Click Here to Register!

Please note, you will be taken to Blue Sombrero (Dick's Sporting Goods) to register and process payment.


Age Bracket

Cost (per child)





1st & 2nd Grades


August 1st

3rd & 4th Grades


June 15th

5th & 6th Grades


June 15th

7th & 8th Grades


June 15th

High School


June 15th


·         Grade level is based on enrollment for Fall 2019.

·         If space is available after deadlines, late signups may be accepted at an additional cost of $50 per child.  We will make every effort to accommodate late registrations but cannot guarantee spots beyond the deadlines because of restrictions on roster sizes and scheduling logistics.

·         The maximum total fee per family is capped at $350, although this does not apply to late registrants.

·         During Registration, we ask you to identify whether you can volunteer.  We are always looking for and in need of head coaches, assistant coaches, board members, and general volunteers.  Experience is helpful but not required, so please strongly consider volunteering.  Basic requirements are needed for coaching, like fingerprinting and safety certifications through Rutgers.