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Author TOPIC: Complaining

August 1, 2014
11:31:35 AM

Entry #: 4138749
I never knew a team that takes extra BP, pre game infield, careful to respect the other team and strictly honest who complained of bad luck or officiating. Some teams whine way too much.


August 1, 2014
8:39:09 PM

Entry #: 4138853
Did the snake just call out the weasle? I am debating if I want to go with this. I think I will finish my beer and decide later.


August 2, 2014
1:19:39 PM

Entry #: 4138926
Had to teach my team that the season is a marathon not a sprint. I think they are learning the lesson. Ha!!


August 3, 2014
12:16:24 PM

Entry #: 4138999
Why do people wine at the Ump's .....because they didn't make the play...


August 4, 2014
12:41:05 PM

Entry #: 4139187
Are players actually criticizing the umpires??? Seriously?! They helped you win the game you tools!!!


August 5, 2014
10:06:41 AM

Entry #: 4139382
The players decide the game not the umpires.


August 6, 2014
5:10:42 AM

Entry #: 4139555
Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play. When I get a call against my team, I pick myself up and get on with it, do it all over again, only even better this time.


August 8, 2014
2:54:09 PM

Entry #: 4140148
Play the game, shut your mouth is the best advice for all.


August 10, 2014
4:29:18 PM

Entry #: 4140394
The best advice I have ever seen on this forum.... just play the game the players decide what happens ..... Who cares about the umps.


August 11, 2014
5:15:13 PM

Entry #: 4140583
Chirp, whine, chirp, whine is all the inferior teams do.


August 12, 2014
6:48:14 AM

Entry #: 4140650
When you win, say nothing, when you lose, say less.


August 13, 2014
12:14:03 PM

Entry #: 4140881
If you want to conquer the anxiety of a game, live in the moment, live in the breath of making a spectacular play and forget what the umpires call.


August 15, 2014
6:49:27 PM

Entry #: 4141255
Why do people waste their energy on a bang bang call by blue?


August 19, 2014
7:23:31 AM

Entry #: 4141680
If you guys don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.

Guy Smiley

August 20, 2014
6:01:48 PM

Entry #: 4141965
You can't let people upset your soul son they gona live their life regardless of how you feel even.


September 6, 2014
9:26:21 AM

Entry #: 4144229
You can't have a better tomorrow if you're always thinking about yesterday.

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