

The Base Borden NPP Golf League is established to:


    1. To develop, encourage, and promote the game of Golf at CFB Borden
    2. To initiate and regulate competitions, games, and playoffs within its jurisdiction.
    3. To Provide the opportunity for personnel to participate in the sport of golf.
    4. To Provide unit morale and wellness through Sport at CFB Borden.


Terms Of Reference


  1. League Convenor:

a.       this will be the base Sports Coordinator.

b.      they will manage the leagues scheduling & statistics; and chair the discipline committee (DisCo).

  1. The Team Representatives shall:

a.            represent their team at all Team Rep Meetings. (Pre-Season / Post season / emergency meeting during season)

b.            be the communication link between the League Convenor and their team.

c.             ensure that all players prior to playing any games have paid all/any fees and have been added to the team’s roster. Failure to do so will result in suspension of the player and forfeit of any games played.


d.            ensure that all players are eligible for the playoffs.

e.            be responsible to ensure the games sheets are completed and legible.

f.              Communicate all information from League Convenor to all players (Schedule change/cancellation due to weather etc)

g.            read the By-laws and clearly know and understand each by-law.




·         Reschedule

If a Team contacts the League Convenor 24 hours in advance that they cannot play the league convenor will Contact the other team. The team that could not play will be given a loss and the other team will be awarded the win. 


·         Forfeits – Team does not show for the scheduled Game time.

           Each team is allotted 3 Forfeits for the season. Once a team forfeits twice

            the League Convenor will review the team participation. On the 3rd forfeit the team may be eliminated from the regular season and the end of season tournament.


Regular Season Points:


            Win                                         3 pts

            Tie                                           2 pts

            Loss                                        1 pts

            Forfeit                                     0 pts

            Incorrect scorecard              0 pts




  • This League will be self-officiated.


Protests, Appeals, Discipline and Discipline Committee.


See CFB Borden NPP Sports League Constitution




  • Severing Military Member with Golf Course Membership – Fees Covered by Membership
  • Severing Military Member without Golf Course Membership – Fees Covered by PSP as long as we can
  • Veteran/Ordinary Member with Golf Course Membership – Fees Covered by Membership
  • Veteran/Ordinary Member without Golf Course Membership – Fees Covered by Player




  1. Team composition shall be as follows:


    1. each team must have a minimum of six (6) players on the team roster.


    1. Each team will be composed of Members from your Unit,


    1. all team rosters/players must be registered with the League Convenor and ALL fees must be paid BEFORE playing in the league.


    1. players who are posted in during the regular season are eligible to play.


    1. registered players may not go to other teams without permission from the league Convenor (each situation will be dealt with individually).


    1. only two (2) golfers from any one team will play on a given play day (Wednesday). Units with more than one team can use players from their own teams to fill voids.



  • Golf will run from Mid-May to Beginning of September
  • On completion of the league play, a 4-person, scramble (shotgun) start, tournament may be held at the Circled Pine Golf Course during the month of September; exact date and timings to be arranged with the Circled Pine Golf Club.  Cost TBD.  Team composition for the end of season tournament must be made up of players who have played a minimum of 2 rounds.  This Tournament is tentative – and will depend on Weather and Golf Course schedule. Only 120 players will play at end of year tournament.


NOTE:  The above dates are tentative only, and actual dates of play will be determined by the league schedule.




  • Play will be governed by the rules of the game, set out by RCGA and Circle Pine Golf Course and the by-laws listed below.


  • Where the RCGA and Circle Pine Golf Course rules and the by-laws differ, the by-laws shall be the final authority.





·        The league will play a Scramble Format; In a Scramble, each player tees off on each hole.  The best tee shot is selected, and the second shot is played from that spot.  The best of the second shots is selected, and the Third shot is played from that spot, and so on until the ball is holed.


Playing short handed


  • If only one from each team shows up, the match may continue as stroke play.


  • If Only one Player from a team shows up, the match may continue, but the Single player will play stroke play and the team of two (2) will play Scramble.  The single player will not get an advantage (Hit 2 balls and take the best shot).





·        All players MUST report to Pro Shop to register / pay any fees 10 min before tee time.  Each golfer will be required to show receipt or proof of membership to the starter.  If a team has not signed in to the pro shop 10 min before tee time - it is a forfeit.

·        If a team is not present at the tee box for there scheduled tee time – it is a forfeit.



  • Authority to cancel due to weather will be the responsibility of Circle Pines Golf Course, this includes before and during all matches.


  • If a match is called due to weather, Once the fifth hole is complete by the last tee time – the scores stand. If the last tee time can not complete the 5th hole, all matches will be considered a tie.



·         Only one scorecard per foursome, with each team’s name and number and tee-off time printed neatly on top.  (Ex. Team A #2 vs Team B #1, Tee Off 1330hrs).   See example at clubhouse.


All scorecards must be signed by 2 players, one from each team, (signifying that the scores are correct) and placed in the designated place in the Circle Pine Clubhouse.  No score card(s) or unreadable scorecard equals a loss awarded to the offending team(s).



·         To speed up play, use the double par method!  

            Example. Par 3 max 6 strokes, Par 4 max 8 strokes etc.  If not holding any one up, go ahead and practice.   Mark max score on card as explained.


·         If a ball is hit out of play (woods, road, out of bounds) the player has 2 minutes from     the time they get to there to find the ball.  If the ball is not found, they may drop a ball anywhere no closer to the hole from the point of entry (Not where it may have ended up). This will count as a one stroke penalty.   If preferred RCGA Rules may be applied with the two-minute time limit to find your ball.


·         Preferred lies shall be used from tee to green.  Ball placement should be within a Score card distance of where the ball came to rest (no closer to the hole).  All preferred lies shall remain in the same cut of grass as the original lie.




·        The winning team from the league play will receive a trophy at the end of season banquet. 

·        Prizes will be awarded at completion of year-end tournament upon discretion of the League Convenor.