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Author TOPIC: Thoughts from the mound
still cookin

April 10, 2010
8:56:05 AM

Entry #: 3439162
Why is it that the power hitter (supposedly home run hitter) gets mad when they get intentionally walked?

This should actually boost your ego.

The intentional walk should be taken as a compliment that the opposing team thinks that you are that good that you can beat them with one swing of the bat.

If you don't want to get walked in close games then go play in another league where you use your own pithcer or everyone can hit it out. All we are trying to do is win a stupid ball game and feel good that the strategy worked.

As far as shooting the mound.

Contrary to most beliefs I don't mind you coming up the middle. I just get ticked when I don't get it and get you out. However I don't like getting told to bring the arc down and then allowing you in most cases to hit a line drive back at me.

My job is to get you out or prevent you from scoring to many runs on us. I would rather have you mad at me than my team being mad at me because I served up a lolly pop to you. Which has happened in some cases.

I just wanted the mound to have a say.

Have fun and please keep the illegal bats in the bag.


April 10, 2010
11:09:56 AM

Entry #: 3439213
An intentional walk occurs when a pitcher intentionally throws balls to a batter, thereby allowing the hitter to take first base free. This is often done in the case of power hitters. Sometimes it is done to create a forced out on another base. The force makes sense but anything else s a gutless move by a pitcher. This is slow pitch, it is a game made for hitters. Throw the ball or lob it in this case.


April 11, 2010
12:58:12 AM

Entry #: 3439528
cook man thanks for all the advice i dont think i could do this without you . i didnt realize the pitcher is the impotant guy on my team !!

whether we win or lose everyone will be happy and have alot of fun

Retired Fish

April 12, 2010
12:35:54 PM

Entry #: 3440586
This is an idea that has been bounced around in alot of leagues. Some leagues have adopted it as well. 4 straight balls is a 2 base award and all players on base are forced ahead 2 as well.
This certainly changes the impulse to walk a batter intentionally. (its not a strategy when a guy comes to play ball and walks down to First) As a pitcher despite my teams wishes I would never intentionally walk a batter despite the circumstances in the game.
Play Ball!


April 12, 2010
3:19:22 PM

Entry #: 3440862
Hence why your retired! So am I hearing this right? If there is only one player on a team that can beat you, you go ahead and let him? If that is the case I am glad I am not on your team. Not trying to be harsh just stating what I think is the obvious.


April 12, 2010
3:30:48 PM

Entry #: 3440882
Sending a batter to first in a key situation is part of a game.Wheither its to ad a force or keep a game close.If you so called home run hitters are so worried about not gettting to smash a ball out of a huge park like Crosby i am sure the mixed leagues on sunday have room for you.

Walking a batter is just as much part of a game as is any other part

You guys still think its ok to shoot the box if you get walked and i dont complain about that

Jobber (my real name)

luv of the game

April 13, 2010
10:57:24 AM

Entry #: 3441839
There are many things that should never be taken out of the game which applies to slow pitch. Intentional walks are one of them. In the late innings to get to the next batter or even to create a forced play situation. That is part of the game. You should never walk a leadoff batter unless it is the tieing or winning run late in the game. However, if you walk the leadoff batter in the 3rd inning, your a loser (directed to the pitcher of a law firm), grow up! There are teams out there that only win with the long ball, let them hit them and run out of homeruns, it is just smart baseball. A solo homerun is a waste of time early in a game.
If you are going to walk a guy, we should bring back the "point to first base" and illiminate the build up of tension as a pithcer rolls or skiies his pitches.

Play ball!

Retired Fish

April 13, 2010
1:08:32 PM

Entry #: 3441971
Tarheel, please dont lose sight of this (I know the pre-season adrenaline is flowing... but..)... its freakin adult rec ball. We all joined to play(not walk). To sit back after the game and having a suds and say to the boys "cheers we walked him and won"...yikes...

still cookin

April 16, 2010
1:49:31 PM

Entry #: 3445388
Wow looks like I struck a nerve you guys can count on me throwing everything right down the middle now.

