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  Sign Our Guestbook

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Total Entries: 31

Posted By Comments
June 29, 2007
3:23:28 PM

Entry ID: 1153301
The new site is pretty nice but it's hard to read.
June 27, 2007
9:00:10 AM

Entry ID: 1151582
Why is there a new website? This one has more info, nothing in the other one???
April 16, 2007
12:12:56 PM

Entry ID: 1099682
congrats to 2 st.lazare players who won MVP offence & defence at the ELITE football camp: they are Max Bourgon & JesseSt.James. Way to go guys.
February 6, 2007
12:51:05 PM

Entry ID: 1045391
i glad to see there are more stallions team in europe. i am vice president from the aschaffenburg stallions. you have a nice website. who knows maybe some day we can have a friendship game against each other.
Coach Allan Williams
Saint Laurent
January 3, 2007
8:53:06 PM

Entry ID: 1025706
First I would like to say, Congratulation on a job well done with both the Bantam and Midget Teams that you Coached over the past years.. Like you I also will be hanging up my Whistle, but I know we will meet at some Park, watching and coaching from the sideline.. St Lazare I am sure, will miss you, as I know that I will miss Coaching against you.. Best of luck Allan
December 13, 2006
11:07:47 AM

Entry ID: 1015019
I would like to thank all who supported me during this 5 yr stretch. I will sadly miss being in my shorts during cold October and November nights but everything must come to an end. However, this is not goodbye for ever. Over the years, I have been fortunate to have had great players under my wing, however, it's not how great they played that I am proud of; it's how well they have developed into fine men for the future. To all my players, parents and coaches, thank you for letting me be a part of this family. Bye for now and see you in a couple of years when my boy gets bigger (hopefully not has big as me). I love you all as if you were my own (here we go again, I’m cry...). Take care and see you on a football field somewhere. Coach Ray (NQ)
November 16, 2006
1:35:22 PM

Entry ID: 995001
Salut a tous, je voudrais juste vous dire un gros merci pour toutes les année que j'ai jouer avec les Stallions..Merci a nos coachs qui on su nous developpée au maximum. Jsuis content d'Avoir terminer ma carriere avec la coupe a mes mains! Mais maudit que le temps est long sans football!! On se voit au banquet..Apres on se revoit au banquet de la ligue avec notre Bague!!:D
Vinny 32
November 15, 2006
6:52:23 PM

Entry ID: 994397
Bonjour à tous, Je voulais félicité tous les joueurs et coachs des Midget pour la magnifique saison que nous avons eu. Je suis tràs fier de faire parti de cette organisation et j'ai le Stallion tatoué sur le coeur! Merci encore de m'avoir fait vivre les plus beau moments de ma jeunesse. Vincent Duquette#32 DB,Midget Stallions ps: j'aimerais savoir c'est quand le banquet des midgets, merci d'avance!
Coach Mini
Saint-Laz (vous saviez pas!!!!)
October 29, 2006
11:04:37 PM

Entry ID: 975762
Un gros merci à l'organisation des Stallions pour leur aide et surtout leur hospitalité dans notre mésaventure avec notre autobus dans une température des plus jolies! Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous avez fait cela à été très appréciés de la part des coaches et surtout des joueurs! Encore merci et bonne chance contre les Raiders Coach mini
October 22, 2006
10:13:03 PM

Entry ID: 967476
Zbig, you may want to consider that the OFFICAL score is on the OFFICAL scoresheet signed by both head coaches AND the referee in charge. If your head coach cannot find his for some reason, we can email you a copy should you want to correct your error, it was 41-1 - 9:48 left in the third quarter.
October 19, 2006
11:32:23 AM

Entry ID: 963553
To 'football fan': You may wish to consider that the OFFICIAL score printed in Montreal newspapers was 6-0. Hence, this is the score that we have posted.
football fan
st lazare
October 18, 2006
8:45:23 AM

Entry ID: 961766
You have the wrong results for the bantam game vs the Lions. The score at the 3rd quarter was 41 - 1. Thanks
September 28, 2006
8:50:50 AM

Entry ID: 944198
Coach, More photos of the mosquito silver team will be posted soon. I just need to prepare a little 'manual' on how to put the photos up on the site. The manual will be ready by this weekend.
silver coach
September 22, 2006
3:24:58 PM

Entry ID: 939787
hey everyone nice site but not many picture of mosquito silver!!!! great work !
April 10, 2006
11:58:25 AM

Entry ID: 814821
le défi c'est contre les packers de greenfield park!
March 24, 2006
6:23:27 PM

Entry ID: 801370
Je veux juste vous dire que Maxim Bourgon a ete accepter lui aussi au camp elite!!! J'espere recevoir dautre bonne nouvelles par dautres stallions!!!
March 24, 2006
8:58:02 AM

Entry ID: 800930
Félicitations Vinny! J'espére qu'on recevra d'autres bonnes nouvelles comme ça.
March 22, 2006
11:14:33 PM

Entry ID: 800076
Zbig i want a copy of the video please
March 22, 2006
5:21:27 PM

Entry ID: 799771
Je voeux juste vous dire que j'ai recu un appel me disant que j'etait accepter au camp d'elite a st-jean-sur-richelieu et que je vais faire partie de cet equipe avec plein de joueurs des 4 coins du quebec!! J'aimerais dire bonne chance a tout ceux qui ce sont inscrit dans l'equipe elite parce que sa serait l'fun que je ne soit pas le seul représentant des satllions la-bas! On se voit a la pratique vendredi(pour les midgets bien sur)!!!!!
March 17, 2006
6:02:00 PM

Entry ID: 795751
Dsl je voulais dire Sebastien le #91
March 17, 2006
5:47:57 PM

Entry ID: 795738
je pense que c'est Mathieu #91 contre Rebelles
March 10, 2006
11:03:28 PM

Entry ID: 790377
On peut ecrire la réponse au Défi Football #5 ici.
You can write the answer to the Football Challenge #5 here.
March 8, 2006
2:16:53 PM

Entry ID: 788466
J'aimerais savoir qui a appliquer pour le camp elite a st-jean-sur-richelieu...parce que moi j'ai appliquer!
March 3, 2006
8:56:41 AM

Entry ID: 784254
Chris, If you can still see this message today (Friday) then you may be able to apply to the Elite Football Camp. You need to download the application form from the Elite Football camp web site and then have one part of it filled in by a teacher or academic advisor at school. Another part needs to be filled in by coach Ray. Then you need to mail it on Monday at the latest. Or, if you see Jordan at school, talk to him about it.
March 2, 2006
2:48:12 PM

Entry ID: 783652
wats the all star th8ing about where you go to the training for free???

GuestBook Pages: 1  2  

Total Entries: 31