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Author TOPIC: Master Division

May 6, 2012
4:20:03 PM

Entry #: 3910098
First Slo pitch game tomorrow night. That's how we over the hill ball players have fun.


May 8, 2012
7:10:11 AM

Entry #: 3911266
The sign of an old man? Getting sore after one game of slo-pitch softball. It was extraordinary fun last night, good guys on the team.


May 9, 2012
7:07:50 AM

Entry #: 3912087
It may have just been slo-pitch, but playing competitive sports again was more fun than I dreamed. Great league.


May 18, 2012
8:21:20 AM

Entry #: 3917878
Experience isn’t exactly in ample supply for our team. We have just half-dozen returnees this spring, while a few members of the squad have never played slo-pitch before this season.But you’d never know that based on this year’s results. The draft looks like it worked for all 6 teams.


May 22, 2012
1:09:01 PM

Entry #: 3920144
The six teams are appropriately balance. Some good, a few ok and some inexperienced players.


May 28, 2012
7:02:50 PM

Entry #: 3923183
Officially broke the barrier.. just put on icy hot, so I can play for the Masters ...I'm old and I don't care anymore.


June 4, 2012
10:54:31 PM

Entry #: 3927147
Hit a triple tonight in the masters, still recovering, gassed, never again. HELP!


June 15, 2012
5:44:27 AM

Entry #: 3932750
I Signed up for Really-Rec Slo-Pitch this summer. It's been a while, but I so enjoyed playing (even though I totally suck at it). Great league.


June 27, 2012
11:57:26 PM

Entry #: 3939021
Hey, in 'slo-pitch'... Is there any reason ever to choke up?" Yes there is one reason, if you play in the masters.


July 6, 2012
7:37:52 AM

Entry #: 3942094
Today...still not so good. Think I pulled my quad on Monday night, no amount of aspirin or beer is going to help. If I was a horse they'd put me down. I will be ready next week. Can anyone stop that yellow machine that is Sylvia Morris?


July 26, 2012
7:19:46 AM

Entry #: 3952649
I'm still playing with a full deck.

I just shuffle slower these days.

Can anyone beat Sylvia Morris team? They should be playing in the other league, they are that good.


August 6, 2012
1:07:48 PM

Entry #: 3958084
6:30..... Tonight..... The best team takes the field at Milliken.... Come witness the 2012 Masters champs


August 23, 2012
11:17:26 AM

Entry #: 3966323
Can anyone stop Sylvia Morris, only one lost, what a season. They are a dominating team to state the obvious.


August 24, 2012
5:39:59 PM

Entry #: 3967076
Great effort springs naturally from a great attitude. Hence my skills we never so good that you would be able to notice them diminishing. Like, Ive never hit a grand slam and then a walk off hr and followed it up the next game with a gawd awful 1 fer 5. That kind of diminish mentally. No one beat Sylvia Morris.


August 25, 2012
11:59:08 AM

Entry #: 3967262
The Sylvia Morris team can beat most of the other teams from the 18 team division, they are that good.They may not lose another game this year.


August 26, 2012
8:03:16 PM

Entry #: 3967688
Talent wins games, but teamwork & intelligence win championships. SM can't be stopes.


August 29, 2012
2:48:15 PM

Entry #: 3969477
14 wins 1 tie & 1 loss..............what an impressive team


September 20, 2012
5:49:10 PM

Entry #: 3980729
It look like Sylvia Morris will cruise their way to Saturday afternoon. Two wins already, can they be beaten?

Mellowing Out

September 20, 2012
6:05:33 PM

Entry #: 3980746
Grocer will give them a go. Too many veteran smart ball players with playoff/tournament experience on that team. Smart pitcher there as well. It'll be close.


September 23, 2012
8:27:56 AM

Entry #: 3981877
Sylvia Morris chocked


September 24, 2012
2:50:54 PM

Entry #: 3982886
The best team overall did not win. That is why we play the games. If we had a best of three Sylvia Morris would surely win 2 out of 3.


September 28, 2012
11:26:42 AM

Entry #: 3985538
I have played ball in the Aurora, Markham and the York leagues over the years this was my first in the USPL Masters division. I am here to tell you this is the best run league I have played in years. The umpires are great, the website information and the organization are the best. The Crosby festivities were second to none. Tip your hat to the leaders of the USPL.

You should all be proud members. Thanks for listening to my rant.


September 29, 2012
5:03:20 PM

Entry #: 3986111
I agree, what a fabulous league. The Masters division is perfect, I assume the other division is the same.


October 5, 2012
7:22:17 PM

Entry #: 3989535
The Atlanta Braves..... I haven't seen a choke job like this since- oh wait, since Wednesday's presidential debate or Sylvia Morris in the final game.


October 18, 2012
11:52:33 PM

Entry #: 3995780
Thanks to the executives who did a hell of a job with what they had to work with in organizing the season and the playoffs. I personally enjoyed meeting a few new guys in the USPL that I had never met. All six teams we played had many good guys. I think it speaks volumes with the talent level displayed during the season and how our USPL masters has grown. Now if we could only get the city to open the vault and fix these aging parks and quit dumping money into soccer every year. Off to shed about 40 lbs to keep up with the young bucks. 


