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Cambridge Girls Softball Constitution, By-Laws & Operating Rules

Cambridge Girls



Constitution, By-Laws

And Operating Rules


October 6th, 2015

A by-law relating generally to the transaction of the affairs of Cambridge Girls Softball

Association (hereinafter called the Association)


The Association shall have its head office at the place in Ontario where the letters patent provide

that the head office is to be situate provided that the head office may be changed as permitted by

the Corporations Act.


The seal, an impression whereof is stamped in the margin hereof, shall be the corporate seal of

the Association.

3. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION - Amended September 26, 2011 Oct 6, 2015

The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Officers ranging between three

and six, and 5 appointed Directors. Each of whom at the time of their election or within ten (10)

days thereafter and throughout their term of office shall be a Member of the Association. Each

Officer shall be elected to hold office until the first annual meeting after he/she shall have been

elected or until their successor shall have been duly elected and qualified. The whole Board shall

be retired at each annual meeting, but shall be eligible for re-election if otherwise qualified. The

Members of the Association shall elect the Officers. The Officers of the Association shall

appoint the Directors. The election may be by a show of hands unless a ballet is called for. The

Members of the Association may, by resolution passed by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes

cast at any meeting of which notice specifying the intention to pass such resolution has been

given, remove or add any Officer or Director before the expiration of their term of Office, and

may, by a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast at any meeting, elect any person in their

stead for the remainder of their term.


Vacancies on the Board of Directors, however caused, my so long as a quorum of Directors

remain in office, be filled by the Directors from among the qualified Members of the

Association, if they shall see fit to do so, otherwise such vacancy shall be filled at the next

annual meeting of the Members at which the Officers and Directors for the ensuing year are

elected, but if there is not a quorum of directors, the remaining Directors shall forthwith call a

meeting of the Members to fill the vacancy. If the number of Directors is increased between the

terms, a vacancy or vacancies, to the number of the authorized increase, shall thereby be deemed

to have occurred, which may be filled in the manner above provided.

5. QUORUM AND MEETING, BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Amended September 22, 2009 Oct

6, 2015

One half 1/2 of the Directors shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. Except as

otherwise required by law, the Board of Directors may hold its meetings at such place or places

as it may from time to time determine. No formal notice of any such meeting shall be necessary

if all the Directors are present, or if those absent have signified their consent to the meeting being

held in their absence. Directors’ meetings may be formally called by the President or Vice-

President or by the Secretary on direction of the President or Vice-President or by the Secretary

on direction in writing of two (2) Directors. Notice of such meetings shall be delivered,

telephoned or e-mailed to each Director not less than one (1) day before the meeting is to take

place or shall be mailed to each Director not less than two (2) days before the meeting is to take

place. The statutory declaration of the Secretary or President that notice has been given pursuant

to this by-law shall be sufficient and conclusive evidence of the giving of such notice. The Board

may appoint a day or days in any month or months for regular meetings at an hour to be named

and of such regular meeting, no notice need be sent. A Directors’ meeting may also be held,

without notice, immediately following the annual meeting of the Association. The Directors may

consider or transact any business either special or general at any meeting of the Board.


No error or omission in giving such notice for a meeting of Directors shall invalidate such

meeting or invalidate or make void any proceedings taken or had at such meeting and any

Director may at any time waive notice of any such meeting and may ratify and approve of any or

all proceedings taken or had thereat.

7. VOTING BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Amended September, 22, 2009

Questions arising at any meeting of Directors shall be decided by a majority of votes. In case of

an equality of votes, the President shall have the tie breaking vote. All votes shall be taken by

ballot if so demanded by any Director present, but if no demand be made, the vote shall be taken

in the usual way by assent or dissent. A declaration by the President that a resolution had been

carried and an entry to that effect in the minutes shall be admissible in evidence as prima facie

proof of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or

against such resolution. In the absence of the President, their duties may be performed by the

Vice-President or such other Director as the Board may from time to time appoint for the


8. POWERS - Amended September 22, 2009 Amended October 6th, 2015

1) All Directors shall transfer to their successor in office, all books, papers, property, and monies

in their possession immediately after the Annual General Meeting.

2) The Executive has the power to appoint replacements of any Director who resigns during their

term of office.

