2023 Wrap UP

I don't know who the slacker in charge of this operation is, but they really dropped the ball! A scant 4 months after the tournament ended this year, I finally get to the wrap! The details have ebbed away, like sands through the hour glass, but suffice it to say we had another stellar group of guys and ballplayers, and a good time was had by all. Rick Sanders won his 3rd consecutive Team MVP with two walkoff hits. But there were lots of great performances. Check the statistics for all the documentation, but we had a lot of success.

Planning for the 2024 World Series is already in full swing, so stayed tuned. I hope everyone can return again this year. We are working on adding a 60+ team to the Blazer Empire, more on that possibility shortly! Have a great spring, and I look forward to speaking with you all soon!