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Upland Scorpions Team Rules

As Owner/Manager of the Upland Scorpions, I reserve the right to terminate any players association with the Upland Scorpions, at any time, without notice, and without refund. The set forth rules, regulations, and expectations apply for any and all Upland Scorpion Baseball Activities including: practice games, regular season, playoffs, and tournament play.

1. EXCELLENCE: We will at all times maintain the highest level of Sportsmanship, and be the example of Excellence in our league. We will represent the Upland Scorpions Franchise and gain the highest level of respect from our competitors and be the model of Team Success and Team Unity.

2. RELIABILITY: We all have personal lives. If for any reason you cannot make a game or practice, text the manager or coach no later than 2 hours before game time. This allows us time consider all options and possibly maintain 9 players to avoid a forfeit. The team relies on ALL of us to succeed, if one of us breaks this rule, it could mean a forfeit due to lack of players to start the game.
2B. RELIABILITY RULE: Because of past issues, this new rule going into effect as of Jan 1 2011 is as follows: If you miss a game regardless of reason, you will start the next game you attend on the bench. If your reason is legitimate, bring proof and it will be signed off (ie. funeral, work, vacation, or any other kind of proof that will eliminate just not showing up or waking up late. Miss 2 games you will start the following game on the bench. Miss a 3rd game, your starting position is no longer yours, and has most likely been taken by a reliable team member. I do not tolerate players that miss. If you dont want to come out of games and share playing time with 16 players, show up and show up on time. The Scorpions take pride in a roster that still has 9 original members from our 2008 team. These rules ensure that our team members understand the importance of being a team and consideration for our teammates. I do my best to keep our roster at a minimum so everyone has a starting spot, and doesnt have to share time with bench players, but if guys dont show up, I have no choice but to bring more players on, and you have no choice but to share your playing time with those players.
2C. RELIABILITY: If I do not hear from you regarding attending our games by 12pm on Saturday, you will not be in the lineup. If you state that you will attend, and do not show, you will be suspended for 1 game on the bench. If this happens twice, you are suspended and not to attend for 2 games. If this happens a third time, you will be released from the Scorpions without refund.

The RELIABILITY RULES are meant to protect our most reliable players, and to allow the manager of the team to keep from making difficult decisions, rather allowing players to dictate the lineups as much as possible due to past incidents.

3A.Respect your Manager and his decisions at all times. If you feel your managerial skills should be evaluated, managerial applications are accepted 9am-5pm Monday-Thursday.
3B.At no time will Upland Scorpions players involve themselves in Vulgar or excessive "smack" talk with the other team, not within the team itself. This is childish, unnecessary, and can lead to serious injuries for not only those involved, but it can also lead to injuries to teammates that have families that rely on them.

4. SAFETY: At no time will Upland Scorpions players intentionally hurt opposing players or teammates. This is a game, we come to have fun after a long week of work and must return to work the following day. Unnecessary injuries by our actions in not tolerable.

5. SELFLESSNESS: "The act of sacrificing ones own interest for the greater good". In order to succeed and unify the Upland Scorpions franchise and in order to succeed, selflessness is required of all Upland Scorpions players.

6. Have Fun, do the best you can, and respect your teammates at all times


For any Upland Scorpions player proven to be at fault regarding any of these rules, the following disciplinary actions may be taken.

1. Verbal Warning considering the circumstances
2. 1 game bench suspension / 2 game home suspension
3. 3 game suspension. Gather your thoughts and decide if this team fits your needs as a player. This time will also be taken by the Upland Scorpions to evaluate if the player fits within the Upland Scorpions future plans and goals.
4. Outright Release