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Past Meeting Minutes

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Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting: March 12, 2019


Call meeting to order:    6:12pm

In attendance:  Lauren Ghabour, Kim Webb, Jami Ferro, Harry Hudson, and Stacy Neider

Treasury Report

·         Current Balance $4,701.76

·         From now on all checks will need to get approval via text or during board meetings. This will provide a “checks and balances”, so that Shannon isn’t the only person on the line.

·         Look into switching banks…leaving Community Bank



·         Ice Cream Social and Open Meeting

o   Success…30+ sign ups

·         Official email lists will be managed via Infinity. Stacy and Jami will be the people managing the site.

o   Jami will use “email blasts” to get out information

o   Infinity will also be used to post league information on Facebook

o   Rosters will also be managed using this software

·         Website

o   Lauren will be playing with the website, trying to get pictures uploaded and adding current information.

·         Coaching

o   We are in need of cheer coaches for Tiny Mites

·         Football and Cheer budgets due for approval at April’s board meeting

·         Coaching/First Aide Bags

o   Jami and Harry will be putting together the coaches bags for football and cheer

o   Kim will put together the first aide bags

·         Team Moms and other volunteer positions will have a “Duties” sheet that they will receive at the beginning of the season. This will eliminate any confusion about the expectations of the positions.

o   Lauren will be putting these together. Starting with Team Moms

·         Sign-ups will take place on  April 7 & 14 2019 at the Meineke

·         Concessions will be managed by Jami and Stacy. All pricing and purchasing will be approved by the board. Volunteers to work concession will be lined up prior to the games. Stacy and Jami submitted a rough idea of the average cost of a large order from BJs.

·         Facebook

o   Posting for volunteers, coaches, team mom, and fundraising needs.

o   Everything will be monitored and administered by Jami and Harry

Vice President

·         7v7

o   $25 p/athlete, this includes games and a t-shirt.

o   Runs from 6/1-7/17

o   When we host at Cape we can have concessions opened.

·         Equipment will not get reconditioned this season

·         New Rules

o   No kick offs in Jr. Pee Wee

o   No more 3 point stance in Tiny thru Jr. PW

Scholastic VP

·         N/A


·         Meeting with parents on 3/18

·         In need of Tiny Mite coaches


·         Not present

·         In his absence, Dwight was elected to head up the 20 for 20 fundraiser again this season. YAY!

o   Incentives will be player based and have some sort of tier system

New Business

·         Jami will be contacting Bolt about the poor fit of last season’s blue pants. Hopefully they can “help us” with a solution. Some athletes found them to be unwearable.

·         Rock-a-thon

o   Option for a fundraiser for next season…Jami is the expert on this one ;)

·         The things that will not be happening this coming season

o   No practice gear

o   No away jerseys will be given out

o   No helmet reconditioning

o   No new uniforms

Meeting was adjourned: 8:20ishpm

Next meeting: 4/9/19


Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting: February 12, 2019


Call meeting to order:    6:04pm

In attendance:  Dwight Tingle, Shannon Staggs, Lauren Ghabour, Kim Webb, Jami Ferro, Jene Duffy, and Melissa Rodriguez

Treasury Report

·         Currently our account balance is $72.00.

·         Pending deposits $500.00



·         Ice Cream Social and Open Meeting (2/27)

o   February 27, 2019 at 6pm – Haute Showroom

o   Concession/Volunteer Program

·         Concession:  All ordering and purchasing will be controlled by the board. As well as pricing and scheduling.

·         Volunteers – Background checks, detailed description of job. Must prove yourself to get more responsibility.

·         Have people sign up to volunteer, and follow up with the list. We need to put people to work.

·         Each team, including cheer teams need a Team Mom. This person must be reliable and present.

·         Coaches for each team

·         Fundraising volunteers as well and concession volunteers need to be reliable and trustworthy.

o   Awards and sweats will be handed out

o   Reimbursements from the banquet can be picked up. Please get info to Shannon if reimbursements are needed.

o   Opportunity to register for next year - $150. This will help get money in the account. There will be one registration given away.

