Sturbridge Recreation Youth Soccer League, email: sturbridgerecreationsoccer@gmail.com



General Information


Sturbridge Fall Recreation Soccer




Tantasqua (5 Town) Travel Fall/Spring Soccer


There are 2 programs available for kids to play soccer within the Town of Sturbridge and the Tantasqua, 5 Town School System.  (1) Fall Recreational Soccer Program and (2) the Fall & Spring Travel Soccer Program.  More details on both programs:


Sturbridge Recreation Fall Soccer League

Sturbridge Recreation Soccer League is part of the 5 Town Recreational Soccer Program which has been created to allow kids to play soccer between the ages of 4 yrs to 18 yrs at a recreational level. The Recreation Soccer Program encourages kids to stay active, have fun and learn how to be teammates at a recreational level.  The Recreation Soccer Program runs in the Fall Season ONLY with games on Saturdays and practices once or twice during the week depending on the coach. The Sturbridge Recreation Soccer Program is a co-ed program, part of the overall 5 town "Tantasqua" TRY Rec Soccer Program.

Online signups for Sturbridge are generally from March/April to June 1st. The Fall soccer teams are created through out the month of June, scheduling of the rec soccer games for the 5 towns will be completed throughout July and teams wills be communicated to all families and coaches between the third week of July to first week of August.  There is a mandatory all coaches meeting usually the 3rd or 4th Thursday of August to also pick up all the team equipment on that same night.


Volunteers are NEEDED and Wanted...Please consider helping in anyway: with coordination, equipment - set-up, fields, coaching, assistant coaching, and refereeing!!  The existence of this program is completely based on volunteers.  If you are wanting to coach, assist or ref there are 2 saturday mornings in August that the referee coordinator will offer as time to educate and go over the rules of each division played within the Rec Program (not mandatory to attend but can gather some great information).  


Also the TRY League encourages and will reimburse the fee for any coach to obtain their G license - let the league know once you pass and complete the course for reimbursement. Click on the link tab on this website to take you to the G license website or click here: https://www.massyouthcoachingcourse.org/.


The Recreational Soccer league has 6 divisions:

Teams are co-ed and based on grades/age levels:


Pee Wee Division:  Ages: 4 & 5  -  2nd Year Pre-K & K 


Bantam Division:  Ages: 6 & 7  -  1st & 2nd grade 


Freshman Division:  Ages: 8 & 9   -  3rd & 4th grade


Sophomore Division:  Ages: 10 &11  -  5th & 6th grade 


Junior Division:  Ages: 12 & 13  -  7th & 8th grade  


Senior Division:  Ages: 14 to 18   -  9th 10th 11th 12th grade  


TRY Soccer oversees the Travel Programs solely and works to collaborate between the 5 towns of "Tantasqua" to create a fun competitive TRY Recreational Soccer Program within the 5 towns of the "Tantasqua" District. 


Competitive TRAVEL Program:  www.tantasquasoccer.com and www.tshq.bluesombrero.com/trysoccer

The TRAVEL Soccer League is available for kids to play when kids turn 8 years of age  by December 31st of current year so older 2nd grade children are eligible to sign up -- which is usually for kids entering grade 3 so registrations would be mid-April to June 1st of the 2nd grade and up but for the older kids of the grade (Sept to Dec birth years -- these aged kids are eligible 2nd grade, therefore registrations would be a mid-April to June of that child's 1st grade).

Sign ups / Registrations run from mid-April to June 1st timeframe for Fall Travel Soccer and than November sign ups for Spring Travel Soccer). The TRAVEL program has both Fall and Spring leagues and play against towns outside of the "Tantasqua" district, which traveling is required for 4 of the 8 games.  The TRAVEL program has a U10, U12, U14 and U16 division. The TRAVEL program is made up of same gender/sex teams. Please visit website www.tantasquasoccer.com for more information about the TRAVEL soccer program. Sign ups for the travel league are online through the state sports manager website but can be directed  by visiting the "TRY soccer" website at www.tantasquasoccer.com from mid-April to June1st for the Fall travel season and November timeframe for the Spring Travel season.

TRAVEL SOCCER LEAGUE informationwww.tantasquasoccer.com  and www.tshq.bluesombrero.com/trysoccer