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Author TOPIC: Predictions

September 1, 2008
11:46:45 AM

Entry #: 2889986
Ok so lets hear everyone’s playoff predictions as I never predict anything I’m except from this but I do wish all good luck even the loathed property traders.

CC & coke

September 1, 2008
5:37:18 PM

Entry #: 2890326
Keeping with the Bisons tradition of picking other teams to win the championship I am going to go with travel lovers. I think the scheduling shifts will be too much for the drunks on our team to handle and half will show up on Sunday and assume that we already lost and not show up again until next year.


September 1, 2008
7:09:00 PM

Entry #: 2890422
Harding over MAS


September 1, 2008
11:52:38 PM

Entry #: 2890756
... in what, the Conny?


September 2, 2008
1:30:54 AM

Entry #: 2890816
You should never under estimate anyone I believe that what I always practiced and still do! But I still have youth and experience on my side! We will get a drink some night and do some catching up, I got your #. Which team so you play for?


September 2, 2008
7:13:07 AM

Entry #: 2890864
State farm over Remax in the finals

New Wing

September 3, 2008
1:39:13 PM

Entry #: 2892883
Travel over Remax.

Reamx Travel guys have been killing the ball lately. The whole team shows that level of aggression it's going to be tough for anyone to beat them. The Remax guys hit a ton and are more dependable. Remax is hands down the favorite. The key to the game could be defense though. I think that the advantage in infield play goes to Travel. Their whole infield is disgusting superior. The Remax guys got them in the outfield though. I mean when their left fielder first started playing in the mid 70s. Don't get me wrong I would love to play in the finals but it will not happen. Like two years ago we could become the surprise team of these upcoming playoffs.


September 3, 2008
7:10:03 PM

Entry #: 2893437
I think Chico from Remax started playing left field when Neb Gayman was teenager.


September 4, 2008
6:19:44 AM

Entry #: 2893876
I have no clue what that means, but big props to the executives for a great year and for all the teams that exhibited class during the season. Bisons will triumph over Crupi to win it all.

U Arms

September 4, 2008
11:00:40 AM

Entry #: 2894156
Arms beats plumbers

HR leader

September 4, 2008
1:19:01 PM

Entry #: 2894398
After a glorious regular season with many a surprise, it is time for the final round of Playoff predictions. This year was not without lots of rain, its ups and downs, with some favorites falling aside and some new blood surging to the forefront. Who would have thought that Kelsey’s, the School would not be in the running this year? Who could have predicted the near perfect season of the former champs Remax? Picking the leaders has been an uneven affair, but choosing from the final contenders for Playoff predictions shouldn't be too difficult. After all, there are only 6 teams that have a real shot. They are Wild Wing, Harding, Remax, Complete Plumbing, Bisons and Crupi.
The Bisons are the hands down favorites to overcome remax, with their offensive machine, the best in the league and their underrated defense.


September 4, 2008
1:47:49 PM

Entry #: 2894459
If I was to pick a team other than my own I would pick Harding. They have a lot of young players that can really play.



September 4, 2008
2:14:09 PM

Entry #: 2894505
Youth is always nice Houghts, but don't count out the experience of a few crafty veterans. After receiving an overwhelming vote of confidence NOT to make the championship side (thanks for the motivation by the way all you nay sayers), it seems that a few more (read previous posts above) have hitched a ride on the Travel/State band wagon. I would like to thank all those who believed in us this year, no matter where we finish and to thank all teams and exec for a fun year. Good luck to everyone in the playoffs. It looks like a few spots will come down to the wire. Funny how that always happens....

Like Dr. Scholls...We're gellin'...Are you gellin'?

"When the leaves are down....???? will take the crown!" You fill in the blank.

Yogi Berra

September 4, 2008
3:30:43 PM

Entry #: 2894619
No question Remax is the team to beat, I think the only way to stop them is using a defensive pitcher for all their guys that go up the middle and force them to hit the ball elsewhere.
I agree the Bisons are probably the best team on paper but have they even made it to Saturday the last 5 years, they choke worse than Sergio in a major!
Every team has a chance if they get hot or lose a couple of key players to injury!!


September 4, 2008
3:42:05 PM

Entry #: 2894638
Yogi please sees bobo for some common sense. Bisons, right.
Travel/State will be great in 08. When they win, we will all get free insurance and travel.


September 4, 2008
7:02:12 PM

Entry #: 2894936
TL/SF will NOT be playing on Sunday. They are too old, they’re too inexperienced in the Championship playoffs (good at the Conny through years of experience), and they like to party too much. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them go 0-4 in the round-robin.

On the other hand, they will consume twice as much beer as any other team in the league on playoff weekend. Wanna bet a beer, boys??


September 4, 2008
7:12:45 PM

Entry #: 2894950
TL 25

You’re new to TL/SF this year, I understand. You’ll really get to know your new teammates this coming playoff weekend. That is, up until Saturday night, when they will all go home and have many (many) beers and talk about another wasted season. Have fun at your after-playoff party on Saturday night, when you’ll hear about the 1990’s and what a great team they were back then. These guys haven’t won anything in a long (long) time, and the playoffs will be over for you in a blink of an eye. Guaranteed, these guys will choke worse (way worse) than Sergio.

Gellin’??? Are you kidding me, come playoffs, you’ll be Smellin’.


September 4, 2008
8:40:03 PM

Entry #: 2895050
Ouch... that was harsh !

I'll start by saying that I don't think they'll be there come late Sunday, but anything is possible, and I do respect what they've done this season. TL/SF has some solid , very experienced ball players and can beat anyone at any time. I just don't think they'll have the stamina. Sorry boys! It's hard to believe you called them drunks, you must not know them that well. Good test for them tonight. Hey No, if there's free trips, make room for me on the bandwagon.


September 5, 2008
6:49:52 AM

Entry #: 2895410
It looks like that squad may have some disgruntled players. Is corkscrew calling out his teammates or does he on another teams? It read to me like he has no confidence in their abilities.

Yogi Berra

September 5, 2008
3:51:54 PM

Entry #: 2896103
Wild Wing over anyone.

do torch

September 7, 2008
7:03:55 PM

Entry #: 2898005
Bezoooooooooooons to beat remax

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