2022- River Vale Ravens Holiday Tournament Rules


The NJ State Athletic Association Federation Basketball rules apply with the following exceptions:


Division 2nd/3rd/ 4th

Division 5th/ 6th

Division 7th / 8th

Warm up before game

4 minutes

4 minutes

4 minutes

 Game - 2 Halves 

 TWO -20 minute halves running time. The clock will only stop for time outs, when deemed necessary by the referees and on the referees whistle as set forth in "Clock Stoppage" below.  

 TWO -20 minute halves running time. The clock will only stop for time outs, when deemed necessary by the referees and on the referees whistle as set forth in "Clock Stoppage" below.  

 TWO -20 minute halves running time. The clock will only stop for time outs, when deemed necessary by the referees and on the referees whistle as set forth in "Clock Stoppage" below.  

 Clock Stoppage 

 Last minute in first half & Last 2 minutes of game, on the whistle; injuries; timeouts; referee’s delay; Clock will stop on the referee's whistle in the last minute of overtime. 

 Last minute in first half &Last 2 minutes of game, on the whistle; injuries; timeouts; referee’s delay; Clock will stop on the referee's whistle in the last minute of overtime. 

 Last minute in first half &Last 2 minutes of game, on the whistle; injuries; timeouts; referee’s delay; Clock will stop on the referee's whistle in the last minute of overtime. 

 Regulation Game - Timeouts 

 2 per half, no carryover into 2nd Half or Overtime 

 2 per half, no carryover into 2nd Half or Overtime 

 2 per half, no carryover into 2nd Half or Overtime 

 Timeout Length 

 1 minute 

 1 minute 

 1 minute 

 Overtime Period(s) 

 First 3 minutes/any additional overtimes 2 minutes 

 First 3 minutes/any additional overtimes 2 minutes 

 First 3 minutes/any additional overtimes 2 minutes 

 Overtime Timeout Length 

 One 30 second timeout 

 One 30 second timeout 

 One 30 second timeout 

 Full Court Press 

 2nd Boys and 3rd Girls: No Full Court Press; 3rd and 4th Boys & 4th Girls: Last 2 minutes of the 4th Quarter; 2nd Boys and 3rd Girls: Defense does not engage until crossing 3 point line until last 2 minutes of game, when defense can half court press. 

 Last 2 minutes of each half 

 Allowed all game 

 Regulation Press Points 

 Teams may not full court press if they lead by 10 or more points. The ball may not be touched by the defense in the opponent's backcourt after possession changes. 

 Teams may not press if they lead by 10 or more points. The ball may not be touched by the defense in the opponent's backcourt after possession changes. 

 Teams may not press if they lead by 15 or more points. The ball may not be touched by the defense in the opponent's backcourt after possession changes. 

 Overtime Press 

 Last 1 minute of each period 

 Last 2 minutes of each period 

 Allowed all for the entire overtime  

 Overtime Press Points 

 Teams may not press if they lead by 10 or more points. The ball may not be touched by the defense in the opponent's backcourt after possession changes. 

 Teams may not press if they lead by 10 or more points. The ball may not be touched by the defense in the opponent's backcourt after possession changes. 

 Teams may not press if they lead by 15 or more points. The ball may not be touched by the defense in the opponent's backcourt after possession changes. 

 Press Warnings 

 Teams will be warned only once if they press in the back court when they aren't allowed. There is also no defense in the backcourt after the opposing team rebounds the ball if the team is not allowed to press. The second violation will result in a technical foul.  

 Teams will be warned only once if they press in the back court when they aren't allowed. There is also no defense in the backcourt after the opposing team rebounds the ball if the team is not allowed to press. The second violation will result in a technical foul.  

 Teams will be warned only once if they press inthe back court when they aren't allowed. There is also no defense in the backcourt after the opposing team rebounds the ball if the team is not allowed to press. The second violation will result in a technical foul.  

 Time Between Halves 

Half Time - 2 minutes 

Half Time - 2 minutes 

Half Time - 2 minutes 

 Player Playing Time 

 Each player must play at some point during each game. If a team has more than 10 players, they need to get at least 10 in the game. 

 Each player must play at some point during each game. If a team has more than 10 players, they need to get at least 10 in the game. 

 Each player must play at some point during each game. If a team has more than 10 players, they need to get at least 10 in the game. 