The decision to throw you nothing to hit or an intentional walk is a team decision on our squad and we do on occaasion use this strategy. So it is not necessarily my choice but I will have a medical exam done to see if I do in fact have any guts.

Our team plays to win ball games if your team would prefer to lose and drink beer afterwards that is your teams decision. We just think that it is more fun to WIN and drink beer afterwards.

As far as walking the first batter of the inning sometimes I just cannot hit the plate, just ask Kent.

I have seen some great hitters hit something other than a lollipop out of the park. Maybe your not as good as you think you are.


April 18, 2010
12:19:32 AM

Entry #: 3446293
I am absolutely the most inaccurate pitcher in the league! That's why this year we have recruited a 'professional' pitcher like the cookmyster or jobbey so I never have to do it again!

volpe (not my real name)


April 19, 2010
11:13:42 PM

Entry #: 3448251
I love the forum, but I think the above comments by KOOKIE are inappropriate. We all have our opinions on pitchers. But lets show some class on and off the field.

Thanks, and enjoy the up coming season

still cookin

April 21, 2010
4:04:25 PM

Entry #: 3450241
I actually don't mind the 2 base rule on 4 straight pitches. I don't think it would hurt our team as much as other teams that end up putting a second pitcher in that can't hit the plate.

Also not sure what is said in my comment that it is deemed inappropriate by IMHOFF when you consider some of the other comments directed at me.

Everyone has their own opinion though thankfully the moderator is of sound mind.

Retired Fish

April 22, 2010
3:08:20 PM

Entry #: 3451491
Hey Cooking

Thats what I am talking about.... who is this Jobber guy anyway :)...

still cookin

April 22, 2010
3:22:08 PM

Entry #: 3451500
Don't get me wrong I am still going to walk some batters on purpose but they may only get 1 to swing at. You can bet it will not be a lollipop down the middle of the plate.


April 23, 2010
6:56:35 AM

Entry #: 3452063
Jobber for those that dont know is Dave Job pitcher for Angus Glen


April 23, 2010
7:57:25 AM

Entry #: 3452100
I have run out of superlatives to describe Mr. Jobber. He is the best player to ever play for Angus. The polished wizard is most certainly the best pitcher in the USPL at the moment, some would say by a country mile.


April 23, 2010
7:59:59 AM

Entry #: 3452101
Get your mother off this forum, ok?


April 23, 2010
4:49:38 PM

Entry #: 3452844
i told her to write more lol


April 23, 2010
8:30:44 PM

Entry #: 3453004
It's easy to tell that it's your Mom, Jobber. Only Mom's can use words like "polished wizard".


April 26, 2010
12:33:42 PM

Entry #: 3454728
the best pitcher is Carlo from MAS. I am not his mother.

Harry Package

April 27, 2010
11:06:21 AM

Entry #: 3455842
... and one of the best bitchers !! (ha,ha)


February 18, 2013
2:39:25 PM

Entry #: 4033650
When something bad happens you have three choices, you can either let it define you, let it destroy you or let it strengthen you. Both Crupi and the Arms have not recovered from the 2010 championship game.


February 19, 2013
9:43:28 AM

Entry #: 4033787
Pretty sure we won that Championship game. So yes, I think it defined us pretty well thank you very much.


February 20, 2013
10:39:11 PM

Entry #: 4034169
What did you do in 2011 &. 2012? Nothing! Mind Blowing stuff.


February 21, 2013
7:48:55 PM

Entry #: 4034356
Just wondering: what if in 2010, the Crupi boys had gone as hard after the trophy as we did? How would recent seasons be different?


March 10, 2013
10:19:51 AM

Entry #: 4038019
Daylight savings time would be better if it started on a Monday at 2pm. We need more sleep to prepare for the new season.


April 9, 2013
11:03:26 PM

Entry #: 4045712
Cool story bro, in which part you start telling the f#%^ing truth?

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