2020 Wrap Up

Hi Blazer Boys, just wanted to send a final note to wrap up the 2020 Hobbs World Series. Although it may not have reached the championship we might have liked, I think a great time was had by all. Thank you to all who battled through injury, work related issues, family related issues and oh yeah, a pandemic to come join us for the whatever edition of this annual pilgrimage to hallowed baseball ground. You guys make the tournament what it is, and every year has it’s distinctive highs and lows.

Without parsing the minutiae of that last game, the incredible playoff game we ended up losing 17-16 after three extra innings, I just thought we played incredibly well this year, very few physical errors, lots of really good at bats, yet this time, fortune did not smile upon us.

It’s all hindsight now, but of interest is that the team we lost to in the stadium wound up winning the whole thing, 4A. The Mass. Chiefs ended up beating the Dallas team and advancing to the 3A semis. My point is that we can play with anybody, and without a bunch of ex-pros and college stars. Just a bunch of guys who love the game and play it the right way. So thank you for another great year.

I just like to give out some individual attention to each of you, as every one of you contributed in some way that was invaluable, even if the classic stat page didn’t scream it out. Original Blazer Carlos Ruperto came down for the first part of the week, and was a great help with the coaching and general organization. My guy can still hit and play, and the Blazers are not the Blazers without him. Another original Blazer who made a comeback this year after being AWOC (Away On a Cruise) for the last couple of years was Bill Musacchio. He played flawless first base and had the game winning hit in Game 1. Plus he brought his lovely wife Nancy who graced the stands with her presence.

Another Founder is Dennis Smith, who I believe, with the possible exception of a couple of innings, played EVERY inning in the outfield this year. That’s a lot of laps in and out, and he made some great plays to boot. He didn’t get that patented Smith bat going quite the way he would have liked, but I thought he was critical to our team with his steady play and team first mentality.

What more can I say about my man Rick Sanders? He deserved a heckuva better fate in that playoff game, with an umpire who had a postage stamp for a strike zone, and a team that obviously set out to be hit by pitches by design. The combination was an effective strategy, but Rick kept us in the game despite that. He also pitched a beauty in Game 1 for the win. Oh by the way, he hit a cool .312, and introduced us to his very cool brother who made the trip down, what a shock that he is a great guy.

Mattie Conrad has long been known as my favorite player. We got him back on the team this year, and he did not disappoint. He handles pitchers like a dream, stops running teams in their tracks, and even though he didn’t get that potent bat rolling too much this year, is always a threat at the plate. But his value is really two fold, beyond those standard baseball things. Who else can come out from behind the plate and pitch, at this age? Not just pitch, but be effective! He just gets outs, and he can chew up innings, and in a tournament situation, there is no bigger asset. PLUS, he’s the best teammate a guy could hope for, whether you’ve played with him for years, as the long time Blazers have, or if you just joined the team. Simply the best.

Alfredo Jimenez is moving into the veteran category, I believe this was the 3rd year he’s been down with us, and again, he was awesome. Like Dennis, he played just about every inning in the OF, and made some great plays. He actually made a helluva throw home in the playoff game when the winning run scored, in an impossible situation, which of course nobody noticed because the game was over. He puts the ball in play, and had a respectable year at the plate, although I know he can show out even better when he is going great. Thanks for coming Sarge, you’re a heckuva ballplayer!

Juan Camacho was a rookie this year, and he had a nice debut. If that line drive he hit in the playoff game that the shortstop speared had been up about six inches, we might still be playing! Great job patrolling the pasture Juan. I know you would have liked a couple more hits, but the sample size can be a bit small when we only play six games.

Steve Haugh was gutsy, throwing the game against what turned out to be the best team at the tournament. He left some stuff out over the plate and the Border City guys didn’t miss much. But he was a super contributer, playing some great 3rd base, making some stellar plays, and hitting a tidy .400. A first ballot Hall of Famer if he ever gives me permission, best one-liners in Central Florida, he’s been around forever and his act still goes strong, both on the field and in the dugout.

Jeff Albertson hit.474 and didn’t make the MVP finalists, which is a testament to how strong our top performers were this year. My oldest baseball friend, I’m honored he came down again with the Blazers, and brought his wonderful family, Wendy, Katrina and Ben. Injuries have made playing the field problematic for Jeff, but man, can he hit. Talent doesn’t slump, and even his outs are hard. Plus one of the best guys I know. 9 hits, a couple of doubles and 4 RBIs doesn’t get you in the conversation?

Here are your top 6 candidates for MVP, and any one of these guys would have been a worthy choice. The first five are in no particular order with the winner at the end.

Adam Bransfield won it 2 years ago, and was unbelievable again this year, maybe his best performance yet. Batting Average? .667, 2 2B, a triple, 2nd on the team in RBI, loves baseball, loves to play, and fantastic guy to play with, very versatile. Normally a year like this would be plenty to take home the hardware, but more on that in a moment.

Tony Caruso was one of the founders of the Blazers and of the Blazers Hobbs teams, so many that we’ve lost track. The self-made pitcher is a tough AB for any opponent, and he pitched effectively in 2 games this year, and with a bit better fate in this one, he might have cruised into a 3rd. Did I mention that he hit a cool .444, also with a pair of doubles and a triple, drove in 6,and played great defense in the OF. He is my baseball compadre and brother, and we have more fun just talking about this week all year than just about anything else. He’s moving to Pennsylvania, but he better invest some of the swimming pool fortune into getting down here at least once every year until we can’t do it anymore. Love ya TC!

Ruben Correa had one hit in his first 9 at bats, then finished 5 for 5, .429. He threw a complete game on Wednesday after throwing a couple of innings Tuesday. He played just about every other inning at short, and made just about every play imaginable, including some sparklers. Ruben can just flat play baseball, and his quiet example on the field is the essence of true leadership. It was just fantastic having him on the team again.

Mike Mills was a rookie with the Blazers this year. He sure didn’t play like one. .500 average, a couple doubles, 6 RBI, great defense, and his rested arm was going to be counted on if we were able to advance to Saturday. I thought he deserved a better fate after pitching in the opener. Great dude, really enjoyed the chance to play with you Mike, I hope you’ll consider a return trip!

Ric Moots is just a ballplayer, again, for me, no higher compliment. 2B, pitcher, short, catcher, all played with high skill and steadiness. Oh yeah, he also hit .471 despite being bounced all over the lineup, never a word of complaint. Just loves to play. Man we were blessed in the chemistry department this year, and Ric was right at the center of that! I’d go to war with this trooper anytime, he is as clutch as I have played with.

Which leaves me with this year’s MVP. I said it could have been anyone, but how are you going to beat a guy with a near complete game win, hit .529, led the team in doubles and RBI and played a nearly perfect third base when he manned that spot? Sounds like a broken record, but another fantastic fellow to have on the team and in the  dugout. Funny, dry sense of humor and one helluva baseball player, your 2020 MVP everyone….Joe “Pockets” Hamilla.

Thanks again boys, I wish you a safe holiday season, and I hope we can do it again in 2021!!