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Author TOPIC: Midget Large Intermediate

November 7, 2011
12:30:17 PM

Entry #: 3832828
Any thoughts on this division. It looked like a tough division with tough competion saturday. Billerica looked good. South county won I beleive. Any idea who will get the invites if any? Looks like Water Oak won on Sunday.

Top Notch

November 7, 2011
12:34:46 PM

Entry #: 3832834
I predict south county all the way! Billerica close second! They will both go to florida!


November 7, 2011
1:20:31 PM

Entry #: 3832892
Why do you feel South County all the way. I saw both routines and Billerica had a drop/fall. South County was fast paced and fun. Billerica had a little more difficulty. I think if Billerica hit it would have been intresting to see who won. I haven't seen Water Oak or Dartmouth.

Top Notch

November 7, 2011
1:57:37 PM

Entry #: 3832933
I just thought that s county's routine was so fun to watch, yes billerica had slightly more difficulty, but I feel like there motions, although fast & clean are kind of repetitive up down/basic etc. Billerica was awesome, don't get me wrong I just think SC routine was more creative....but it could go either way....I just think that south county & billerica will be the 2 teams to represnt in FLORIDA.


November 7, 2011
2:13:46 PM

Entry #: 3832950
Well I believe that South County got lucky because billerica had falls. South County is definitely good but the voices and motions of billerica was alot strnger which made them stand out more. There stunting ability was better, but South County's routine was faster. Tough Comp. I see Billerica and I heard Water Oak is amazing don't under estimate them.


November 7, 2011
3:13:52 PM

Entry #: 3833014
Top Notch- I agree with you. South County is faster and cleaner. Billerica has a little more difficulty.
Chhermum- I don't think i this point no team gets "lucky". All these girls put in alot of hard work into the routines. Alot of hours and practice. No one gets lucky everyone who won deserved to win. I do wish Billerica did not have any falls though. It would have been interesting to see who won.


November 7, 2011
4:22:45 PM

Entry #: 3833099
Billerica and south county are both very good water oak is a really good team as well it should be close the funny thing about it is I think all 4 teams are the indians


November 7, 2011
4:33:59 PM

Entry #: 3833111
Does anyone expect invites? Who do you think it will be?


November 7, 2011
4:57:55 PM

Entry #: 3833140
Funny you should mention that, because I said the same thing watching the comp yesterday. Imagine 4 teams and they are all Indians! I too loved South County's routine, but my heart belongs to the Billerica Indians. Good Luck to everyone competing on the 19th. Go MVL-Most Valuable League


November 8, 2011
9:33:31 AM

Entry #: 3833635
I thought Saturday's midget large intermediate division was great to watch. Billerica and South County were great. It will be interesting to see who places on top at Regionals if Billerica doesn't have the drops. I also thought Everett Eagles were great, and thought they were right in there with Billerica and South County. I wonder if they got an invite. Could be a tight competition at regionals if they do.


November 8, 2011
10:07:24 AM

Entry #: 3833671
The judges are going to get tired of hearing I-N-D-I-A-N-S! I wonder who will be the top tribe should b great


November 8, 2011
6:11:18 PM

Entry #: 3834169
Sooo funny regarding "Indians". I must say, I went in assuming Billerica would have it in the bag and was very surprised by South County. Everett can't be counted out if they received/accepted an invite, but if I were to predict top 2, I really see Billerica and South County heading to Nationals and I think either one of them could be 1st or 2nd. Whoever brings it cleaner that day will be 1st. Regionals is gonna be awesome and I can't wait!


November 8, 2011
8:43:49 PM

Entry #: 3834291
Has anyone seen water-oak or Dartmouth? Any thoughts......


November 9, 2011
11:05:44 PM

Entry #: 3835017
I heard the Everett Eagles and Mission Hill recieved invites if they accepted them....i dont know

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