·         Football and Cheer Team Budgets are due by the March meeting. These need to be detailed.

·         2019 Sponsors/Program

o   Away Jersey sponsors

o   Website up and running – League Lineup: Shannon has admin control and password

·         Facebook

o   Our organization needs to have one common message.

o   Individual teams can post pictures. However, any official information/facts posted will only be what comes from our official Pop Warner site. They can post the information by sharing it from the official page. Team moms/coaches will be notified of this policy.

o   Team pages will have to be approved by the board and they will monitored.

Vice President

·         Not Present

Scholastic VP

·         Upcoming event


·         Planning a meeting with parents and coaches


·         Coach Maull and Coach Tingle are setting up opportunities for our teams to practice with the high school JV team.

·         Helmets will need to be refurbished…some will have to be thrown out because of normal wear and tear. Budget for this and other needs will be submitted for approval at March’s meeting.

o   Pads

o   Away jerseys

·         Weight changes are pending until next Henlopen Conference Meeting

·         Association fee was lowered. Harry has details

·         Florida

o   There is a chance that the Jr. PeeWee team could advance to Florida this year. A meeting, separate from the board meeting needs to be held to keep parents up to date about expenses and time frame.

·         Roster Software

o   Each Team Mom needs to be in charge of in-putting their team roster and other pertinent information. Log ins will be given once Team Moms are established.

New Business

·         We would like to streamline our ordering. Therefore we propose to have everything ordered through All Pro.

Meeting was adjourned: 7:20ishpm

Next meeting: 3/12/19


Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting: November 13, 2018


Call meeting to order:    7:00pm

In attendance:  Dwight Tingle, Shannon Staggs, Lauren Ghabour, Nicole Sartori, Harry Hudson, Kim Webb, Vicki Harpster, Adam and Joy Morgan, Martin Schmidt Jr. Deborah Nails, Jennifer Hedrick, Ne’Kea Blackwell, Jason Booros, Jami Ferro, Cindy Rajotte, Robert Sheehan Jr. Kathleen Robinson-Sheehan, Carmen Blackwell, Eric Johnson, Jene Duffy

Treasury Report

·         Currently our account balance is $2,600.

·         Outstanding and upcoming invoices totaling $2,490. There are still invoices that we are expecting as well.  


Parent Concerns

·         Many parent have concerns about apparel that has been ordered and paid for but they have not received the merchandise.

o   Robert Sheehan provided documentation stating that attire was ordered through Varsity on 9/19/18 and the check was cashed on 10/23/18. However they still don’t have their items and the season is over. He also explained that he ordered and paid cash to Felicia (Cheer VP) for 2 t-shirts that he never received and he never got a receipt.

o   Vicki Harpster also explained that she has had a similar experience as Mr. Sheehan. The $40 check to Varsity was cashed for a pair of leggings on 10/23. Also, she wrote a check to Felicia for $27. This check hasn’t been cashed and she hasn’t received the t-shirts it was for.

o   Deborah Nails also wrote a check to Felicia for leggings that she never received.


·         Lack of communication from board to parents.

o   Because of this, there were a lot of misconceptions especially when it pertained to Florida.

§  The expectations of some of the parents were not attainable. They were never told any of this information. This is an event that must be planned for a year in advance.

§  We have contacted other pop warner organizations, and found out that the parents are responsible for their child’s travel expenses to nationals in Florida.

o   Website is very hard to navigate and is missing information. It was explained by Dwight that we are in a transition period. We have someone new working on the site to make improvements.


·         Fundraisers/Donations

o   All fundraisers should be board approved. Having off site events require insurance because our organizations is liable.

o   Letter of intent will be distributed to local businesses with an explanation of the situation and how it has been rectified.

o   All monies brought in by both cheer and football goes into the same pot. We would have to get another tax ID, etc. in order to separate…and we are not separate organizations.

o   The Go Fund Me page was not approved by the board. According to Jason, the page has been taken down. He is going to “check with his uncle” to check if the money has been returned.

o   Fundraising needs to be “all hands on deck”. This is something that should be year round and participated in equally by both cheer and football.


