Thank You Letter

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On behalf of the Plainfield Titans board members, coaches and volunteers we would like to extend a sincere “Thank You” to our participants and parents for your dedication and support for our 2015 season.

It has been a year filled with not only challenges and road blocks, but also perseverance and resolve. As you may know, the 2014 season was our first season existing as the Plainfield Titans. We started our season with zero but that did not deter us from following through with what we wanted to achieve. Our mission was to afford our youth the opportunity to play for a well-structured organization that would teach them the basic fundamentals, teamwork, sportsmanship, discipline, responsibility and leadership. Titans by definition are considered to have great strength, intellect and importance and these are traits we want instilled in our athletes.

To our Athletes:

Thank you. It has been a pleasure working with all of you. You are the reason we do this. You worked hard and you accomplished so much. This is only the beginning of the many great things you will do. We are proud of each of you for representing the Plainfield Titans and for allowing us to start our history with you. Our success is not measured by wins or losses, but by the lives we are able to impact in the process. 2015 was a success and we can’t wait to continue that success in the 2016 season.

To the Parents:

Thank you for trusting in us and believing in our abilities. We know that you could have taken your children to be a part of any organization but you chose us and we appreciate you for that. We are working hard to ensure that we continue to improve in the 2015 season. We ask that you continue to believe in us and to be another level of support for this organization. Change happens when you stop complaining and start taking actions to impact change. We cannot do this without your help and support. There are so many ways you can help. We do fundraisers, not to burden you, but so we can have banquets and picnics and nice uniforms and equipment for the athletes. We need team moms/dads and parents to do the 50/50 raffles at the home games and other things. The bottom line is we need you and without you we will not continue to be successful. We are a work in progress and we want to continue to get better each season. We hope that we have your continued support and we look forward to seeing you and your children for the 2016 season.

Again we thank each and every one for all you have done and will do for the Plainfield Titans. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed and we appreciate you. We are excited to see what the 2016 season brings and we hope you remain a part of it. Be sure to check our website for registration dates and locations.


Plainfield Titans Board Members, Coaches and Volunteers