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1.       Softball BC rules shall apply in all games; unless Interlock Rules supersede them. Home Park House Rules will supersede both Softball BC or League Rules, unless Home Park UIC determines otherwise.  Please pass these rules to your local UIC.


2.       Batters and runners must wear helmets from dugout to dugout.


3.       All Catchers should wear full Catchers gear including shin guards, chest protector, helmet or skull cap, mask, throat protector, and pelvic protectors. Catchers/Coaches warming up pitchers must wear a mask.


4.       All games are to start at the time listed in the Schedule.  In the case of teams arriving late due to traffic or late players, a 15 minute grace period will be allowed.


5.       Pitching distance 40’ as per Softball BC rules. (With the exception of Pitch Black’s home games pitching distance is 43’).


6.       Games are 7 innings.  Exception – early in the season game ends at the Umpire’s discretion if park is unlit.  In parks with later & early games on the same Diamonds, games will end to suit the Home Park Schedule. 1 hour and 30 min time limit, 5 runs per inning, no mercy rule (at the losing teams discretion), 7th inning open inning & it is up to the umpires decision to call the game (no discussion).


7.       IF a game looks lit it may have to be cancelled due to rain or last minute notice of lack of players, opposing Coach and Umpires should be notified by a minimum of 3 hours prior to game.  All teams must have a cell phone contact for this purpose.


8.       Postponed games or Rainouts are to be re-scheduled as soon as possible by the teams involved. Home Team should try to provide a field within 2 weeks.


9.       If a game is to be cancelled for reasons other than weather or last minute problems, opposing Coaches and Umpires must be notified 24 hours in advance.


10.    Home team will set up the field, supply Umpires, base equipment and Game Balls.  Game Balls should be Cor 47, optic raised seam.


11.    Teams can either Bat All or Bat Nine, Coaches discretion.  Umpires are to be notified at the plate meeting.


12.    Pick-ups are allowed.  Teams using pick-ups are to notify opposing Coach prior to the game.  Pickups are allowed to pitch, but, must be from the same or a lower classification.  Minor aged pickups require a signed parental consent form.


13.    Games can be played with a minimum of 8 players.  A team with only 7 players after the 15 minute grace period will officially forfeit.  If a team plays with 8 players the 9th batter is not automatically out.  In cases where a team would forfeit due to an unforeseen shortage of players, teams should at least try to play the game with a member of the opposite team being borrowed as a pick-up.  This can be done by the “short” team borrowing a fielder or two (last batters) each inning from the opposing team.  The most important thing, once you are all at the field, is to play a game.


14.    Maximum of 5 runs per inning, with only the last inning open, last inning could be the 5th, 6th, or 7th, but, it must be declared before the inning starts.  The intent is to play the game so there is no automatic mercy, however, with agreement by both teams the following mercy rules can be applied; 15 run spread after 3 innings, 10 after 4, 7 after 5.


15.    Drop Third Strike Rule and Infield Fly Rule apply.


16.    All teams should wear matching uniforms.  Metal cleats are not allowed.  Players wearing metal cleats will be ineligible to play.


17.    All players and coaches are reminded that there is no smoking within the dugouts or on the field of play.  Also, no Alcoholic beverages are to be taken into Minor Parks.


18.    In many of our games, we are playing adjacent to or right after younger teams with MINOR players.  All Junior & Senior players should strive to exhibit excellent character as they use the minor facilities and use appropriate behavior and language while there.


19.    Please report your scores to Ray McCurrach,   League games DO NOT count towards a standing. We will just keep them for information purposes regarding how we proceed to the 2016 season.



20.    Each team to put forward at the beginning of the season a $200 performance bond (post dated cheque)
If you cancel a game and it is after 12pm the day of the game you will be required to pay for the umpire cost of the game. For Sunday games it was discussed that you have to cancel a day prior to allow the team enough notice.