3) Any Director resigning without due cause, shall be restricted from becoming a Director for an

additional one (1) year from the time of their resignation.

4) Directors can be removed from the Executive for just cause, with a majority of two thirds

(2/3) of the votes cast. Any Director removed from the Executive for this reason shall be

restricted from rejoining the Executive, in any capacity, for an additional one (1) year.

5) The Executive shall be further empowered to make appointments to the Executive to cover

any specialized duties.

6) The Executive has the power to enforce the provisions of the Constitution, By-laws and

playing rules of the Association.

7) Amendments to any by-law may be made by a majority of the votes of the Directors present,

provided a quorum is present at any meeting. Such amendments must be approved by the

membership at the scheduled board meeting.

8) The Executive shall authorize all expenditures of the Association.

9) The Executive shall be responsible for the financial audit.

10) The Executive shall establish annual registration fees and is responsible for the general

welfare of the Association.

11) The Executive is expressly empowered to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire, alienate, sell,

exchange or otherwise dispose of shares, stocks, rights, warrants, options and other securities,

lands, buildings, and other property, movable or immovable, real or personal, or any right of

interest therein owned by the Association for such consideration and upon such terms and

conditions as they may deem advisable.

12) Only Executive members are eligible to vote at Executive meetings.

13) Each director (excluding the President who only has a tie breaking vote) shall have one (1)

vote on all matters requiring a vote. Any Director responsible for more than one position is not

entitled to more than one (1) vote.”


9. The Directors shall receive no remuneration for acting as such.


September 26. 2011


President Vice-President/Registrar

Past President


Appointed Directors:

Equipment Manager


Director of PWSA

Director of Inter-County

Director if Bingo/Nevada/Public Relations

11. DUTIES OF PRESIDENT - Amended September 26, 2011

The President shall:

1) Be charged with the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the

Association and its Directors, and assist in any operation that requires his assistance

2) Exercise the power and authority of the Executive should he/she deem it necessary, subject to

ratification by the entire Executive at the next meeting.

3) Be the official spokesperson for the Association.

4) Be an ex-officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees.

5) Call meetings as deemed necessary or required.

6) Be responsible for the notification of appropriate individuals of, and preside at Executive and

Special meetings.

7) Prepare an agenda for all such meetings.

8) Act as signing officer on all documents pertaining to the operations of the Association when


9) Act as signing officer along with the Treasurer and/or Vice President on all cheques pertaining

to the Association.

10) Remind, when necessary, all members of the Executive of their duties.

11) Only have voting privileges where a vote is significant (i.e. to break a tie vote to carry or

defeat a motion or to carry or defeat a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote).

12) At the Annual General Meeting, be responsible for submitting a report on league activities.

13) Shall be eligible to serve as President for as many terms as the Association members

determines, providing he/she is able and fit to do so.

14) Any of the two signing authorities cannot be related.

15) Establish a good rapport with the City of Cambridge and the Waterloo Region District

School Board.

16) Be responsible for booking diamonds for travel teams and any tournaments hosted by the


17) Be responsible for booking rooms for annual and monthly meetings and player registration

and an arena for Skills Day.

18) Be responsible for booking gymnasiums for pitching and umpire clinics, the annual House

League coaches draft meeting and travel team work outs during the off season.

19) Must sit on Coaches Selection Committee.

Eligibility: Must have served on the Association’s Executive for a minimum of one (1) year

during the previous four (4) years

12. DUTIES OF VICE-PRESIDENT/REGISTRAR - Amended September 26, 2011

The Vice- President shall:

1) Perform the duties of the President, in their absence or at their request, and will have all power

and rights of the President during their absence.

2) When acting as President, will retain voting rights.

3) Assist the President in performing their duties and may hold the position of Chairperson of an

ad hoc or standing committee.

4) Attend all Executive and/or Special meetings.

5) Act as signing officer along with the President and/or Treasurer on all cheques pertaining to

the Association.

6) In the event that the President is unable to fulfill their duties for the remainder of their term for

whatever said reasons; the Vice-President shall act as President, with the privileges of the

President as described above, for the remainder of the President’s current term.

7) Perform other duties as assigned by the President or their designate.

8) Be a full voting Member of the Executive.

