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Parents's Code of Conduct



Parent’s Code of Conduct


Belcamp Rec Council seeks to instill positive character-building traits in our community, through the demonstration of good sportsmanship, respect for others, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.  We ask that parents and their guests attending Belcamp Rec Council sponsored events help us by reflecting these character traits at practices, games, and tournaments.  I support my child’s commitment to become a member of the Belcamp Brigade. My family is an extension of our Brigade family, and as a result, I understand I’m expected to do my best to commit to team and league rules & regulations.



  • I will be a role model for my child regarding good sportsmanship, teamwork and self-worth. These things start with the adults, and the players will behave accordingly. We will take pride in how we carry ourselves and treat others.
  • I commit to making sure my child arrives to games and practices on time. 

  • I will respect the challenges the coaches face and time commitment they make. I know that coaching is not easy. It is a significant contribution of time and energy, often with the side effect of stress.

  • I will do everything within my control to make this a positive experience for my child, other players, families and coaches. I will do my part to contribute to this Brigade family!

  • I will show respect for the umpires. They will often make the wrong call, but the job of the umpire is not an easy one. Voicing my displeasure will not improve the situation.

  • I will stay away from benches during games and allow coaches to coach. While this is not easy, I know that providing potentially conflicting messages during a game can be confusing to my child and my presence at the bench may contribute negatively to his ability to focus.

  • I am responsible for the behavior of all family members and friends at games and practices. Others may attend games to cheer on my child, and I need to be sure that they also handle themselves according to these rules.

  • I will provide encouragement and support for my child. My child needs to hear my positive encouragement throughout the game.

  • I will respect the opposing team, coaches and fans. They are the same as us in many ways, but they simply wear different uniforms. Appreciation for their performance and respect for their abilities will contribute to a positive game environment.

  • I understand that winning is important to the team, but the primary objective is promoting an environment of growth and learning. They will win. They will lose. They will make mistakes. One of the most important things will be what they learn from success and failure.

  • I will support the coach’s message. While I will not agree with the coach at all times, I also understand that contradicting the coach’s message is counterproductive.

  • I will help my child embrace his role, no matter what it is. I may not agree with where my child hits or plays in the field, but it is important that I help my child embrace and master that role for the best possible experience.

  • I will help nurture a positive environment on and off the field. I will do my best to keep a positive tone as I realize my reactions affects the team.

  • I will refrain from public complaints about coaching and other players with parents. While I will not always agree with how the team is being coached, I know that these reactions do not help.

  • I will schedule a time with the coach to calmly and constructively discuss lineup and playing time concerns rather than during, immediately before or after a practice or game. Instead of complaining publicly, I will be part of the solution by scheduling a private time to discuss my concerns.

  • I will be sure that my child is properly equipped, sun-protected, hydrated and fueled for practices and games. This includes proper uniforms, gloves, bags and meals.




Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, the following:


  • Verbal warning
  • Limited suspension from programs and activities
  • Permanent expulsion from programs and activities


An individual may face permanent expulsion without verbal warning and/or suspension if, in the judgment of the Recreation Council, the violation is significant enough to warrant such action.