Tuscarawas County Challenger Baseball


Our program is organized baseball for people with special needs.

                                                We are starting our 11th season here in Tuscarawas County.


Sign up:  Sunday, March 7th 

                                                                Where: New Towne Mall

                                                               In the food court look for our  balloons


                                            Fees:  $40.00 per player, $60.00 per family


Our teams are comprised of players with various levels of abilities. From Down syndrome, hearing/sight impaired, developmental disabilities to Autism. Everyone deserves to play with the Challenger league no one is ever turned away. We have players aged from 5yrs.to 62yrs.old. We do make adaptations based on everyone’s abilities and needs. If you are interested in playing baseball or would like more information, please call or email us. We promise a positive experience of personal development through teamwork, developing physical and social skills plus all the benefits of participating on a baseball team.


You can also sign up on our website


If you have any question, you can email us at
