• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz04MuynGFs


Player of the game (Guilford 30 Jackson 0)

March 10, 2008
Patrick Nusdeo 2 HR's - WP

Player of the game (Guilford 12 Allen 2)

March 20, 2008
Brandon Ahrens 3 for 3 - Walk - 2 runs scored

Player of the game (Guilford 12 Kernodle 5)

April 10, 2008

Nino Marrero 2 for 4, 1 walk, 1 HR, 3 runs scored

Player of the game (Guilford 13 Lincoln 11)

April 16, 2008
Forest Hunt Walk-Double-2 runs scored Game saving catch!!!

Player of the game (Guilford 8 Kernodle 5)

April 30, 2008
Jack Bermes 2 for 3 - 6 assisted outs 1 solo out