9) Be responsible for the registration of all players, on a date as determined by the Executive,

and ensure the location of the registration has been booked.

10) Ensure that all registration forms have been ordered, received and have the correct


11) Ensure Executive approved advertising for player registration has been edited for accuracy

and that such advertising will be in the proper media on the proper dates.

12) Ensure that a schedule of volunteers is complete and any and all pertinent information for

players and parents is in place and available at the registration location (i.e.: each team of the

Association must submit two names to volunteer with the bingo fundraiser).

13) Solicit for coaches and volunteers for various committees from parents during registration

and submit a list of these volunteers to the appropriate Officer and or Director.

14) Ensure the collection of all registrations and applicable travel fees, including delinquent

accounts, and forward these fees on to the Treasurer for deposit.

15) Maintain an accurate system of files and records of all documents related to players, coaches,

umpires and volunteers.

16) Update the Associations web site with applicable and required information.

17) Must sit on Coaches Selection Committee.

Eligibility: Must have served on the Association’s Executive for a minimum of one (1) year

during the previous four (4) years.

13. DUTIES OF PAST PRESIDENT - Amended September 26, 2011

The Past President shall:

1) Be the retiring President who shall serve in an advisory capacity.

2) Perform other duties as assigned by the President or his/her designate.

3) Shall attend all regular and other meetings as requested by the President

4) Be a full voting Member of the Executive.

5) The Immediate Past President shall only be a position on the Executive when there is a newly

elected President at the Annual General Meeting.

14. DUTIES OF SECRETARY/TREASURER - Amended September 26, 2011

The Secretary shall:

1) Attend all meetings of the Executive and ensure and maintain complete and accurate records

of all Executive and Committee meetings.

2) Have all meeting minutes completed and sent to all members of the Executive (via e-mail or

pick up) within 10 days of said meetings.

3) Be the custodian of the seal of the Association, the treasury report and of all books, papers,

records, correspondence, contracts and other documents belonging to the Association.

4) Act as liaison between the Association and other groups and ensure that all correspondence is

brought before the President and/or Executive for information and/or any required action.

5) Ensure that any correspondence directed by the President and/or Executive is executed in a

prompt and timely manner.

6) Perform other duties as assigned by the President or their designate.

7) Shall be a full voting Member of the Executive.

8) Keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the Association in proper

books of account.

9) Deposit all monies within 5 business days as well as other valuable effects in the name and to

the credit of the Association in a financial institution as determined by the Executive.

10) Be one of three authorized signing authorities of cheques authorized by the Executive.

11) Ensure payment of all authorized expenses in a timely manner.

12) Verify receipt of all player registration and travel fees where applicable.

13) Submit current financial report at all monthly meetings.

14) Prepare and submit a financial report at the Annual General Meeting

15) Submit books for auditing if applicable.

Eligibility: Any Member of the Association, in good standing.

15. DUTIES OF EQUIPMENT MANAGER -Amended September 26, 2011

The Equipment Manager shall:

1) Be responsible for the records of inventory and storage of all Association equipment. Such

equipment shall include but not be limited to all equipment required to play the game of softball

(i.e.: bats, balls, protective equipment) and all House League and Travel Team uniforms.

2) Where possible, submit two quotes for the purchase of any required

3) Prepare an annual inventory of Association equipment and project cost to maintain and/or

replace equipment and submit it to the Treasurer prior to the second Executive meeting of the


4) Schedule a time, date and place for Travel Team coaches/managers to pick up and drop off

equipment at the start and end of the playing season. Will confer with the Director of Coaches in

regards to scheduling a time, date and place for House League coaches/managers to pick up and

drop off equipment at the start and end of the playing season.

5) Along with the Vice-President, be the only two members of the Executive with keys to any

unit used as storage for Association equipment.

6) Be responsible for the security, issuing and collection of all keys for the Association’s batting

cage and the scheduling of teams wishing to use the batting cage during the season.

7) Perform other duties as directed by the President or their designate.

8) Be a full voting Member of the Executive.

Eligibility: Any Member of the Association, in good standing.

16. DUTIES OF UMPIRE IN CHIEF -Amended September 26, 2011

The Umpire in Chief shall:

1) Schedule umpire(s) for each regular season and playoff game.

2) Ensure all umpires are issued the most current and/or updated copies of CGSA specific

playing rules and current CASA playing rules.

