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Author TOPIC: Juiced Bats

August 10, 2009
5:13:06 PM

Entry #: 3241586
I've been hearing a lot of talk that just because Crupi has started to play good and score runs that they must be using a juiced bat. There are certain people saying that those guys are too small to be hitting the ball that far. That there bat sounds like its endloaded. It can't be that fact that practice hitting at least twice a week, and scrimmage almost once a week, oh and not to mention there play in tournaments. That definitely can't be it they must be using a juiced bat. Maybe there on the juice and not the bats. Ah maybe not.

Roundn Third

August 10, 2009
11:52:07 PM

Entry #: 3242027
thats funny, the U arms must be using the same bats.

Mr. October

August 11, 2009
1:03:21 PM

Entry #: 3242620
There are a couple of guys on Crupi that are on the executive committee..and one of them helps publish the illegal bat list. I would be very suprised if they were breaking the rules by using juiced bats...Their gloves appear to be coming around from what I saw the other week..and with the highest run total in the league to out for them in the playoffs..this is going to be the toughest competition in the playoffs in a long while..anyone in the top 10 can take it.


August 13, 2009
7:58:39 PM

Entry #: 3245458
The umps and the league as a whole has to be more vigilant about teams using illegal bats or do people even care? The banned list should be posted on this website and regularly updated as the ASA updates their list.

If I was Harding this Tuesday I would have the ump check every bat that the Arms boys are using.

U arms

August 17, 2009
7:23:16 PM

Entry #: 3248460
The Arms do not use illegal bats they because they have talent that is sick.

CC & Coke

August 25, 2009
9:21:36 AM

Entry #: 3255561
Arms and Crupi are putting up steroid-type numbers. These guys hit the ball harder and farther than any other team. They run the bases like Ben Johnson.
Most of their players have bigger necks then heads. I am saying cheeseburgers and beer are steroids? Because that's what did it to me.
I hope they don’t, but you can't really be sure about anyone these days.

still cookin

August 25, 2009
3:38:14 PM

Entry #: 3256015
I can agree that the ARMS and also Harding hit the ball hard and far. But Crupi are you kidding me with the exception of 1 or 2 players they have the smallest team physically in the league.

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