·         Volunteers

o   Many parents stated that they offered to help with cheer; fundraising, organization, etc. but were turned away or dismissed. This is troubling to the parents because they know that one person cannot coach, team mom and hold a board position…and do it well.

o   Cindy Rajotte expressed an interest in helping with fundraising. She has some really great ideas that would benefit the organization.

§  For example having donation letters out before the end of the year when businesses are planning their yearly budget. 

o   Nominations for executive offices will be expected at the December meeting of the Board of Directors. 12/11/18


·         Year Round Cheer

o   Many parents had questions about year round cheer. How many practices? How many competitions? How much will the additional cost be?

o   The board also addressed the need for insurance and finding and paying for an indoor facility for practices.


·         Going forward…

o   Cheer needs a Vice President that is separate from coaching.

o   Many parents said that they thought Felicia was a great coach and would like to see her continue. It was explained that a decision would be made by the board on whether she continued in that position.

o   Calendar of events, meeting minutes and anything else pertinent to the parents will be uploaded or added to the website.


o   The board met in an executive session until 11:10. Therefore the remaining items on the agenda were not addressed. These will be discussed at a later time. Tentatively 11/28.

Meeting was adjourned: 11:10pm

Next Meeting: December 11, 2018

Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting: October 10, 2018


Call meeting to order:    6:30PM

In attendance:  Dwight Tingle, Shannon Staggs, Lauren Ghabour, Nicole and Lou Sartori, Harry Hudson, Kim Webb, Ashley Rego

Treasury Report

·         Currently our account balance is $1,766 with 3 unpaid invoices.



·         20/20 Fundraiser

o   Drawing will be done at Delmar game on 10/20


·         Banquet

o   Looking at having it either 1/12 or 1/26 at the High School

o   No auction

o   $20 p/ticket for non-athletes and coaches

o   $600 to use the High School facilities. We need to speak to the Cape Board to see if we can get a break on this cost.

o   Food Ideas

§  Charlie from Kickin Chicken

§  Use Cape’s in house food…contact Pam

§  Touch of Italy

o   Entertainment ideas consisted of DJ, corn hole, photo booth

o   In lieu of trophies the sweat suits will be handed out.

Vice President

o   Playoff updates

§  Jr Pee Wee – Cape has a chance for a bye the first week. Rankings depend on the outcome of the Woodbridge/Dover game that will be held on 10/27. Top 4 teams make the playoffs.

§  Mitey Mites – Cape will make playoffs holding the 3rd seed in the conference. Their games will start on 11/3. Opponent is dependent on the outcomes of the upcoming games. However, we should be the “home” team because of our ranking.


Scholastic VP

§  Kim is contacting district office about the release of report cards.

Cheer (No update- not in attendance)

Equipment Manager

·         Equipment Collection

o   Collect all practice gear on the last practice

o   Collect home uniforms, helmet and pads after the last games.

Old Business

New Business

·         Concessions (home games)– Hopefully we will have the opportunity to host some of the tournament games. Prices are being increased effective the next home game 10/20.

·         Organizational Issues – Lack of funds for the upcoming banquet and other unforeseen expenses.

o   This is why it is imperative to submit budgets in the spring. We cannot project the amount of money needed for the season if there is no formal communication in the form of a detailed budget for each area of our organization. Next season there will be no excuses…a budget MUST be submitted for approval in the spring.

Meeting was adjourned: 7:50pm

Next meeting: 11/13/18??


Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting: September 10, 2018


Call meeting to order:    6:40PM

In attendance:  Dwight Tingle, Shannon Staggs, Lauren Ghabour

Treasury Report

·         Currently our account balance is $4,290 this is with all uniforms paid.



·         Sponsorship

o   Signs are finished and ready to be picked up. The cost is $250

o   Newspaper “blurb” thanking all sponsors for a great season.


