

Welcome to Arkansas Youth Baseball!!! AYB is a division of Burns Park Athletic Association for competitive teams only. 

         Accepting only intact teams, we offer games and practice times according to their availability. Since all AYB division teams will provide their own uniforms, game balls and insurance, the cost per player is only $80. Registration will open February 10 at 8pm

         To register, each parent will need click the register icon in the right upper right hand corner on the welcome page. Once a user name and password is created , select the Arkansas Youth Baseball Program only. Follow the instructions to complete the registration process. Don't for get to sign up for the text and email messages to get weather updates. 

        For more information, please contact

Covid-19 2021 Spring Season

Parents & Coaches,

Effective immediately, wearing a facemask will now be required for spectators over age of ten. No one will be permitted to enter with out a mask. Coaches and players are to wear facemasks anytime they are not on the field of play. Six feet of social distancing is required unless you are sitting with people who live in your household. Groups larger than 10 are discouraged. 

If you have a cough, fever/chills or been exposed to anyone with Covid-19, please stay home. 

Please help us to keep your small children on your lap or sitting next to you. The play ground area will be closed. We know some of these safety precautions are harder for little ones to understand, but we need your cooperation in keeping others safe during games.

The lobby will be closed but the outside window will be open for concessions. The restrooms will be accessible from the outdoor doors. Please remember to sanitize before and after leaving the field. Hand sanitizers stations will be available.

We want to be able to continue to have games and allow spectators, but need your partnership in this. When we keep our players and spectators safe, we are all contributing to a safer community.
If at any time you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us in the "Contact us" button in the top left corner of the menu bar.

Thank you,

Burns Park Athletic Association