Is a full sized rink used for gameplay

The games are played on 21m x 12m courts complete with safety netting.


What kind of Equipment do I need

The Mandatory Equipment Required to plan ball hockey are as follows:

  • CSA Approved Helmet with Face Protection
  • Hockey Gloves
  • Hockey Stick

Recommended Equipment:

  • Shin Pads


Where do we play 

All league games are played at Canlan SportsPlex Mississauga.


Is there any body contact 

No initial body contact is allowed.


What night do we play 

It depends on the season however they are typically played on Monday nights or Friday nights.  All games in a season are played on the same night.


Do the games follow standard ball hockey rules

Generally yes however due to the non-competitive nature of this league some additional rules are used to ensure fair play and goal scoring from all participants.