3) Ensure all umpires are issued the most current and/or updated copies of PWSA and ISA

Divisional rules.

4) Confer with the Equipment Manager to ensure each umpire is issued the required equipment

for the upcoming season.

5) Perform other duties as directed by the President or their designate.

6) Shall be a full voting Member

Eligibility: Any Member of the Association, in good standing.



The Director of PWSA Travel and Director of Inter-county Travel shall:

1) Represent Cambridge at Grand Valley and Inter-County League meetings.

2) Work with coaches/managers to ensure all documentation (i.e.: affiliation forms, registration)

has been completed by each team they represent.

3) Act as liaison between team representatives (coaches/managers) and the Association in

regards to information for regular season games and year-end and other tournaments.

4) Be responsible for providing the Umpire In Chief a copy of all division schedules within two

days of their completion, to ensure coverage for all games.

5) Confer with the Equipment Manager to ensure the needs of their appropriate teams are


6) Inform their teams of the schedule and date of team pictures.

7) Perform other duties as directed by the President or their designate.

8) Both Director of PWSA and Inter-County will sit on the Coach’s Selection Committee

9) Be a full voting Member of the Executive.

Eligibility: Any Member of the Association, in good standing. Preference would be given to

those with P.W.S.A. experience.


October 6th, 2015

The Director Bingo/Nevada/Public Relations shall:

2) Assign Stingers, Coyotes bingo assignments by month and confer with the Directors of PWSA

and Inter-County Travel to ensure all teams are aware of their responsibilities and the Director of

Bingo/Nevada/Public Relations is given the list of volunteers with contact information.

3) Perform other duties as assigned by the President or their designate.

4) Be responsible for all advertising for the Association with radio, newspaper and television, or

any marketing vehicle.

5) Be responsible for any additional information packages i.e.: flyers, etc. and shall also ensure

that all printing has been edited for errors and any necessary corrections are made.

6) Receive Executive approval prior to the finalization of any advertising. The Executive may

delegate the responsibility of this approval to the President or Vice President where time

restraints exist.

Eligibility: Any Member of the Association, in good standing.

19. SUB-COMMITTEES -Amended September 26, 2011

1) CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAW COMMITTEE – To consist of three Members of the

Executive, appointed by the President, to review any proposed amendments to the Association

Constitution and By-Laws, as submitted by any Member of the Sub-Committee, Executive or

Association Member. These proposed amendments must be presented to the Members of the

Association, to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting or any such meeting called for that


2) SOFTBALL PARENTS AND VOLUNTEERS – amended October 6, 2015 - to consist of a

minimum of one (1) Association Member, but no more than three (3) Association Members, as

assigned by the President. This subcommittee shall be responsible for scheduling, obtaining

supplies and managing the concession booth in Victoria Park for any tournament hosted by the


3) DISIPLINARY COMMITTEE: amended October 6, 2015 - to consist of the Vice-President,

and one other Executive Members, as appointed by the Executive. If it is deemed that the Vice-

President has any personal involvement with the issue being addressed the Executive shall

appoint a replacement Executive Member. The Committee shall review situations pertaining to

unacceptable behavior by Association Members and/or participants, whether it be physical or

verbal, and submit their findings and recommendations in writing to the Executive for final

disposition. Only those Members of the Association and/or participants directly involved, with

the issue to be addressed will be allowed to attend the disciplinary meeting. The Executive will

be the sole deciding body in determining those who are directly involved with the issue to be



The duties of all other Officers of the Association shall be such as the terms of their engagement

call for or the Board of Directors requires of them.


Deeds, transfers, licenses, contracts and engagements on behalf of the Association shall be

signed by any two (2) of the Officers and Directors together upon the direction of the Board of

Directors. Contracts in the ordinary course of the Association’s operations, may be entered into

on behalf of the Association by the President, Vice-President, Treasurer or by any person

authorized by the Board. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in the bylaws

of the Association, the Board of Directors may at any time by resolution direct the manner

in which, and the person or persons by whom, any particular instrument, contract or obligations

of the Association may or shall be executed.


The Officers shall see that all necessary books and records of the Association required by the bylaws

of the Association or by any applicable statute or law are retained for the requisite period of

time and are regularly and properly kept.

