CJFSL League Rules


A.       Play shall be governed by USA rules. Adaptations for the 10U as per addendum below. Coaches are to notify umpires of modifications to USA rules.


1.       Changes to USA rules may be implemented as long as BOTH team coaches agree to the change and inform the umpire PRIOR to the start of the game. 

2.       Teams may play with USA DP/Flex OR the option of no limit on the number of players in the batting order.  If batting 10 players or more, free substitutions are permitted in the field with any player who is in the batting order, providing the batting order remains the same (includes pitcher). In the event a player in the batting order leaves the game due to injury or physically leaving the field, and no substitutions are available, the batting order will be compressed without penalty; until the batting order is reduced to less than eight players, at which time, USA rules will apply; an out will be taken in that batting position. If a team is batting the whole roster, and a player arrives late, she may be added to the end of the batting order.

3.     All Junior Olympic Fast Pitch batting helmets shall be equipped with a NOCSAE approved facemask/guard.


B.      Roster players must play 50% of their division’s regular season games to be eligible for playoff status. Teams may petition the league executive committee for an exception to this rule in the event the player’s ineligibility was the result of an injury or illness.  NOTE: PLEASE INFORM YOUR PLAYERS PARENTS ABOUT THIS RULE

C      Players may move up an age group, or from the B Division to A Division, but not down, and it should be on an as needed basis; along with contacting the opposing team coach prior to the game.  “As needed” is defined as substitutes for absent/injured rostered players.  All eligible rostered players present must play before younger division substitutes. 

D.   Girls can only be rostered on one team in one age bracket.  You can “play-­‐up” within in a division, ie. 12UB to 12UA or 12UA to 14U, if you need to, but not down. The younger age group girl doesn’t need to be on the older age groups roster


E.      Home team will provide 2 new game balls, supplied by CJFSL. CJFSL will assign the Umpires for all games.  CJFSL provides a safe playing environment; smoke, alcohol and drug free.


1.       Umpires must be registered USA or Federation officials. At least one certified official will be used for league games. If the umpire fails to show by game time, game may be started with volunteer umpires. Games may be completed with said volunteers, if mutually accepted; otherwise game will be rescheduled. 

2.       All 12U& 14U teams will use a 12” yellow optic raised seam fast pitch ball. 10U will use an 11”ball. 

F.       Home team will choose dugout location. Only players, coaches and scorekeeper will be allowed in the dugout/bench area. 

G.       A fifteen minute grace period from the starting time of all games scheduled; failure to show by the grace period will result in forfeiture. 

H.     Games are 7 innings of Regulation. A 12U or 14U game is official after 4.5 innings if the home team is leading or after 5 innings if the Away team is leading. If the game is tied after 5 full innings and is called for any reason after 5 full innings, it will remain tied. If a game is called prior to 4.5 innings with the Home team leading, or prior to 5 full innings with the Away team leading, the game is not official and will resume from the point that the game was called.


I.         Time limit: for Regular season games, no new inning after 80 minutes (i.e. can not start a "new" inning after 80 minute limit but may complete inning already started); If last inning is incomplete due to darkness, score will revert to the previous completed inning. For play-­‐off games please refer to “Playoff” section (infra). The Umpire can declare the last inning before the 80 minute time limit even if it’s not the 7th  inning. If the Umpire decides that the new inning will be completed past the 80 minute limit, the Umpire can declare that inning to be the last inning. If the Umpire declared last inning happens to end before the 80 minute limit, the game can continue and the umpire can declare the next inning to be the last inning. It must be declared at the top of the inning and the inning must be played to completion if the home team is trailing.  This rule applies to all divisions

J.       Run limits: Only at the 10U & 12UB divisions.  5 run limit per 1/2 inning, except the last inning when there will be a 10 run limit per 1/2 inning.  The Umpire can declare the last inning if they decide the inning will run past the 80 minute limit. It must be declared at the top of the inning and the inning must be played to completion if the home team is trailing. Once the Last Inning is declared, the last inning 10-­‐run rule will be in effect.  Even if the inning ends before the 80 minute mark and both teams do not score 10 runs, the game is over at the conclusion of the inning.  A new inning will not be started even if the 80 minute limit has not been met. 

