2019 Groves Soccer Rules




The commitments below are not to be taken likely and the players should take pride in holding themselves to a higher standard not only as athletes, but as young men.  Players found to be in breach of this commitment will be dealt with in the following manner.


  1. Loss of Starting Role/Playing Time: First time offenses
  2. Team suspension: Second Time Offenses
  3. Removal from Team: Third Time Offenses


Some offenses will result in immediate team suspension an or removal from the team.  


  • I will respect myself, my teammates, my parents, opponents, referees and my school.
  • I will be on time to all Groves Soccer Events, or I will call and notify the coach ahead of time to let him/her know that I will be late.
  • I will attend all required Groves Soccer Events, or I will notify the coach ahead of time to let him/her know that I will not be able to attend.
  • I am committed to my academics and will do everything in my power, ability to be successful in the classroom.  I will ask for help when I need help, I will study when I need to study, I will do my homework and turn it in on time.  I will come to the coach when I am struggling with studies, so that I can focus on my academics.
  • I will be careful and cautious of all messages, photos, videos, tweets, and all other forms of communications through social media.
  • I will hold myself to the highest standard when I am representing my school and community.
  • I will not drink, smoke or do any form of illegal drugs.
  • I will not commit any crime, or crimes.
  • I will not intimidate, bully, harass any team mate or students
  • I will listen to my team captains and give them the same level of respect that I give to my coach.
  • I will always strive to have a positive attitude and if I feel as though something is bothering me will try to deal with it in a positive way.  
  • I am committed to the success of my team and myself.