23. MEMBERSHIP - Amended September 22, 2009

The Membership will be all persons in good standing, with children registered or directly

involved with C.G.S.A. (i.e.) coaches, volunteers or current Directors signing the sign-in sheet at

the Annual General Meeting of Cambridge Girls Softball Association, on date specified as the

Annual General Meeting, are to be admitted as Members of the Association and are entitled to

one (1) vote per attendee. Persons wishing to attend that do not have standing or direct

involvement either as a coach or volunteer or current Director, are welcome to attend and sign in

as a guest, but shall not have a vote or be allowed to address the AGM unless written request has

been received through proper channels and are on the agenda. To recognize special contributions

to the Association, Honorary Members may be appointed to the Association by the Executive.

An Honorary Member shall have all the rights and privileges of a regular Member of the


24. DUES

There shall be no dues or fees payable by Members except such, if any, as shall from time to

time be fixed by majority vote of the Board of Directors, which vote shall become effective only

when confirmed by a vote of the Members at an annual or other general meeting. The Secretary

shall notify the Members of the dues or fees payable by them and, if any are not paid within

thirty (30) days of the date of such notice, the Members in default shall thereupon automatically

cease to be Members of the Association, but any such members may on payment of all unpaid

dues or fees be reinstated by the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.

25. ANNUAL AND OTHER MEETINGS OF MEMBERS - Amended September 22, 2009

The annual or any general meeting of the Members shall be held at the head office or the

Association or elsewhere in Ontario as the Board of Directors may determine and on such day as

the said Directors shall appoint. At every annual meeting, in addition to any other business that

may be transacted, the report of the Directors, the financial statement and the report of the

auditors, if applicable, shall be presented and a Board of Directors and Officers elected and

auditors, if applicable, appointed for the ensuing year and the remuneration of the auditors, if

applicable, shall be fixed. The Members may consider thereof at any meeting of the Members

provided that any amendments or general meeting through a notice of motion and voted on at the

following general meeting, or a special meeting called for the purpose. The Board of Directors or

the President or Vice-President shall have power to call at any time a general meeting of the

Members of the Association. No public notice nor advertisement of Members meetings, annual

or general, shall be required, but notice of the time and place of every such meeting shall be

given to each Member by sending the notice by prepaid mail, or e-mailed ten (10) days before

the time fixed for the holding of such meetings: provided that any meetings of members may be

held at any time and place without such notice if all the members of the Association are present

thereat and at such meeting any business may be transacted which the Association at the annual

or general meetings may transact. Various types of meetings shall be used to conduct the affairs

of the Association and these meetings are as follows:

1) Annual General Meeting - open to all regular and Honorary Members and is to be held every

year for policy setting purposes.

2) Executive Meeting – open to all regular and Honorary Members. Voting privileges to

Executive Members only and is for general and administrative purposes.

3) Special Meeting – open to all Executive Members and is for rule and by-law changes. Notices

of meetings shall be made in the following manner and time frame:

4) Annual General Meeting – date set by President. All Executive Members to be notified by

phone, e-mail or in person by the President or Secretary, no later than three weeks (21 days)

prior to the meeting and is to be advertised in the local paper, and/or e-mailed to all regular and

Honorary Members and/or posted on the C.G.S.A. web site two weeks prior to the meeting date.

This meeting is for the nomination and election of Officers for the coming year.

5) Executive Meetings must be rescheduled not cancelled. Executive meetings are to be held on

the second Tuesday of each month. The January and September meetings are mandatory.


1) Articles of the Constitution and By-laws amendments may be submitted by any Member of

the Association. Submission of the proposed amendments should be submitted, in writing or by

e-mail to the Secretary two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary will

arrange for all proposed amendments to be available for pick-up or e-mailed by any Association

Members seven (7) days prior to the annual meeting. Proposed amendments will only be

approved by a two third (2/3) majority of the votes submitted by the Members present at the

Annual General Meeting.

2) Constitution, By-law and Operating Rules of the Association may be amended at any time by

a majority of two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the Executive present at a Special Meeting

called for this purpose only. In order for a Special Meeting to take place three-quarters (3/4) of

the Executive Members present must agree to allow the amendments to stand for consideration.

Any such changes made must be ratified at the subsequent Annual General Meeting.

