2017-18 Season Sign Up Information

K-6 Wrestlers

Practices for K-3 - Monday and Friday 6-7:30 pm
Practices for 4-6 - Tuesday and Thursday 6-8 pm

The season goes from November 6, 2017 to February 18, 2018

Please see the posted schedule below for tournaments. Itineraries will be sent out the week of the meet for report times and other activities like weigh ins and skin checks.

Junior High 7-8

Practices Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 6-8 pm

The season goes from November 10, 2017 to February 18, 2018

Meet and tournament schedule is still being put together. It will be posted below as it comes together.  


K-6 fees are $100.00 per wrestler

JH (7-8) fees are $150.00 per wrestler

If you have more than 1 wrestler (siblings) in K-6 level, the maximum cost is $150

If you have one wrestler in K-6 and one in JH, the maximum cost is $200.

Please complete registration forms and the Medical Information and Waiver forms online at eagleyouthwrestling.com

All new wrestlers must provide a copy of their birth certificate. A digital copy is fine.

SIgn Up Links


Click here to sign up for K-6 Grade Wrestling


Click here to sign up for 7-8 Grade Wrestling


Click here to complete the Medical Information and Waiver form