K.      Mercy Rule: **15 Run Rule after 4 innings (3.5 if Home team is ahead). 12 run rule after 5 innings (4.5 if Home team is ahead). 11 run rule after 6 innings (5.5 if Home team is ahead) for 12U &14U 

L.      Warm-­‐ups: Infield/Outfield warm-­‐up balls allowed in 1st Inning Only.  Each Pitcher gets 8 warm-­‐up pitches in 1st Inning. All subsequent innings, Pitcher's get 3 warm-­‐ups and Catcher throws down.  If new pitcher enters the game, that pitcher gets 8 warm-­‐up pitches. 

M.     Courtesy runner for the pitcher or catcher will be (1) any bench player or (2) last batter out. 

N.   9 or less fielders only at 12UA & 14U. A team can start with 8 players or finish with 8 players. If they drop below 8 players and both teams agree to keep playing, that 8th spot in the order will be an automatic out each time it comes up. 10 or less fielders are allowed at the 12UB level at the option of the coach. (8 player rules still applies) 

O.      Scheduling of all Regular season games will be made by the CJFSL committee.  Consideration for scheduling issues will be taken into place, however any schedule changes need to be agreed to by both teams and reported to the League in order to update the website. Games will be scheduled for weekends in the Spring but can be rescheduled for any day of the week 

P.       Any rain-­‐outs or scheduling conflicts for either team must be reported to each team and will need to be rescheduled by the Home Team.  If the Visiting Team’s field is available, the game should be moved to that field, however the Home team will still be the originally scheduled Home Team 

Q.      Any changes to the game schedule, whether it’s a time change, date change, field change, etc., must be submitted through the online Schedule Change Request form 

R.       All rain-­‐outs, postponed or rescheduled games must be completed prior to the first round of the play-­‐offs.  If the game is not made-up, it could be considered a forfeit by the originally scheduled Home Team or a tie depending on league standings 

S.        Score Submission: Game scores must be submitted by the winning coach within 24 hours of completion of the game. Submit scores to scores@cjfsl.org. 

T.       No negative remarks/cheering by any player, coach, manager, other team member, or spectator. Teams will be responsible for their spectators. Instruct your coaches on this important concern! (USA Rule 10, Sec.9) 

U.       In the event of a regular season tie game, one additional regulation inning will be played, followed by International Tie Breaker rules.  First International Tie-­‐Break inning will start with the last batted out at second base for each team in their at-­‐bat to start each ½ inning. If tie remains at darkness or once 80 minute time-­‐limit hits, the tie score will stand. 

V.       For ALL divisions: Pitchers can start with 1 foot behind pitching rubber or step back before coming forward as long as the other foot remains in contact with the rubber (High School Rule). Crow-­‐hopping will not be allowed. Both coaches and the umpire should use logical discretion for beginning pitchers as long as an open and honest discussion occurs about the level of each team’s pitchers prior to the game. The objective is to keep the game moving, but also to understand that in some cases, these are first-­‐time softball pitchers.  NOTE: USA rules and tournaments governed by USA do NOT allow the HS rule.  So, if your team wants to be tournament ready, please consider this difference in developing your players in the league 

W.     A pitcher can be visited twice in an inning by a Coach, but must be removed from Pitching upon the 2nd visit in the same inning.  The Pitcher does not need to be removed if visited by a Coach 3 or more times in a game.  But Umpire discretion comes into play if the Umpire feels the Coach is deliberately trying to delay the game. This is a modification to USA Rules 

X.       Both Coaches and the Umpire should use discretion if a Pitcher hits more than 3 batters with pitches in a game. It’s the discretion of the Coaches and the Umpire if the pitcher must be removed. If the Coaches cannot agree to remove or not remove the Pitcher, the Umpire will make the FINAL decision and the Coaches will abide 

Y.       All Protests must be sent to the League President, Vice President & Treasurer within 24 hours of the completion of the game. The Umpire in the game and the Opposing Coach must be notified at the time of protest that the game is being played under protest and then the game should continue from that point to completion. The Protesting Coach must acquire the Umpire’s contact information when presenting the protest to the League

z.        14U pitching distance is 43 feet & 12U is 40’.


