Blazers Herd Up Rhinos

October 31, 2017

Blazers Hobbs 2017 continued with another win Sunday afternoon. Nobody would confuse this one for a clinic, the final score was 16-13 good guys. Ruben Correa was player of the game with 4 runs scored! Rick Sanders allowed 8 runs, but only one was earned, as the defense continued to fight it a bit on the crushed brick fields of Terry Park. But we did what we had to do to win, and another 17 hits was the key. Joe Neira continued an unblemished  mini-season with 2 more hits, George Kerst had three hits, Dean Hill had a coupe more hits, with a 2 run double, and Danny Acevedo had a couple of RBI singles. Doubleheadewr tomorrow boys, get some sleep, BP at 8:30 under the stadium at Century Link. Looking forward to seeing you there!