November 19, 2012
7:47:12 AM

Entry #: 4014025
To all the Masters players......We don't stop playing because we grow old...we grow old because we stop playing. 

I would also want second the huge thank you to the guys that run this league.


November 23, 2012
7:31:05 AM

Entry #: 4015808
The rumor on the street is that we will be going with 6 teams again next year. Sound great. Can anyone confirm?


November 28, 2012
7:35:24 PM

Entry #: 4017959
The next generation of the youngsters joining our league will have no clue what "Please be kind, rewind" means.


December 3, 2012
7:55:35 AM

Entry #: 4019320
I ended the season with a stand up triple, a great high. Now I  get the ultimatum to either catch next year or leave my old team. If I go to the masters I get a shot a reclaiming my glory days. It is a tough choice, how is the level of ball in the masters?


December 9, 2012
9:50:44 AM

Entry #: 4021299
The masters division plays at a high level. Some folks lack some mobility but most have great gloves and better attitudes. They players respect each other and understand the reasons why we show up to play.


December 11, 2012
7:51:31 AM

Entry #: 4021726
The level of ball is high for gentlemen over forty years old. One team has some issues with the spirit of the league, no names mentioned but they have the brightest uniforms.

Pulse alive

December 14, 2012
6:04:12 AM

Entry #: 4022377
Like others, this masters league has been a exceptional experience. I played baseball growing up, until I was 16 and gave it up due to being busy with work and other school activities, then a couple years later I moved to go to school. A classmate that lived in the Markham for years asked if I wanted to play on his beer league slopitch team (that had existed since late 80s). I took it as an opportunity to meet some new people in the strange new city and then I got hooked. I still play with passion but the legs are not what they used to be. I understand that we are sticking with our old team from last year, what a great suggestion. In all my years, I have never seen such a organized league. I fully endorse the USPL.


December 17, 2012
11:29:41 PM

Entry #: 4023056
Loooking for a christmas gift for cleats....what are the best ones to buy?

I have been a Tanel 360 guy for the last 5 years


injury prone

December 18, 2012
9:25:36 AM

Entry #: 4023081
Tanel has lots of specials right now. Shoes for $39 and hats for $3.99......

HR Leader

December 19, 2012
11:38:21 PM

Entry #: 4023506
You know anyone that wears the Reebok Zigs in the outfield? Just wondering if the traction is just as good as the Mizuno Blast 2/3.


January 1, 2013
1:29:25 PM

Entry #: 4024707
Hi, I used to play fastball, then I got old and now I just play co-ed slo-pitch. I am looking for a mens league to participate this year. I am over 40, which division is better for me? 


January 3, 2013
10:00:05 AM

Entry #: 4024928
Hugh Heffner just pulled off my New years resolution. He married a 26 yr old ... Off to Shoppers to refill my prescription.


January 18, 2013
8:18:26 PM

Entry #: 4028093
Great post about Hugh.

When I first learned how to hit a slow-pitch softball, I was swinging too soon. A friend of mine told me to pull my cap down some on my head, then, keeping my head level, wait until the ball was in sight over the plate, then swing. This helped tremendously with my timing. Now Crosby does not scare me anymore.


January 22, 2013
6:30:51 AM

Entry #: 4028616
On the coldest day of the year, I find that there is more to this life everyday and thankful for getting a chance to experience it a player in the USPL. Bring on the summer and some heat.


January 31, 2013
9:12:45 PM

Entry #: 4030632
When I was little, I was told, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all..."And some people wonder why I'm so quiet when we play the Sylvia Morris team.


February 21, 2013
6:58:16 AM

Entry #: 4034186
If you guys know of ANY young 40 plus fast players who'd like to play on a well outfitted team, please send them my way?.. we are still trying to get the required 15 minimum players to submit a roster. Thank u!!!

Hopefully we can win more games in this league...we do enjoy it here..I'm the biggest advocate & promoter of USPL.. .I've made lots of great friendships & aquaintences here..

Mello Yello

February 25, 2013
11:09:26 PM

Entry #: 4035252
19 straight games without a regulation loss to start the season for the Chicago Blackhawks. Sounds like they are trying to duplicate the Sylvia Morris yellow submarine team.


March 1, 2013
7:05:19 PM

Entry #: 4036267
I got invited to play in the masters UPSL division this year. First time back on a ball diamond in years. We still run the bases counter-clockwise, right?


March 24, 2013
12:18:48 PM

Entry #: 4041436
The question of the year is the talent on Tar. Can they win it again this year? I think not.


April 1, 2013
1:21:30 PM

Entry #: 4043238
It's rather sad how sore I am from slo-pitch practice on the weekend. To answer the question above, No. Tar will not repeat this year.


April 4, 2013
4:29:24 PM

Entry #: 4044315
...I tried to flush out the old men..but I got the posse instead.. come out come out werever yu arrrrreee


April 17, 2013
7:44:32 AM

Entry #: 4048021
If I want my slo-pitch career to last beyond the next month, I need to learn to hit oppo. John Mayberry shifts in the Masters is not a good idea.


April 20, 2013
3:10:53 PM

Entry #: 4048989
Hello foxy,

To answer your question, posted earlier, Tar will not win again.

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