February 17, 2023

Three payment options are available: mail-in, in-person or Venmo @ManchesterBears-football

Pay now or pay later, when the season starts. However in order to take advantage of the Early Bird prices, Registration fees must be paid by May 1st.

 Please reach out via Email if a payment plan is needed, We will accomodate as best we can.

The teams and costs (Early Bird registration of $125 until May 1st, 2023)

Youth (Grades 2-4): $175

Juniors (Grades 5-6): $175

Seniors (Grades 7-8): $175

Required before player can participate on the first day of practice (August 15):

  • Registration
  • Player/Parent Code of Conduct - signed and returned on the first day of practice.
  • Copy of your child's latest physical (dated within the last year of the first day of practice.  If your child's physical expires during the season, you will have to obtain a new physical before the old one expires to continue participating)

Equipment: all equipment provided by the Bears except:

  • Cleats
  • Cup, athletic supporter
  • Mouthpiece

All coaches are USA Football Head Coach and CPR Certified

Any questions, please reach out at

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