Pitching Rules

A pitcher may throw a maximum of 7 innings per calendar day and 10 innings per week (Mon-Sun).

Mandatory Rest Period:

1 inning pitched = no mandatory rest period

2-3 innings pitched = 1 day rest

4-5 innings pitched = 2 days rest

6-7 Innings pitched = 3 days rest

1 or more pitches = 1 inning pitched. No partial innings for determining rest.

A day’s rest is understood to be the next full calendar day after the game.

EXAMPLE: A player who pitches 6+ innings on a Monday may not pitch again until the following Friday (Tue-Wed- Thur = 3 full calendar days’ rest) 

NOTE: Per PIAA rules, a pitcher who is removed from the mound but remains on the field at another position may return to pitch again in the same game, provided the pitcher has not exhausted their available innings for the game. If a pitcher is taken off the field, he may not return to pitch again in the same game, regardless of whether he re-enters the game at another position.