·         20/20 Fundraiser

o   Drawing will be done at an upcoming home game

o   Winning team will also be announced


·         Game day Procedures

o   Each team is responsible for finding their own chain people…3 are needed

o   PeeWee team needs someone to commentate their games.

Vice President (No update- not in attendance)

Scholastic VP (No update- not in attendance)

Cheer (No update- not in attendance)

·         Concerns

o   A question was raised by a few parents on why the Jr Pee Wee team has no away cheerleaders. They see that there are 50+ cheerleaders for PeeWee and none for Jr PeeWee.



Equipment Manager

·         October Gear

o   Breast Cancer Awareness – We are going to do pink wrist bands and stickers for the helmets.

·         30 jackets need to be embroidered for coaches, board members, etc.

Old Business

·         Our website needs pictures

New Business

·         Concessions (home games)– Ashley is handling food and volunteers

·         Henlopen Website – The website doesn’t provide up to date information. This is a problem because they are updating everything on Facebook, but not everyone uses Facebook.

·         Banquet – We need to get cost nailed down in order to relay cost to the families.

o   Going back to the high school this year. Maybe use DosLocos or Danitza for food. Looking for any other ideas.

o   No auction this year

Meeting was adjourned at 8:31PM

Next meeting is 10/8/18


Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting: August 13, 2018


Call meeting to order:    6:11PM

In attendance:  Dwight Tingle, Shannon Staggs, Lauren Ghabour, Lou Sartori, Ashley Reggo, Kim Webb and Jene Duffy.

Treasury Report

·         Currently our account balance is $6,870 this is with all uniforms paid. Still have to reimburse “friends” of the program a total of $3,780 and $3,160. There is an outstanding invoice for the helmets.

·         In the future is requested that the budget is planned and submitted no later than March 15th of each year.



·         Sponsorship

o   Continuing to strongly pursue prospects.


·         20/20 Fundraiser

o   Total brought in to date: $4,713

o   Top collectors will receive gift cards

o   Drawing will be done at a home game…maybe sell more chances during the games?

o   Grand Prize winner – One night stay at  hotel with dinner

§  Kim will be getting the details.


·         Weigh ins on August 22, 2018

o   Some questions were brought up about weights for the teams.

o   Next year during equipment hand out we should weigh in the players that have a potential to not make weight. This will give us and them a jumpstart before the season begins.


·         Chicken BBQ – cancelled

·         Current program needs

o   Socks



Vice President (No update- not in attendance)

Scholastic VP

·         For next year…try to work with schools to get copies of report cards.


·         Cheer  Fundraisers

o   Applebees 9/23 tickets will be for pre-sale

o   Yankee Candle 9/13

o   Cookie dough sales brought in $956

·         Needs 3 practice room for upcoming competition at Shields or Consortium. 7 days total

·         Purchase of additional pom-poms totaling $275 using Omni.

Equipment Manager

·         Practice jerseys…Returning players use last years away jersey. New players use current away jerseys.

·         Packing and storing needs to be improved from current years.

·         Inventory must be taken for each team and athlete

·         More shoulder pads and helmets had to be ordered after the start.

Old Business

·         Two parent volunteers are working on the website. Pictures are needed from every team.

New Business

·         Team book– Due Thursday 8/16

·         Cheer  is asked to use the company All Pro for next year’s needs.

·         Concession Stand – needs more space cleared.

o   Money needs to be collected every day after practice. A closer eye needs to be kept on spending and reimbursements. Making sure there is not waste.

o   Pizza prices for home games TBD depending on who we use.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:05PM

Next meeting is 9/10/18


May 2018 Board Meeting Minutes


Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting: May 16, 2018


Call meeting to order:    7:10PM

In attendance:  Dwight Tingle, Shannon Staggs, Lauren Ghabour, and Jene Duffy.

Treasury Report

·         Currently our account balance is $21,400 with no bills withstanding



·         Sponsorship

o   Latest sponsor is The Dental Group for $1000

o   Coach Tingle would be happy to call any potential sponsors

o   Due date for the sponsorships will be June 1, 2018

o   Working on getting sponsors on the website


·         20/20 Fundraiser

o   Grand Prize winner – One night stay at Boardwalk Plaza with dinner

§  Kim may have a connection for another place

§  Maybe contact the owners of Bellmoor?

o   Team moms will be calling/emailing/texting parents to check on progress of 20/20 and setting a time and place to meet for collection.


