This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.


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Dixie Roster Full name Template

Team Roster Template can be found here:


Online Forms

 WHDY Player Registration Form [updated for 2017]
This document is provided to allow parents the option of downloading a player registration form and filling it out before the actual signup.  Hopefully the availability of this form will make it easier for parents and players during registration.

 WHDY Background Check Form

 WHDY Volunteer Registration Form  [updated for 2017]
This document is provided to allow potential coaches (and assistants) the option of downloading a volunteer registration form and filling it out before submitting it to a Board Member.

 2017 WHDY Sponsorship Commitment  [updated for 2017]
This document is provided to allow potential sponsors several methods of contributing to the White House Baseball and Softball League.  Sponsors have four options to choose from; please review this document for more details.

Advertisement rates are as low as $50 for a listing on the Sponsors web page which includes a contact name, phone number, and/or a link to your website.  This also includes a custom designed logo that will be alternately displayed on random web pages.  There are a number of options available, please see the commitment document for more information.  Since January of 2012, over 392,000 pages have been viewed on our website.  You will be seen!

Please support the White House Baseball and Softball League!  If you have any questions about advertising with us, please send us an email.

 Coach Complaint Form
This document is provided as a template so that individuals may record a complaint against a coach for inappropriate behavior.  Please fill this out, being as detailed as possible, and submit to a Board Member.

 Umpire Complaint Form
This document is provided as a template so that individuals may record a complaint against a umpire for inappropriate behavior.  Please fill this out, being as detailed as possible, and submit to a Board Member.

 Waiver for Non-Prescription Sunglasses
This document is provided to allow players the option of wearing non-prescription sunglasses. 


Tennessee Youth Sports Concussion Sports Law

This law requires that ALL coaches and league administrators must be trained to recognize the symptoms of a concussion.  Coaches must complete the Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports Training.  In addition to completing the training, they must read and sign the Coach Signature Form.  Parents must read and sign the Parent Athlete Signature Form.

 Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports Training

 Coach Signature Form

 Parent Athlete Signature Form


2016 - WHDY Sign-up Stats