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Author TOPIC: rule in the circle

June 23, 2009
6:10:23 PM

Entry #: 3196379
Hi! I am a player in the edison league and i have a question about a softball rule. When there is a runner on third base and the pitcher has the ball and is going into the circle, is the runner supposed to go back to the base or can they choose to steal or otherwise? From my understanding the circle is not a safety zone but ive had a couple different umps say oterwise! I just want to be sure before playoffs because im a pitcher! Thank you!

Bobby Ero

June 23, 2009
6:51:38 PM

Entry #: 3196426

In 10u the runner on third cannot steal home once the catcher has control of the ball in the catchers box. If the catcher throws the ball to the pitcher and the ball is dropped or over thrown then the run can advance at their own peril.

The runners may advance from 1st to 2nd while the pitcher is in the circle as long as the runner does not stop/hesitate between the bases. If she stops she must return to 1st or be called out.

Edison By-laws Article VIII, Section 2.
10. In 10-Under Softball, No player shall be permitted to steal home or harass the catcher from third base as long as the catcher has possession of the ball within the catchers box or batters box area. Any steal of home must be done at the time of the pitch once the ball crosses the plate or hits the ground, on a past ball, or on a errant throw. Any runner who steals home in any other fashion shall be sent back to third base.


June 23, 2009
7:27:08 PM

Entry #: 3196462
Thank uoi for your reply, and i did read that for 10 and under, but I am in 14 and under and I just want to make sure what the right thing to do is? Our rules are different in alot of ways.


June 23, 2009
10:38:21 PM

Entry #: 3196630
In 14u and 18u if the pitcher is walking back to the circle, the runner from third can take off for home. Once the pitcher is in the circle, the runner must make an immediate decision to go home or go back to third. If the runner is on the base when the pitcher enters the circle, they must remain on the base or be called out.


June 24, 2009
11:24:12 AM

Entry #: 3197063
Thank you! I just wanted this cleared up so everyone and myself can understand for playoffs!

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