Capt mtg  2/17/2021

1.  A player must participate in at least 1/2 of the matches to be eligible for the playoffs

2.  Warmup equals 6 darts maximum per player

3.  Player who diddles may NOT shoot first

4.  Home team diddles first

5. If the 2nd diddler knocks out the first diddlers dart he gets the option to leave his dart in or pull it and rediddle

6. Playoffs

           1st round the home teram submits their lineup first

           2nd round the visiting team submits their lineup 1st

                Home team diddles 1st for both rounds

            if there is a 12 to 12 tie

                          one game of straight cricket is the tiebreaker

                          Game is handicapped like all other games

7.   teams  max avg

                  4 players = 86

                  5 players = 106

                  6 players = 126