Opening Day 2020

February 8, 2020 – 10:00 AM
TC Families, 
We are so excited about our upcoming Opening Day this Saturday 2/8, at Kumeyaay fields.  Plan on spending the day on the field!  We will have a full snack bar, kettle corn, shaved ice, vendors, silent auction, raffles, and more! 
Opening ceremonies will begin at 10:00. Team and individual pictures will take place before the ceremony, and the Hit-a Thon will run right after. Your managers will share your time slots for the events. 
Bring a chair/blanket and plan on hanging out and enjoying the day!  
 If you have any items to donate to our silent auction or raffle, please let me know.  100% of our proceeds will go directly back to the league. 
Want to earn back that $20 volunteer credit? Sign up here! 
 Let's go TC!