·         Practice gear

o   All gear will have the same PW logo…football and cheer

o   When team moms are contacting parents about 20/20 check for long sleeve and short sleeve t-shirt sizes.


·         Chicken BBQ: June 16 (Rain date 6/23)

o   Location: Willow Marie & Co

o   Food donations: Coach Tingle will be getting food donations from local churches as well as members of the board and parents.



Vice President (No update- not in attendance)

·         7v7

·         Additional Sign-ups

·         Money  for athletes unable to pay $500

Scholastic VP (No update- not in attendance)

·         Signage update

Cheer (No update- not in attendance)

·         Cheer Camp

·         Cheer  Fundraisers

·         Uniforms – Sell old ones

·         Purchase 3 new carpet mats for younger squad

Equipment Manager

·         Inventory  - Completed 5/12

o   60 helmets needed

o   25 shoulder pads needed

o   120 away jerseys

o   4 Team bags – Contents will be determined after discussing with coaching staff

Old Business

·         Coach Tingle needs the committee lists that were compiled during sign-ups

·         We also need all team lists

New Business

·         Affinity Roster Software– Felicia has login information and will get it to team moms.

·         Website is under construction. We need pictures. Goal is to have it fully functioning  by 6/16.

·         Henlopen Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of the month in Milford

·         Concession Stand – needs to be cleaned out. There is a lot of food that has to be thrown out, which is wasteful. Need to be more conscious of what is being bought.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35PM

Next meeting is TBD




Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting: March 13, 2018


Call meeting to order:    7:15PM

In attendance:  Dwight Tingle, Harry Hudson, Felicia Seller, Kim Webb, Shannon Staggs, Lauren Ghabour, and Jene Duffy.

Introduction of new member and guest:

·         Lauren Ghabour was introduced as the new Secretary of Cape Vikings Pop Warner

·         JD Maull was introduced as the new Cape High School football coach.

o   Mr. Maull expressed his excitement in working with our Pop Warner organization. He said he would like to have his athletes come to some of our practices and games in order to show support. Mr. Maull also shared that having a close relationship with our organization is beneficial to our community and to both of our programs.

Treasury Report

·         Currently our account balance is $5046.53

·         In the past month there has been 1 check written to Cape Henlopen School District for the Game fields for 2017. A few deposits have been made from Banquet Ticket Sales and Banquet Silent Auction, Change from Concessions, and a Yankee Candle Check from the 2016 Fundraiser (yes, an old check).


Shannon also wanted to make it aware that she has applied for the USA football grant as well as submitted a proposal for Dick's Sporting Goods Sponsorship program.  She is also working on submitting our application for the Ravens Youth Football Grant. 


The tax postcard (990) has also been filed for our league for 2017. 



·         Sponsorship

o   Changes were made to the sponsorship sheet;

§  Waiting on pricing information from Arenas Signs. Kim will be calling to solidify cost and sizing options.

§  For the top sponsor category $2500-Name of business will not be on back game jersey. However, their name will appear on the practice attire.

§  The sponsor signs will not be at the practice field. Their signs will be present during all home games.

§  Athlete/Player Sponsor will be just that. A person can donate $150 for an athlete whose family may not be able to afford for their child to play. This will be anonymous.

o   Felicia will make the final adjustments to the sponsor sheet and email to board members.

o   Money for sponsorship will be collected at the time of signing the contract.

o   Tingle mentioned keep a running list of people/businesses we have contacted so that we don’t overlap.

o   Tingle will be making follow up calls to Lefty’s, Long&Foster, Procutz Sports Barbershop, and Nalu.