10U Rule Addendums:


    1. 10 players play the field. A game can be played with 8 or started with 7. If the game remains at 7 and both coaches agree to continue playing, the 8th spot in the order for the team with 7 players will always be an automatic out until or if an 8th player arrives.
    2. No Infield Fly rule
    3. No Dropped 3rd Strike rule
    4. Only stealing of 3rd base.
    5. No advance on over-­‐throws on steals or pick-­‐off attempts
    6. A runner can steal or take a lead upon the pitchers release of the ball
    7. Games are 6 innings of Regulation. A game is official after 3.5 innings if the home team is leading or after 4 innings if the Away team is leading. If the game is tied after 4 full innings and is called for any reason after 4 full innings, it will remain tied. If a game is called prior to 3.5 innings with the Home team leading, or prior to 4 full innings with the Away team leading, the game is not official and will resume from the point that the game was called.
    8. 15 Run Rule after 4 innings (3.5 if Home team is ahead). 12 run rule after 5 innings (4.5 if Home team is ahead)
    9. 5 run limit per 1/2 inning, except the last inning when there will be a 10 run limit per ½ inning.  The Umpire can declare the last inning if they decide the inning will run past the 80 minute limit. It must be declared at the top of the inning and the inning must be played to completion if the home team is trailing. Once the Last Inning is declared, the last inning 10-­‐run rule will be in effect. Even if the inning ends before the 80 minute mark and both teams do not score 10 runs, the game is over at the conclusion of the inning. A new inning will not be started even if the 80 minute limit has not been met.
    10. Pitchers can start with 1 foot behind pitching rubber or step back before coming forward as long as the other foot remains in contact with the rubber (High School Rule).  Crow-­‐hopping will not be allowed. Both coaches and the umpire should use logical discretion for beginning pitchers as long as open and honest discussion occurs about the level of each team’s pitchers prior to the game. The objective is to keep the game moving, but also to understand that in some cases, these are first-­‐time softball pitchers
    11. "Fake" bunting - show bunt, pull back, and swinging, is NOT allowed 
    12. Pitching distance is 35 feet




·         There will be an end of season tournament with trophies awarded for 1st and 2nd place in each division.

·         All Regular Season games must be completed by May 10th

·         All first round play-­‐off games, Quarter-­‐Final & some semi-final games will be played May 11th (Rain-date – May 19th).  All Championship games will be played May 19th.

·         Teams unable to play on the scheduled Play-­‐off will forfeit, unless a scheduled date can be worked out by the participating teams (NOTE: this rule applies only to the Finals round, all teams must agree).

  • Depending on the number of teams in each division, some teams may receive a bye in the first round of the play-­‐offs

  • Single Round elimination

  • Higher seed is Home Team in all games, including at neutral sites

  • Play-­‐off seeding criteria: best record. Ties will be based on head-­‐to-­‐head competition, if still tied then least amount of runs given up in those games. If head-to-head criteria is not determinative or no head-­‐to-­‐head competition occurred and it remains a tie, criteria to be least number of runs allowed then total runs scored. If still tied, coin-­‐flip

  • Regular Season time-­limit applies for Quarterfinals and Semifinals play-­off games; International tie-breaker rules immediately after last inning of play.

  • No time limit Championship games.  In championship games, if teams are tied after regular innings completed, an extra inning will be played before international tiebreaker rules come into effect.

  • If a game needs to be stopped due to bad weather or darkness, it should be considered complete if official. If the game gets stopped prior to becoming official, it must be completed from the point it left off at a later date.

  • All Play-­off games will be centralized at fields TBD for all divisions

  • Roster players must play 50% of their division’s regular season games to be eligible for playoff status. Teams may petition the league executive committee for an exception to this rule in the event the player’s ineligibility was the result of an injury or illness.  NOTE: PLEASE INFORM YOUR PLAYERS PARENTS ABOUT THIS RULE


The Executive Committee will have the power to admonish, declare forfeiture, or remove from the league, any player, coach, manager, or official so involved