Capital  Division 2024 Schedule, photo  and league information below.

All games to be played in New Scotland at 5:30 pm. Contact Jazz for information at 

Who am I and what is my role?
My name is Jim Jasiewicz. I have volunteered, with support of the league, to help organize and sustain the Capital Division. I do this because I love playing baseball and I know there are others that just want to play some baseball or more baseball.
What is the Capital Division all about?
The Capital Division of the Capital District Men’s Senior Baseball League (CD-MSBL) consists of multiple age group division. The Capital Division is just one of those divisions.
The way the division is run, how it operates, and goals have changed over the years. The division has always tried to balance teams and provide good balanced baseball. Some players have no other opportunities to play, some are trying to reacclimated to the game due to long layoffs or recovery from injury, some just want more at bats and playing time, some are using it as a steppingstone, some want to tune up for tournaments, some want to extend their season and others just want to play as much as possible.  The division continues to change to try to accommodate everyone involved in meeting their playing goals and continuing to offer low-cost organized baseball.  
This division is open to multiple age groups and skill levels. With all this in mind, the goal is to provide organized quality baseball that supports & encourages players, offers multiple at bats, flexible positions, and understands we are all human. In baseball, success in batting is considered great when one gets out more than 6 out of 10 times at bat. I am as competitive as the next guy, but we don’t want lose sight of the fact that we are playing baseball not curing cancer. Although the comradery & friendships can go a long way in improving quality of life.   
When and where do we play ball? Are there other levels of input or assistance opportunities available?   
We plan to play most of our games on Sunday late afternoon at approximately 5PM at the Town of New Scotland Park baseball field (address below). The goal is to get about 15 or more games in. We are also hoping to get a game or two at the A Diamond in Schenectady’s Central Park. We are open to other field options if anybody has info on that. 
Like last year, the appetite for baseball grows in the late summer so continual baseball until fall is always a goal, especially after divisional playoffs and preparation for fall & winter tournaments. The Capital Division games will likely start in a couple of weeks. We may have late afternoon Sundays available in April if we get enough commitment to the season and weather permits.
Traditionally we do not play Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day weekend, and Labor Day.  There may be a few other scheduling conflicts. Plus, I have a few conflicts and could always use assistance to ensure baseball when I am away. Helping is not a club for a select few. I can use some help with administrative things and game management. I am not looking for any heavy lift assistance but commitment to different tasks. If interested in stepping up to volunteer as an assistant, PLEASE let me know.  We can talk to the Commish about that.
What does it cost to play and what do I need?
Last year the league was gracious in covering fees. This year’s cost for a season commitment is $100 and will include jerseys. This helps cover Fields, Umps when we have paid umps, baseballs and other expenses. More importantly it guarantees those committed and paying $100 fee up front guaranteed playing time should we have a couple dozen people show up. In lieu of a season commitment the cost will be around $10 a game. Players are expected to have a batting helmet, wood bat(s), baseball pants, baseball cap, red jersey and blue jersey. I do have a few extra wooden bats available for community use. The league may have some extra equipment available.
How Can I make payments?
$100 payment can be sent via
venmo @JimJazz
check to
Jim Jasiewicz
93 N. Pine Ave
Albany, NY
How do I sign up?
If you decide you want to commit for the season OR if you are just thinking of playing a few games, please complete the registration for the Capital Division
CD-MSBL has moved into the 21st century for rosters and registration, with an On-Line Form.  If I can do it, anyone can!  It takes about 5 minutes.
You must complete the CDMSBL Registration & Waiver form for the Capital Division regardless of if you have completed paper copies in the past or if you play for more than one division and already completed a form for that division. You must complete one for each team or division in which you play.
To complete:
1)  Go to
2) From Tool Bar on Home Page, select "Official Rules"
3) Use QR code, or click on 2024 CDMSBL Waiver & Release, directly beneath the QR code.
4) Complete form as instructed. 
        e.g.   Capital Division
Again, if you play for another team like me on the 55+ Pirates, you must submit two forms.
5) When you submit the smart waiver, you will receive a verification email for your electronic signature.  
You will need to access your email to confirm your electronic signature through that email.
6) You will receive an e-mail confirmation that you successfully completed your form, and it was accepted. Keep this for your records as it indicates that the submission is finalized.
NOTE: Download the confirmation within 72 hours as the link expires in 3 days.
What do I do next?
Once you have registered and paid, this is the most important part.
Send me an email to confirming you registered and paid, include your age at your 2024 birthday,  Jersey size, desired number(s),  positions you can play and cellular number for text. On Game day, it is best to reach me by call or text at 518-253-1913. I generally do not have access to my email.
What can I expect next?
Getting commitments to ensure enough players for a couple teams and getting jersey info impacts how quickly we can get started and secures paid umpires. We can start sooner without jerseys, provided each player brings a red jersey and a blue jersey of their own with them.  I put out emails early in the week to confirm weekly commitments. Once we have enough to play a confirming email will be sent that the game is on. We know life happens, but it is very important that if you commit you make every effort to come out and play. Your teammates are counting on you.
If you played last year, you know I work hard, along with others, to ensure that we play ball utilizing various formats and try to do my best to ensure it is organized, balanced, competitive, low pressure & fun baseball for everybody. I am approachable and love playing baseball and want to do my best to offer you the same opportunity at whatever level you are at.
What if I no longer want to get emails from the Capital Division?
Just send an email to and I will simply remove you from the email distribution list.
Thank you and have a great season.
Jim Jaz
Field location is Town of New Scotland 148 Swift Rd, Voorheesville, NY 12186
Here is the expected schedule. Currently all games are at New Scotland Park. We may be able to add other dates later in the year. 
To everybody on the email, please respond directly to me as to which dates you will play.  Early in the week of a game an email will be sent indicating who has responded that they will play. There may be subsequent emails to encourgae participation. As soon as we have enough for a game, an umpire will be sought and a confirmation that the "Game is on" will be sent.