamond and Masters combined account.    
                      1,499.61 MCSPL Ladies League acct as of Feb. 11, 2019          
-$813.00 Check to Amie returned Feb 26th           
                          686.61 Balance to be split Masters/Diamonds          
                          342.30 Diamond Division Portion            
                            52.82 Each team in Diamonds             
There was a discussion on the money to be put into the new Diamond Bank account.        
but that was before realizing the Diamond half of the account would be paid out per team      
Gloria will act as treasurer for the Diamond Division          
Suggestions to have all money owing to be paid by way of E-transfers          
New Business:              
Ann has created a new yahoo mail account for teams to report score to.             
Bat Testing  Dates              
Mar 4, 19, 27  -- 5 pm to 8 pm             
Mar 23, Apr 13, 27 --  10 am to 2 pm