3) No proxy vote shall be recognized at any Executive, Special, or Annual General meeting, nor

shall any Member ever have more than one vote.

4) Members of the Executive may be recognized by the Chair and may address issues on the

floor. Other registered Association members may also be recognized by the Chair to speak to

issues being tabled, however, they will have no vote.


No error or omission in giving notice of any annual or general meeting or any adjourned

meeting, whether annual or general, of the members of the Association shall invalidate such

meeting or make void any proceedings taken thereat and any member may at any time waive

notice of any such meeting and may ratify, approve and confirm any or all proceedings taken or

had thereat. For the purpose of sending notice to any member, Director or Officer for any

meeting or otherwise, the address of any member, Director or Officer shall be their last address

recorded on the books of the Association.


Any meetings of the Association or of the Directors may be adjourned to any time and from time

to time and such business may be transacted at such adjourned meeting as might have been

transacted at the original meeting from which such adjournment took place. No notice shall be

required of any such adjournment. Such adjournment may be made notwithstanding that no

quorum is present.


A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of members shall consist of not less than

50% of the members present.


1) All Executive positions shall be eligible for election at the Annual meeting. If more than one

individual is interested in filling an Executive position, there shall be an election by secret ballot

for the position.

2) The Secretary must receive nominations for the Executive positions at the Annual General

Meeting. Nominations must be seconded and the person nominated must agree to the

nomination. Incumbents need not be nominated, however, if they do not wish to serve another

term in their current position they must advise the Secretary.

3) The President of the Association shall enter office immediately following the Annual General

Meeting, unless the post is vacated earlier and shall remain Association President until

immediately following the next Annual General Meeting.

4) The Vice-President shall be directly elected at the Association Annual General Meeting.

5) In the event the Presidency cannot be filled by election, the Executive shall appoint a

President from available and interested individuals at the first meeting in the calendar year. The

Vice-President, or his designate, shall act as President until a new President is appointed.

6) All Executive and Convener positions that have not been filled by election, at the Annual

General Meeting, shall be appointed by the Executive at the first Executive meeting of the

calendar year. Their position will be valid until the next fiscal year.

31. FISCAL YEAR - Amended September 22, 2009

Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, the fiscal year of the Association shall

terminate on the day of September 30th in each year.


All cheques, bills of exchange or other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence

of indebtedness issued in the name of the Association, shall be signed by such Officer or

Officers, Agent or Agents of the Association and in such manner as shall from time to time be

determined by resolution of the Board of Directors and any one of such Officers or Agents may

alone endorse notes and drafts for collection on account of the Association through its bankers,

and endorse notes and cheques for deposit with the Corporation’s bankers for the credit of the

Association, or the same may be endorsed “for collection” or “for deposit” with the bankers of

the Association by using the Corporation’s rubber stamp for the purpose. Any one of such

Officers or Agents so appointed may arrange, settle, balance and certify all books and accounts

between the Association and the Corporation’s bankers and may receive all paid cheques and

vouchers and sign all the bank’s forms or settlement of balances and release or verification slips.


The securities of the Association shall be deposited for safekeeping with one or more bankers,

trust companies or other financial institution to be selected by the Board of Directors. Any and

all securities so deposited may be withdrawn, from time to time, only upon the written order of

the Association signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the Association, and in such

manner, as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors and

such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. The institutions which may be so

selected as custodians of the Board of Directors shall be fully protected in acting in accordance

with the directions of the Board of Directors and shall in no event be liable for the due

application of the securities so withdrawn from deposit or the proceeds thereof.

34. NOTICE - Amended September 22, 2009

Whenever under the provisions of the by-laws of the Association, notice is required to be given,

such notice may be given either personally, by telephone, e-mailed or mailed through the post

office, addressed to the Director, Officer or Member at their address as the same appears on the

books of the Association. A notice or other document so sent by post shall be held to be sent at

the time when the same was deposited in a post office or public mail box as aforesaid. For the

purpose of sending any notice, the address of the Member, Director or Officer shall be their last

address as recorded on the books of the Association.


