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  • Official Fireballers merchandise!
  • Practices are Monday and Friday at 5:30 at Szetella Park.
  • Games Start May 11 (we may not have a game), Schedules done by May 7


Yesterday showed I need to teach you guys something, so here goes!


1.  If a child is not a starter by me (and in the scorebook that means person 10-13), they don't bat that inning.  So, let's say my lineup looks like this:












that's the starters, they hit, and go back up.  So, if Phoenix gets on, and we have less than 7 runs scored in the inning, and not 3 outs, IAN would bat again.  No matter how many EXTRA kids there are.  


When a Substitution happens, that person coming in takes the place of the player they're replacing.  However, when I return a child, and another one sits, depending on where, the child goes back into their original slot.  We have the lineup under control.



The 2 hour rule is ONLY in effect when there is a game AFTER us, and goes as such:  

No inning shall start after the 2 hours timer has expired.  (In our case, we were 7 minutes away from that timer going off).  If it's getting close, and there's no other game after, it is the decision of the coaches.  

If you have something that keeps you from being here fully, tell me before you leave.  

We are doing good as a team.  Just want to iron out some wrinkles.  


Practices are always 5:30 PM on Mondays and Fridays at Szetella Park (The LEFT diamond as you enter the gates)


NOTE:  Players who are late only hurt our practice.  Be there on time with proper equipment.  


NOTE:  No one leaves any practices until AFTER all equipment is picked up.  We leave together.  Any issue, please see coach dave.  


NOTE:  Coach Terry is a CNA.  She's also our bench coach.  See her for any needs of the team or your child.  Do not approach your child directly during games.  During a game, umpires will be checking our CORI cards, and if you don't have one, you cannot be in the bench area.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  


Parents, you can follow along as we work towards making this year memorable.  This is fun, and we should focus on that:  



  1. Bullying is not tolerated:  If you are found to be bullying someone, either on our team, or another, you will be removed from the team.  If you are reported to have bullied someone, we will investigate.  If you are innocent, we will meet with the afflicted parties, we will end it there.  If you are not innocent, you are removed from the team immediately.  
  2. Have fun:  We're here to have fun, we're here to make you learn and enjoy your time with AJAC.  If you cannot have fun, tell us...  we want to make it better. 
  3. Hustle is not an option:  If you walk, you'll go further back until you decide you want to run.  We take the field as a team, run to our positions, and make sure we're all one happy team.  
  4. Listen:  Talking over coaches is a bad idea.  Let us say what we need to, work on what we need to, and we'll be all better for it.  If you're on First or Third, and your base coach tells you to run, you run.  If you're out, it's the coach's fault, not yours.  Do as you're told.  If an umpire is instructing you on something, you must adhere to their instructions.  If they say you're out, you're out.  
  5. You can be ejected:  If you yell at an umpire, even throw your helmet or bat after a call you don't agree with if they say you're out, you're out of the game, you must sit in your car with your parents.  You cannot leave the game.  
  6. Show up and provide effort:  If you cannot provide effort to your team, your team won't provide effort for you.  If you come to practice and show effort and a desire to learn, we're going to teach you this game.  You bring the willingness to learn.  
  7. Your Equipment, Your Responsibility:  It doesn't matter whose fault it was, if you don't have your glove or equipment, it's your fault.  You guys aren't babies.  
  8. We Clean Up as a Team:  All the equipment must be in bags, all bases by the bags, and all equipment accounted for.  This means, 6 baseballs, 3 bases, 2 bats and a set of catcher's equipment.  No one leaves until it's all clean.  We then will leave as a team.  


  1. You Too Can Be EJECTED:  If you cannot control yourself, please excuse yourself.  If you're ejected, you must go to your car until AFTER the umpire leaves.  We will deliver your child.  You are subject to discipline by Chicopee Parks and Rec.  
  2. Make sure your child Attends:  Their Attendance is your only job.  Make sure they're on time, and ready to go.  If you're to be late, or absent.  This way, we can adjust practice plans.  
  3. Do not Enter Bench Area During Practices or Games:  If it's a game, the Umpire will not allow anyone who does not have a VALID CORI CARD near the bench area.  No Exceptions.  See Coach Terry if you must communicate something to your child.  
  4. At the end of Practices and Games:  Please don't just pack up and leave.  We must clean up all the equipment and the area of our bench.  We also need to address the team and leave as a team.  If you cannot stay, for whatever reason, please see Coach Dave either before or after practice.  
  5. Never interrupt the coach:  We expect the players to give the coach the proper attention.  If I'm talking to the team, I need everyone's full attention.  I'm conveying information AND I'm also making sure that all players know what's going on.  Let's get through that, and we'll all have fun.  
  6. Be their fans:  We're not looking for more coaches, we're covered in that department.  We need fans.  Total supporters, people who believe their child can do it.  You are also the basis of good sportsmanship.  It really does begin in the stands.  If any player on the field makes a great play.  We should all clap and cheer, regardless of team.  If your child does bad, positive words are better then negative ones.  


We're here to have fun.  I cannot stress this enough as the coach.  We're not going to major league championships, there's nothing at stake.  We're trying to learn the game, and be better for when it does truly matter.  


There will be games we're not assigned an umpire.  In that case, the coaches at the coach's meetings decided that the head coaches will umpire every other inning from BEHIND the pitcher.  This means that games are called by the coaches.  This also means that strikes and balls will be different.  


Enjoy this year!

Venue Status
Preston Park