News Flash

Wildcats Travel Teams On Fire!!!!!! 9/14,15 Game results 12u, wildcat's 14-2 & 24-3 wins over scarsdale 10u 24-5 win over giants 8u 4-2 & 15-0 wins over ayya & westchester fire......  


I hereby pledge to continue positive support, care, and encouragement for my child participating in the Parkchester Little League, youth sports program by following this Parents' Code of Ethics Pledge.

*I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice, or other youth sports events.

*I will place the emotional and physical well-being of all players ahead of a personal desire to win and Cheer for all players on both the teams.

*I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.

*I will demand a sports environment for my child that is drug, tobacco, and alcohol free; and will refrain from their use at all youth events.

*I will support Coaches, Volunteers and Game Officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.

*I will remember that the game is for youths not adults; be positive and supportive when the team wins or loses.

*I will do my very best to make sports fun for my child and understand that the game is difficult to learn and play.

*I will ask my child to treat other, players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.

*I promise to help my child enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can such as being a respectful fan, assisting with coaches, or providing transportation.

*I will be responsible and support Parkchester Little League by cleaning the bleachers, fence line on the field and emptying trash cans (as necessary) after every game.

Please remember that Parkchester Little League, Inc. has a Zero Tolerance policy for unruly parents or spectators and will be handled in the proper manner as to not disrupt the enjoyment of the children playing Little League Baseball. Umpires or Board Members will eject a coach, parent or spectator from a Little League activity in any situation where the above code of conduct is violated





Dear Parents,

Please remember that our Parkchester Tee-Ball Baseball League is designed to teach our children how to play the game of baseball. Equally as important, we want our children to have fun while doing so. Therefore, at this tee-ball level, we DO NOT encourage a focus on winning. Please reflect on the following poem...

Just A Little Boy
He stands at the plate
with his heart pounding fast.
The bases are loaded,
the die has been cast.

Mom and Dad cannot help him,
he stands all alone.
A hit at this moment
would send the teams home.

The ball nears the plate,
he swings and he misses.
A thoughless voice cries,
strike out the bum.
Tears fill his eyes,
the game's no longer fun.

Remember, he's just a little boy,
who stands all along.
So open your heart,
and give him a break.
For it's moments like this
a man you can make.

Keep this in mind when you
hear someone forget.
He's just a little boy
and Not A Man Yet.

Parkchester Wildcats Little League

The Little League Way

 In Little League, it is very important that we work together to create the best possible experience for players, managers and parents. Please see the "Expectations" below for a checklist of our responsibilities. We cannot be perfect in our approach, but we can make every effort to meet our own expectations and those of others directly involved in the Little League program.

Expectations of Parents

I will make every attempt to...
• Attend my child's games.
• Be a supportive parent for the manager of the team.
• Communicate with the manager in appropriate ways.
• Cheer for all players on the team.
• Be a positive role model.
• Be there when my child is successful or when struggling for success.
• Respect and support volunteers and umpires.
• Understand that the game is difficult to learn and play.
• Look for opportunities to work with my child on the skills of the game.
• Be positive and supportive when the team wins or loses.
• Model good sportsmanship.

PLease remember that Parkchester Little League, Inc. has a Zero Tolerance policy for unruly spectators and will be handled in the proper manner as to not disrupt the enjoyment of the children playing Little League Baseball