The Directors may from time to time:

(1) Borrow money on the credit of the Association; or

(2) Issue, sell or pledge securities of the Association; or

(3) charge, mortgage, hypothecate or pledge all or any of the real or personal property of the

Association, including book debts, rights, powers, franchises and undertakings, to secure any

securities or any money borrowed, or other debts, or any other obligation or liability of the


36. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS - Amended September 22, 2009

In these by-laws and in all other by-laws of the Association hereafter passed unless the context

otherwise requires, words importing the singular number or the masculine gender shall include

the plural number or the feminine gender, as the case may be, and vice versa, and references to

persons shall include firms and associations.


1) “Executive” means the group of elected officers to be elected at the Annual General Meeting

to manage the Association for a one (1) year term.

2) “By-Laws” are those by-laws enacted by the General Membership pursuant to the provisions

of the Constitution.

3) “Executive Meeting” is a meeting that consists of all Executive Officers.

4) “Quorum” is the minimum number of Executive members required at a meeting to conduct

business on behalf of the Association.

5) “Participant” means a child / player or their parent representative.

37. AWARDS - Amended September 26, 2011

The Association shall:

1) Provide trophies for winners in any Association sponsored tournament. The cost of said

trophies is to be included in the tournament budget.

2) Endeavour to provide an annual award to a deserving volunteer within the Association.

3) Be empowered to provide other awards from time to time to recognize various groups or



The Association’s website shall include recruitment information for new players who may wish

to become part of the Association. The message shall include wording that explicitly states that

the Association welcomes new players of all ages and skill levels. The message shall include the

contact information of the Vice-President and Registrar. This link shall be located in a prominent

spot on the home page, highly visible to first time visitors to the website. This website should be

current and available 365 days of the year.

39: DISSOLUTION of the ASSOCIATION: Amended September 22, 2014

1) General Dissolution - In the event of the dissolution of CCSA, the distribution of the

organizations assets and property after all debts are paid will be donated to Hespeler Minor

Softball Association.

2) Proceeds of Licensed Lottery Events - in the event of the dissolution of CGSA, the

distribution of assets acquired from the proceeds of licensed lottery events (i.e. Nevada/Bingo

trust accounts or property purchased with proceeds will go to the Optimists Club of Hespeler.

Should they no longer exist or be eligible to receive lottery proceeds in Ontario then proceeds

must go to any charitable organizations that are eligible to receive lottery proceeds in Ontario.


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: – Amended September 22nd, 2014

1.1. To provide an opportunity for girls, primarily from the city of Cambridge, to participate in the

sport of fast pitch softball in an organized recreational League.

1.2. To foster fair play and sportsmanship.

1.3. To organize and support its players, umpires and organizers.

1.4. To fully support the role and authority of umpires on the field of play and adjacent areas

before, during, and following all games.

1.5. To ensure that all Members have the opportunity to present their views and have them heard.

1.6. To adhere to, as much as possible, the objectives and policies of the Provincial and National

Associations for Softball.

1.7. To operate a non‐profit organization this adheres to the principles of volunteerism to benefit

the Association’s membership.

OPERATING RULES– Amended September 22nd, 2014

All rules shall be in accordance with the current Official Rulebook of Softball Canada with

the following additional rules, clarifications, emphasis or amendments.

Within CGSA:

1. Complaints regarding Association organization, function, operations, personnel, etc. shall be

made in writing to the President.

2. Complaints regarding umpires shall be made in writing to the Umpire‐in‐Chief and the President.

3. Depending on which League Cambridge teams play regular season games, their official rules will

be followed. I.e. Grand Valley, Inter County, PWSA.

ADMINISTRATIVE RULES– Amended September 22nd, 2014

1. All divisions will have their own specific playing rules which are to be followed.

2. Equal opportunity to play

i) All players should be given an opportunity to play during regular season games.

Tournaments/Qualifiers/Provincials are at the discretion of the Division coach(s).


i) The executive shall try to arrange suitable diamonds to host start up and playoffs if hosting, and

our own John Cross Memorial Tournament.

SAFETY RULES– Amended September 22nd, 2014

1. Helmets

a. All batter/base runners must wear an approved batting helmet.

b. All catchers must wear a League-approved catcher's helmet while playing catcher.

2. All games must to be played with a safety base at first.


1. All players must be registered with the respective Division (Team) before first indoor practice

during winter training and more specifically, before playing any games. Forms can be obtained

on the CGSA website or through Registrar.

