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Author TOPIC: Lost shades
Peter M

July 20, 2016
8:46:34 AM

Entry #: 4203193
Someone left their sun glasses at Crosby last night. Ray bands, they were on the home bench. They would more than likely belong to someone on crupi as they played before us.
Pete MacGregor (#11 pool boys)


July 21, 2016
11:28:48 AM

Entry #: 4203360
Most of the Crupilaw team need sun glasses along with their canes and guide dogs. That team has major defense deficiencies. They need help.


July 22, 2016
12:01:18 PM

Entry #: 4203453

Very true.


July 23, 2016
11:39:29 AM

Entry #: 4203523
Knowing your teams' strengths and weakness is important! Knowing your competitors is critical!


July 24, 2016
5:13:39 PM

Entry #: 4203634
Remembering to pickup your tools ( glove, shades ) is more important that understanding your team.


July 26, 2016
11:08:44 AM

Entry #: 4203887
Picked up a glove last night from the visitor’s bench at Crosby. The glove belongs to a southpaw. It is now in the black box at Crosby.


July 26, 2016
12:30:28 PM

Entry #: 4203906
Does anyone remember the strings that were attached to both of your winter mittens?

Could we introduce that in the USPL?


August 10, 2016
6:53:53 AM

Entry #: 4205681
When a young brass team get lost in the weeds of limited success they must remember. Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can't begin to explore your possibilities of becoming a championship team. Find your way with every pitch.


August 10, 2016
8:00:24 PM

Entry #: 4205784
Boys ....
Are you noticing a decrease in energy and excitement among your team?
Are you hearing more sighs and seeing more rolled eyes than usual after an error?
Are your team members taking a sloppy approach to simple tasks like catching a ball?
Then you must not play for the superstars hair cutters.

Troll .

August 10, 2016
8:23:45 PM

Entry #: 4205788
Great post purelife, really sums up your personality and childhood....lots of keyboard warriors on this thing.


August 11, 2016
7:03:00 PM

Entry #: 4205910
Very mature comeback.


August 13, 2016
9:05:50 AM

Entry #: 4206041
Let's move on. Troll is insecure and looking to stir the pot.


August 14, 2016
5:55:19 PM

Entry #: 4206173
Don't under estimate the influence of a sincere compliment. Noticing a good play by others looks good on you too. Nice play is a great compliant.


August 15, 2016
1:56:19 PM

Entry #: 4206234
Good game sir.


August 17, 2016
6:53:53 AM

Entry #: 4206418
The post-game handshake is a tradition in our league that is meant to symbolize sportsmanship among the players of the game. only a few loser avoid this long standing tradition.


August 19, 2016
7:19:51 PM

Entry #: 4206673
Post-Game Handshakes have come under fire recently due to some confrontations, acts of poor sportsmanship, disrespect, or simply the perceived lack of sincerity in the process. Some leagues have eliminated the practice. We have no such problem.


August 20, 2016
10:33:42 AM

Entry #: 4206710
The potential for conflict is no reason to eliminate handshakes rather it creates a teachable moment. It takes character to do your best, fall short and congratulate your opponent with dignity and grace - even when you are disappointed and may not feel like it. Youth should learn this important life skill in sports, because it also applies to competition for grades in a class, who wins a talent show, or who gets a job promotion.

Network Man

August 21, 2016
6:35:09 PM

Entry #: 4206824
A occasional "good game or nice play" is always good.


August 22, 2016
4:37:51 AM

Entry #: 4206859
The strongest people tend to smile even during their toughest loss. Smiling is a psychological symbol of strength. Keep Smiling :)


August 23, 2016
7:08:38 PM

Entry #: 4207019
Every season had unforgettable moments of athleticism and sportsmanship - as well as some upsets and surprises along the way. Let's finish up the last few games and enjoy the playoffs.


August 24, 2016
5:49:14 PM

Entry #: 4207091
There are 3 types of ball players: those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, & those who wonder what happens. Which one are you?


August 25, 2016
7:29:38 PM

Entry #: 4207148
Sports is a wonderful metaphor for life.


August 27, 2016
10:16:46 PM

Entry #: 4207252
Teammates come and go, but life is simply about seeing who cares enough to stay and play.

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