Thank You FBCH Sponsors

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Thank You to Our Sponsors

Dear Friend of the Community,


 On behalf of the Frederick Baseball Clover Hill organization, we thank you and your company for supporting our program. Frederick Baseball Clover Hill is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to provide children, ranging in age from 4 to 12, the opportunity to learn and play baseball regardless of gender, skill, or abilities.  In addition to ensuring that all registered players are placed on a team and given playing time every game our organization:


·         Provides youth with organized competition against other County teams in a safe environment;

·         Brings our youth closer together through common interest in sportsmanship and competition;

·         Acquaints the players with the fundamentals of Cal Ripken baseball rules and regulations;

·         Teaches sportsmanship, discipline, and love of the game; and

·         Instills community pride, support, and involvement.


We continually work to raise funds that will allow us to train well and that will give us enough finances to keep registration fees at an affordable level for all children who desire to play, to procure jerseys and equipment, and to maintain our fields to the highest level.   Since we are a comparatively small organization, our funds are not very big and we function on a small budget.   Your contributions provide the support we need to cover major expenses such as field maintenance, umpires, uniforms, equipment, and trophies.


Frederick Baseball Clover Hill looks forward to building a partnership with your company that will enable us all to support the endeavors of our local youth. 




Frederick Baseball Clover Hill Board