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Donated Lacrosse equipment from Rachel Olson

Hi Dan!

Thanks for reaching out. It was my pleasure to donate my gear! I wish I had a use for it, but don't anymore - so please do keep it and use it for whatever you like! I know it's not exactly new, but that stick is really golden! Has scored a lot of goals back in the day :) 

  I started playing lacrosse in Philadelphia in second grade. I moved to Utah and then played there as a 13 year old in the U-16 team until I had an injury. We moved to Omaha and I helped found the Omaha Women's Lacrosse, which used to be the only women's high school league in Nebraska. I was captain my junior and senior year I believe. I then went on to play club at Truman State. It wasn't as intense as a varsity sport, but definitely more demanding than an intramural league. We played Mizzou, K State, KU, etc which had a lot of talented players. I made All Conference for the Midwest Division my freshman year for Attack players. I rotated between Right Wing Attack and Center. I declined the captain position my sophomore year and then transferred to UNO because I got married and my husband started pharmacy school at UNMC. Once I transferred, there wasn't another league established at UNO and by then I was focused on work, marriage, and finishing my undergrad early and doing my masters degree! 


Thanks again for reaching out



Brandon Benson Realtor

Thanks for the generous donation Brandon!!  Our team will be sporting some awesome Westside shorts because of you!


Dingman's Collision Center - 2018 Sponsor

Thank you Dingman's for the generous donation and sponsorship!  On behalf of Darcie Dingman - Westside class of 2000

Dingmans Collison



Goddard Schools on behalf of Keri Larson

Thank you for your generous donation!



We received a $21 check from Proseeds.  This is an easy and free fundraiser so please sign up as a portion your purchases go towards our team.  Sign up at  

Blue Cross/Blue Shield's Board Directed Contribution Program on behalf of Leslie Andersen

Blue Cross/Blue Shield's Board Directed Contribution Program on behalf of Leslie Andersen.  Thank you for the generous donation!