Date Status Score Headline
4/21/2024 F NetKICKS & Chill 12  Bachateros 3
4/21/2024 F Big Kick Energy 5  Mighty Drunks 3
4/21/2024 F Rollin' Stoned 15  Mighty Drunks 0
4/21/2024 F Bachateros 14  The Crows 8
4/21/2024 F NetKICKS & Chill 8  You're My Ball Blue 6
4/21/2024 F Drunk & Looking 10  Big Kick Energy 1
4/21/2024 F Rollin' Stoned 11  Tornadoes 6
4/21/2024 F The Crows 6  All My Pitches Love Me 4
4/21/2024 F Nice Snatch  You're My Ball Blue 3
4/21/2024 F Just Watch It 5  Drunk & Looking 0
4/21/2024 F JurassKICK Park 3  Tornadoes 0
4/21/2024 F Faces LOADED  All My Pitches Love Me 4
4/21/2024 F Recess Renegades 4  Just Watch It 1
4/21/2024 F Nice Snatch 4  ThunderCankles 0
4/21/2024 F Recess Renegades 9  JurassKICK Park 3
4/21/2024 F Faces LOADED 7  ThunderCankles 2
4/14/2024 F Niagara Balls 5  Rock N' Roll Balls of Fame 2
4/14/2024 F Nice Kicks 10  Bachateros 1
4/14/2024 F Let's Go Brews 6  Nice Kicks 3
4/14/2024 F Just Watch It 8  Rock N' Roll Balls of Fame 2
4/14/2024 F All My Pitches Love Me 8  Niagara Balls 7
4/14/2024 F Bachateros  ThunderCankles 2
4/14/2024 F Let's Go Brews 14  Tornadoes 5
4/14/2024 F Just Watch It  JurassKICK Park 3
4/14/2024 F Big Kick Energy 3  All My Pitches Love Me 1
4/14/2024 F NetKICKS & Chill 12  ThunderCankles 1
4/14/2024 F Mighty Drunks 9  Tornadoes 6
4/14/2024 F Rollin' Stoned 3  JurassKICK Park 0
4/14/2024 F Nice Snatch 7  Big Kick Energy 0
4/14/2024 F NetKICKS & Chill  Faces LOADED 2
4/14/2024 F Faces LOADED 7  Mighty Drunks 2
4/14/2024 F Nice Snatch 11  Rollin' Stoned 1
4/7/2024 F Nice Kicks 4  You're My Ball Blue 0
4/7/2024 F Rollin' Stoned 7  Big Kick Energy 1
4/7/2024 F All My Pitches Love Me 11  Bachateros 9
4/7/2024 F Recess Renegades  Rock N' Roll Balls of Fame 1
4/7/2024 F Nice Kicks  Niagara Balls 0
4/7/2024 F Just Watch It 14  Rollin' Stoned 9
4/7/2024 F ThunderCankles 6  All My Pitches Love Me 4
4/7/2024 F Let's Go Brews 10  Rock N' Roll Balls of Fame 4
4/7/2024 F Let's Go Brews 7  Niagara Balls 2
4/7/2024 F Just Watch It 11  ThunderCankles 0
Status:F - Final Score   Note: Select a team above to show W/L/T status
TBP - To Be Played
CAN - Canceled
FFH - Forfeit by Home Team
FFV - Forfeit by Visiting Team
PPD - Postponed
SPD - Suspended