This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

  • Roster Form
    Please be sure to indicate if your team is co-ed.

  • Section V Judges Request for Competition

  • Fall 2018 Ad Form

  • Fall 2018 COTY ballot
    These are due to Ginny by October 19. Remember you have to vote in order to be eligible for this title. Please DO NOT vote for Coach of the Year until after the Order of Appearance is put up on the website. Votes received before this will NOT BE CONSIDERED.

  • Winter 2019 Ad Form
    Ad forms are due February 8, 2019, they must be copy ready. Make sure you email them to
    Checks are to be sent to Empire Cheer, c/o Joanne Small, 2199 E Henrietta Rd, Rochester NY 14623

  • Winter 2019 COTY Ballot
    These are due to Ginny by Febuary 15. Remember you have to vote in order to be eligible for this title. Please DO NOT vote for Coach of the Year until after the Order of Appearance is put up on the website. Votes received before this will NOT BE CONSIDERED.

  • Day of Event Info
    Please read the following information ASAP. If you have any questions contact Joanne Small or Pam Palmer.