·         20/20 Fundraiser

o   Dwight shared the letter he created for Jameson to use when asking friends and family for money.

o   It was discussed and decided on that this would be a fundraiser per family, and not per athlete.

o   Each family is responsible for getting 20 people to donate $20 in a show of support for the athlete and the CVPW organization. Therefore, $400 will be collected in total from each CVPW family.

o   This fundraiser will start after signups in April (4/22&4/29) and run until equipment hand-outs in July (7/20, 7/21).

o   Each Team Mom will have a receipt book that they will use. So when a family turns in their money they will receive a receipt. This will help us track who has and hasn’t completed the fundraiser.

o   The families will have to fill out a sheet with the names of all the people they collected money from. This will also be turned in with their money.

o   Incentives

§  Movie night for the team that has to most money turned in by the end of the first week of practice.

§  Long sleeve t-shirts (from the warm-up set) will be handed out when money is turned in.


·         Equipment Handout – July 20th and 21st…Location is TBD


·         CVPW Head Coaches Meeting on 3/27/18 @6:30. JD Maull will be in attendance.


·         Parent Apparel

o   Using Moritz Embroidery Works

o   Dwight is hoping to have a representative at the April meeting to choose items we would like to have in our online store.

o   The closing date is TBD but will have to be sometime in July in order to get the gear before the first game.


·         Practice Gear- Football and Cheer

o   We are now using Dorman’s Custom Apparel out of Milton for the practice gear. They were able to get us better pricing, and we don’t have a March 30th deposit deadline.

o   Dormans will also be doing the coach’s shirts.


·         Trophies…It was decided during the meeting that we will not be buying and handing out trophies at the end of the season banquet. In lieu of trophies we will be giving the warm-up sweat suits from the practice gear package.


Vice President

·         7v7 – Sign-ups will coincide with CVPW sign-ups (April 22nd and 29th)

o   Looking for athletes ages 10-12. Maybe 13 and 14 year olds, this is dependent on numbers.

o   Cost of sign up is $25 per athlete. This includes game t-shirt.

o   Insurance for each team is $15.

o   Each team will have 8 players, and will be coached by current/future CVPW coaches.

o   Season will begin June 1st and end in the middle of July.

o   6 hours of practice must occur before the first game.


·         Sign-ups – April 22nd and April 29th @ Meineke

o   CVPW flyer will continue to be posted on Peachjar.

o   If numbers are low Harry brought up the idea of having an additional sign-up. He said that Lefty’s would be a good option as another location.

o   This would be good for Lefty’s business as well as providing us another opportunity to hit people who may not know about CVPW.

o   Still looking for other avenues to get the word out about sign-up dates.


·         Tag Days/Helmet Days

o   Harry thinks it would be financially beneficial for athletes to stand out in front of local businesses and collect money for our organization.

o   He says he has already got WaWa in Lewes locked in, but also thinks Walmart, and McDonalds would be good locations.

o   Each team would have a different weekend to collect.


·         Chicken BBQ

o   Harry says that he has the grill and people to cook the chicken. He also has a hook-up to get reasonably priced chicken.

o   We will have volunteers make side dishes that will be dropped off in shifts throughout the day.

o   Location, date and time are TBD. There was a mention of it being held during the 7v7 home game.


·         Radio Station – Harry will continue his radio appearances. He will plug our fundraising opportunities as well as sign up dates and times.


Scholastic VP

·         Kim wants a copy of each athlete’s 4th marking period report card. The copy needs to be 2 SIDED, and turned in on equipment day or within the first week of practice.


·         Carpeted mats are needed. Felicia will check the pricing and let us know.

·         USA Cheer is able to do a cheer camp this summer. Looking at July 21st and 22nd.  They will work on tumbling, cheers, etc. Cost will be $80 per athlete and this price includes t-shirt and food.

New Business

·         It was discussed that we are in need of special committees. The following were addressed:

o   Concession Manager

o   Field and Facility Director

o   Fundraiser/Sponsorship Coordinator

o   Equipment Manager

o   Player Safety Coach


Meeting was adjourned at 9:20PM

Next meeting will be April 10, 2018 @ 7pm, Cape Henlopen High School