 Players can only be on one team roster 

 Players can only be on one team roster 

 Players can only be on one team roster 

 Call Ups 





 All players must be from the town they are playing for. 

 All players must be from the town they are playing for. 

 All players must be from the town they are playing for. 

 Dress Code 

 No jewelry , shirts must be tucked in at all times

 No jewelry , shirts must be tucked in at all times

 No jewelry , shirts must be tucked in at all times


 Soft casts can play, no hard casts 

 Soft casts can play, no hard casts 

 Soft casts can play, no hard casts 

 Three Pointers 

 Not allowed 

 Allowed all game 

 Allowed all game 

 Free Throw Line 

 2nd and 3rd Grade - 2 feet in front of the regulation foul line (except if drop down basket, then at foul line). May go over the line except to gain a rebounding advantage. 4th grade shoots from the foul line. May go over line except to gain a rebounding advantage. 

 5th grade can land over as long as it isn't to gain a better rebounding advantage; 6th grade can't land over the line. 

 Free Throw Line 

 Basketball Rim Height 

 10' 3rd and 4th/8.5’ 3rd and 2nd boys



Ball Size

28.5 - Boys & Girls

28.5 - Boys & Girls

29.5 - Boys & 28.5 Girls

 Fouling Out 

 5 Fouls and Out 

 5 Fouls and Out 

 5 Fouls and Out 

 Penalty / 1 and 1 

 On the 7th foul per half, 2 shots at 10 

 On the 7th foul per half, 2 shot at 10 

 On the 7th foul per half, 2 shot at 10 

 Jump Ball/Possession 

 Start of game, Alternate 

 Start of game, Alternate 

 Start of game, Alternate 

 Backcourt Line 

 Old Holdrum and Roberge Gyms: 1/2 court then back to the opposite foul line

Old Holdrum gym: 1/2 court then back to the opposite foul line   New Holdrum gym: ½ court line 

 New Holdrum gym:½ court line 

 Backcourt violation 

 10 seconds 

 10 seconds 

 10 seconds 

 Team Jersey Colors 

 If both teams have the same color, but one team has reversible jerseys, then this team must change. If both teams have the same color, non reversible then the winner of the coin toss keeps their jerseys on, the other must where pinnies. 

If both teams have the same color, but one team has reversible jerseys, then this team must change. If both teams have the same color, non reversible then the winner of the coin toss keeps their jerseys on, the other must where pinnies.

If both teams have the same color, but one team has reversible jerseys, then this team must change. If both teams have the same color, non reversible then the winner of the coin toss keeps their jerseys on, the other must where pinnies.

 Technical Fouls 

 2 per game and then ejection 

 2 per game and then ejection 

 2 per game and then ejection 

 Coach's Ejections 

 2 and then expulsion; suspended and can't coach for the next game 

 2 and then expulsion; suspended and can't coach for the next game 

 2 and then expulsion; suspended and can't coach for the next game 

 Player's Ejections 

 2 and then expulsion; suspended and can't play for the next game 

 2 and then expulsion; suspended and can't play for the next game 

 2 and then expulsion; suspended and can't play for the next game 

 Parent Ejection 

 Coach must ensure that the parent who has been ejected from the gym to leave the school. The games will then restart where it left over. If the parent doesn't leave in a timely manner, the game is forfeited. Any parent ejected from a game can't attend any future games.  

 Coach must ensure that the parent who has been ejected from the gym to leave the school. The games will then restart where it left over. If the parent doesn't leave in a timely manner, the game is forfeited. Any parent ejected from a game can't attend any future games.  

 Coach must ensure that the parent who has been ejectedfrom the gym to leave the school. The games will then restart where it left over. If the parent doesn't leave in a timely manner, the game is forfeited. Any parent ejected from a game can'tattend any future games.  

 All Games Are Final 

 No protests; referees and tournament officials will resolve any disputes during the game. 

 No protests; referees and tournament officials will resolve any disputes during the game. 

 No protests; referees and tournament officials will resolve any disputes during the game. 


 All games will have two referees. Games may be played with one assigned referee. 

 All games will have two referees. Games may be played with one assigned referee. 

 All games will have two referees. Games maybe played with one assigned referee. 

 Game Rosters 

 Team officials must enter their roster with the scorekeeper. The roster must have each player's name and number. 

 Team officials must enter their roster with the scorekeeper. The roster must have each player's name and number. 

 Team officials must enter their roster with the scorekeeper. The roster must have each player'name and number.