2. All players in the Association must provide a copy of birth certificate or similar proof of age

when registering. The copy is to be given to the Head Coach for PWSA affiliation.

3. Any potential player for any team after winter training has begun in any division in CGSA, must

have a fully completed registration form on file before attending any practices.

4. All registration fees must be paid in full to the Association by deadline dates specified (subject to

change from year to year) before any player participates in any game. Failure to pay registration

in full, will result in a suspension of practices and playing time until fees have been paid.

5. Should a registered Travel player "quit" the team to which she has signed, she will also serve a

one year suspension from C.G.S.A.

6. Travelling Team players who sign P.W.S.A. or C.G.S.A rosters may be called up to play in a higher

division on travelling (rep) teams. This can only be done if the team roster for a specific game

drops below ten (10) players. Permission must be obtained from players, parents, both coaches

and Travel Convener.

7. No player may play for two teams ‐ i.e. Coyotes and Stingers.

EXCEPTION: As an additional signed player, as to avoid forfeiture of a specific game, on

condition that it does not interfere with the player's own league game or practice.

8. Travel Rep teams must apply to the Executive for permission to participate in any Association

other than Grand Valley Ladies Softball Association or Inter County.

TRAVEL DIVISION POLICIES– Amended September 22nd, 2014

1) The purpose of the travel divisions is to provide an opportunity for girls from C.G.S.A. to compete

at a higher level.

2) The travel division will host teams from each age bracket if there are enough participants. This

will include Mites through Midget level and may include Junior or Intermediate if applicable.

3) Travel team formations will occur through formal tryouts as announced by CGSA and will be held

in the fall following Labour Day for the following spring/summer season to allow for practice during the

winter months. Girls will be placed on a team after tryouts and must play in their current age bracket

unless there are not enough players to form a team in a certain division. They will be considered to play

on a team above their age bracket if there is space left. Players cannot be placed in a lower age bracket.

4) Coach Selection: Travel Coach Candidates shall be selected once all applications have been

received by specified deadline by the Coach’s Selection Committee made up of the President, VicePresident,

PWSA Rep and Inter County Rep. If there is more than one applicant for one division, the

incumbent coach for said division shall have precedence unless written complaints have been received

prior to coach’s selection. If there have been written complaints submitted, an interview with said coach

shall take place followed by a vote of the C.G.S.A. Coaches Selection Committee. Two or more

applicants, interviews will take place, and Coaches Selection Committee will choose the best candidate.

5) Players on a younger travel team may be used as a temporary “call up” player for a travel team

above their age bracket with approval of their travel coach within travel league policy.

6) Travel teams are encouraged to do their own team fundraising subject to approval by the C.G.S.A.

Board of Directors.

a. Monthly bank statement/reports to be sent in to the Association Treasurer.

LEAGUE UNIFORM AND ATTIRE/SWAG – Amended September 22nd, 2014


1) All teams/players registered with CGSA will wear the same approved Association uniform.


A) Mite’s through Midgets, Tier 1 and/or Tier 2

B) Team’s opting to play exhibition/tournaments, instead of Grand Valley


All uniforms to be purchased through one supplier.

Exception: i) Inter County Teams

ii) Junior/Intermediate not affiliated with PWSA

iii) Any other team(s) that choose not to affiliate with PWSA

Pink Day in the Park is the only Exception for any teams associated with CGSA as long as logo is

the same as regular season uniforms.


1) All Coach’s attire to be purchased through one supplier (both attire and supplier to be chosen

and voted on as deemed necessary)

2) Swag: All “swag” to be purchased from the same supplier as uniforms/coach’s attire.

i.e. – hoodies, jackets, etc.

Made by the Board this 6th day of October 2015

President – Brad McConnell Vice‐President – Sherry Grischow

Secretary – Tanya Cole

Confirmed by the Members of the Association, on this 6th day of October, 2015.

2015 ‐ 2016 Executive Members

President – Brad McConnell

Vice‐President – Sherry Grischow

Secretary / Treasurer – Tanya Cole

Equipment Manager – Ron Dickinson

Umpire in Chief – Open

Director of PWSA – Jason Tomlinson

Director of Inter‐County – Open

Director of Bingo/Fundraising ‐ Open