Howard Palmetto COVID Procedures

Howard Palmetto consulted with leading physicians in drafting our COVID Procedures.

All participants, spectators, and relatives must adhere to all CDC, state, and local guidelines as they are or MAY be established.  If you are not willing to follow these protocols and guidelines – PLEASE STAY HOME

Face masks should be worn by coaches, officials, spectators, and volunteers at all times, unless fully vaccinated.

Bleachers may or may not be closed – You may need to bring your own seats.  People who live in the same households may sit together.  Otherwise, spectators are advised to sit 6+ feet apart.  

Bring hand sanitizer and sanitize your hands before entering the facility, and frequently during your stay.

No high fives, handshakes, or intentional physical contact. Smiles and cheers encouraged!

Staff, parents, and participants will be required to stay home if they, or anyone they have come in contact with, is sick. 

If a team member or someone in a team member’s immediate family develops COVID or is a known close contact of someone with COVID, it must be reported to the team's Manager or Division VP immediately. They must follow the current CDC policy in place by quarantining and testing negative. No team will have to forfeit a game should a player test positive as long as it is reported to the Division VP when discovered.  Please reach out to if you have any questions.

We all need to recognize that one mistake puts the entire season in jeopardy.  If we work together, we can make things enjoyable and safe for all.  Thank you!