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Author TOPIC: Travesty!

July 9, 2012
10:03:28 AM

Entry #: 3943159
A travesty occurred In Cedar Park this weekend. A very good MV All-Star team will not be going to Nationals despite a third place finish at Sectionals because of a parent vote split 6-6. So to all who voted “no”, an explanation is necessary. TOO FAR? -You knew Nationals was in LA when you signed the commitment form. TOO EXPENSIVE? -It was explained to you that playing All-Stars was costly upfront. NO TIME OFF? -You knew the dates of all tournaments beforehand. UPSET AT YOUR DAUGHTERS PLAYING TIME? -You knew that 12 players would be filling 10 spots. COACH NOT FAIR? –The Head Coach has autonomy to make those decisions.

So the outcome for those voting “no”- (besides the obvious disappointment of the players)? To the three Coaches -DON’T draft my daughter, we will never play for you! To the two board members – you have placed MVYBA in the worst possible light, and you will not get any more support or money from me! To the other parents-despite any reasoning you had, you did not honor your commitment to this team. Don’t sign your kid up anymore!

Several of the parents signed up their daughters knowing full well that they were not going to Nationals DESPITE the order of the places at Sectionals, and a bunch of others were praying that we would not make it that far. So shame on all six of you for not fully supporting this team!

I challenge the MVYBA board to revisit the commitment that players and parents make to All-Stars so that this travesty cannot ever happen again.


July 9, 2012
10:16:18 AM

Entry #: 3943169
Two more excuses given-
NOT OBLIGATED TO GO? Not obligated to sign your daughter up for All-Star either. NOT GOING TO WIN NATIONALS? The 4th place team from this Section WON Nationals last year, and two others filled out the top three places.

I know each of you made your vote based on what was best for you- instead of what was best for the TEAM.

Wear It

July 9, 2012
5:57:32 PM

Entry #: 3943517
SB parent - the travesty is that your head coach did a very poor job in communicating to your team BEFORE tournament play. You should have voted as a team before hand, not when the emotions of just finishing 3rd set in immediately following this weekend's tournament.
6-6 vote? there is no doubt the team shouldn't go... NOT that you having the option to vote will ever happen again. The travesty of your actions, or those that are 'leading' you will seriously be taken into consideration at the next board meeting - so what ever challenge you issued to the board will be met. I can assure you. Please feel free to contact any board member, prez, VP or commissioner (boys or girls) the mission of the board is to represent the kids, not just an all-star team or misguieded gun-ho coach. Do what you will with your money and support of the league, that's your decision. DO not dare bash or call out a coach or board memeber who donates their TIME and a lot of it, for your child to have the best possible place to play. Shop around, pay someone to play your kid on a select team, you'll be back. We will address the issues that your team brought to light. Bravo to the 6 realistic parents - if you can't win at this level you dang sure can't at the next. I'm sure we will see you next year when emotions have cooled. If not good luck to your daughter and again - give us a call if you'd like to discuss facts.


July 10, 2012
9:14:08 PM

Entry #: 3944408
The travesty is that all of the ugly comments back and forth and childish behavior has completely taken away from the fact that our girls played their hearts out this past weekend. The vote that took place after our game ended with angry parents and no recognition for the girls as a team. Although it's disappointing that we couldn't go any further, I think the board just needs to clarify the by laws, which right now seem a bit contradictory in the wording. In addition, the all-star form should be updated to more clearly define the commitment and the limits to advancement based on how a team places in a tournament. That could easily clear up some of the misinterpretation.

Most importantly, let's not forget about the kids. Pinto had a great little team this year and deserves to be very proud of how they did. In addition, I'm personally thankful for how the coaching was handled. Whether or not we as parents agree with every decision the coaches make, if we don't volunteer to coach, we can't really argue the decisions. Coaching is a huge commitment and I thank each of the four coaches for their commitment to the team.

Finally, I would just like to say that the decision of whether or not to advance was discussed in advance and the requirements of the by laws were clearly communicated. We had multiple board members/parents that helped to clarify. It simply came down to emotions.

Thanks again to the coaches.

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