Fill Out Your KC Baseball Website Player Profile


Players, this year we will be adding profiles to the website under each team's roster to include pictures and profiles. Here is what we need, please fill out as much as you can on the player profile on the google form so we can collect as much information now so we can start inputting all the data. Don't worry about leaving something blank because we can always update it later. There are some required information fields for the first time just basic info. We do need your email address preferably, where college baseball recruiters can contact you directly. If you need to use your parents for now that is fine then we can update it later. Besides the basic profile info it will have spots to load your Summer Team contact info and links to your recruiting profile and video.

One day soon Mrs. Jamie Bautista will coordinate to come to KC and take head shots for your player profile in uniform top and KC hats.

Here is the Google Form Link

Please try to complete by Friday, February 14 so we can start working right away.